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Ischial Tuberosity

barbls's picture
Last seen:
9 years 6 months ago
08/12/2010 - 10:57am
Ischial Tuberosity
Dear Esther,

Hi.  I have now had 2 cortisone shots in this area.  My M.D./acupunturist told me the 1st one was for a pinched bursa probably caused by poor positioning of the pelvis.  The 2nd one was in an area that indicated I was now sitting correctly!  Even though the very intense pain has subsided, there still is pain (5/10 when most intense).  You mentioned at class that one reason for my pain is that I don't have enough 'cushion'.  Is this something I increase through your work?  Certainly I know your approach to body mechanics will be very beneficial to me.  Also have you heard of prolotherapy?  What do you think of it?

Last seen:
1 day 3 hours ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
Glidewalking is the best way I know to develop your built-in cushion. That takes some time to develop - in the mean time, use extra cushioning to make sitting comfortable. Also, go easy with your tranisitons - sit for a limited period of time in any new position.

As for prolotherapy, I've heard good and bad stories about results people had from it. I can't give you a very informed judgment on this intervention. In general, I prefer for people to exhaust their simple options before going to fancier ones.
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