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Achilles flaring after kidney bean and anteriaor tibialis activation

lisagarden's picture
Last seen:
2 years 6 months ago
07/17/2020 - 9:38pm
Achilles flaring after kidney bean and anteriaor tibialis activation

I have had chronic plantar fasciitis in my left foot and knee problems for over 15 years. I also do West African Dance, which is best (and most safely) done barefoot. I have pf pain while dancing, standing, and walking. It's the worst while walking. Never horrible, but always nagging at me. I have recently started to develop forefoot pain as well. 

I started trying out the kidney bean shaping and anteriaor tibialis strengthening exercises, and to really try to externally rotate the muscles in my legs. I have also been trying to sort of grab the ground with my foot with every step (which is my crude understanding of one peice of advice I received in this forum previously to combat pf pain). I was experiencing less foot pain when I did this, but something I am doing is now causing the achilles tendon in my left ankle to become irritated. Especially when I dance. I have never really had achilles problems before.

I suspect I am doing the kidney bean shaping wrong in some way. The inchworm exercise seems to bother my achellis a little bit now too. Is irratating the achilles a common mistake with these techniques? How do I fix it?