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Sandi Verfurth
Sandi Verfurth's picture
Last seen:
3 years 7 months ago
04/19/2019 - 9:25am

Hello. I have questions regarding piriformis pain, glidewalking, sciatic pain, and how they all might work together.  I injured my lower back/buttocks way back in college and it has flared up again occasionally over the years, usually with overextension. I have begun to have piriformis pain again over the last few months, so I'm not sure what I've been doing, other than having gained about 25 pounds.  Perhaps the added pressure?  I have started working on glidewalking, but feel like I'm making it worse.  I think maybe I'm squeezing too hard because when I push off with the right foot and squeeze, I can feel a slight pulse of the pain in the right upper buttock, lower back, deep, in the area of the piriformis.  This has been going on for a few months, but the pain has been manageable with stretching.


It was in this context, however, that I had to take a physical for a possible new job.  They had me lifting 25 pounds and squatting with it, sitting it down, lifting it back up again.  The day after the physical, my sciatic nerve was hurting and of course I had a good deal of muscle soreness.  I have been doing stretches that were given to me in physical therapy years ago. I have also been stretchlying, stretchsitting when possible, and attempting glidewalking. 


Things are not getting better, but worse.  I think perhaps I have overstretched so I'm backing off a little.  I'm thinking of adding in exercises to strengthen my gluteus medius muscles.  But sleeping is the hardest.  I start out stretchlying, which is wonderful, but wake up after about 4 or 5 hours in sciatic pain.  It's so intense that nothing works except getting out of bed, walking around, taking more Ibuprofen, and trying to stretch.  I'm trying not to stress about it, but I begin a new job in a week and must be able to sleep!  If there is any way that someone could just point me in the right direction, I would be so appreciative.  I haven't been working so I can't afford to go to physical therapy again right now.  I know this method works.  I just need a little guidance.  Thank you so much.

Last seen:
10 hours 36 min ago
08/13/2014 - 3:12pm

Its very difficult to evaluate what might be going on without seeing you in person, but here are some thoughts. Glidewalking is not only about strengthening the gluteal muscles, When done properly it will also allow a stretch in the hip flexors. Its also very important that the spine be alligned properly  in ,what we call, a J spine. However this needs to be creaated/shaped in a gentle way as not to irritate the nerves from that area. This can happen if you "stick "your bottom behind you. My suggestion would be to find a local teacher and work with her after she has evaluated what is going on with you. In the meantime, I would back off the squeezing of the gluteus medius and do it in a more gentle way. Always best to aim for something that's between where you're at and the ideal, rather than aiming for the ideal.

In addition, as an acupuncturist, what you speak about in terms of pain could be coming from a piriformis muscle that is in spasm. I would recommend you seek out the help of an acupuncturist to release this for you. Physical Therpay might also be beneficial.

Cynthia Rose,L.Ac.

Gokhale Method Teacher.

cruzdango123's picture
Last seen:
4 years 2 months ago
01/28/2020 - 11:10am

Glidewalking has also gave me worsening buttock pain and nerve pain down my leg. I wonder if it's cause of my tight hamstrings and maybe my muscles arent strong enough to walk like this yet. I'm not too sure myself.

Last seen:
10 hours 36 min ago
08/13/2014 - 3:12pm

This must be causing some concern for you, but I do recommend that you see someone in person so that you can be evaluated. Tight hamstrings are pretty common especially if you spend alot of time sitting and if they're very tight they will pull the pelvis into a tucked position making it very difficult to access the gluteal muscles of the buttocks when walking. But this is just one possibility, so please try to work with someone in person or through a video consult.


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