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Omega Institute

Join Esther Gokhale for a special course at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York.

Omega’s guests have access to woodland trails and gardens throughout the 250+ acre campus. Courtesy of Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, Rhinebeck, NY, eOmega.org.

Empowerment Through Posture: Sign up Here

Having arrived on the planet without a user's manual, we depend on our culture to help us develop healthy movement and posture habits. In modern times, this cultural support has largely eroded and even become counter-productive. Common posture cues such as "chin up, chest out" and "sit up straight" undermine rather than support our structural integrity.

Esther Gokhale (GO-clay) created the Gokhale Method®, a breakthrough in back pain relief, after experiencing crippling back pain during her first pregnancy and unsuccessful back surgery. Using posture as a springboard, Gokhale guides you to examine the connection between physical well-being and emotional empowerment.

Focusing on everyday movements used for sitting, sleeping, standing, walking, and bending, you gain a clear understanding of how to improve your individual posture and restore your natural, healthy, and confident body and mind.

Empowerment Thorugh Posture
Dates: August 23-25, 2024
Teacher: Esther Gokhale
Tuition: $435 for non-members

Sign up Here


Recommended Text: 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back, which can be purchased wherever books are sold, including gokhalemethod.com and Amazon