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Muscle soreness and more energy

natecase's picture
Last seen:
10 years 10 months ago
07/24/2010 - 4:37am
Muscle soreness and more energy
Hi Esther and everybody, I just joined the forum and I took the weekend intensive foundations course two weeks ago in Palo Alto.  I am loving glidewalking.  I am doing it all the time (during breaks at work, sometimes early in the morning or more often in the evening).  Sometimes, I notice myself feeling self-conscious when I walk by people but as far as I can tell no one is paying any attention to what I am doing. I have always enjoyed walking and am not doing a whole lot more of it now but I am doing it completely differently - not pulling myself along with my hips out front.  My wife told me my walking looked funny after I got back from the course, but I think that was because it was bit more jerky than it is now (she hasn't said anything lately).  The day after the course, I was very sore in my buttocks, hamstrings, and calves - wow :o.  Now I am just kind of sore all the time, it seems less in the buttocks and more the hamstrings, calves, and arch of my foot. It is the good kind of workout sore, but along with that and the increased energy I am feeling, I find myself waking up in the middle of the night the last few days with sore muscles and having a hard time getting back to sleep (like right now, which is why I am writing this instead of sleeping). Do you have any advice for managing all this extra energy and muscle soreness? Thanks, Nathan
Last seen:
1 hour 24 min ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
Whoa! Waking in the middle of the might with soreness and extra energy sounds extreme. Manage the soreness by not doing too much too suddenly, but that will dissipate anyway. Extra energy? That's a good thing, but too much of even a good thing can be a problem. I'll leave you to judge whether you need to relax your mind, slow down in the evenings before you go to sleep, have a warm bath in the evenings, do more vigorous exercise to dissipate the extra energy, or consult an expert. Good luck through this transition and congratulations!
natecase's picture
Last seen:
10 years 10 months ago
07/24/2010 - 4:37am
Thanks Esther. I guess even a positive transition can have it's difficulties.  I was just realizing that before I learned glidewalking, about half of the walking I did was more of the slow and meditative type for winding down and not really for exercise.  But its just so exhilarating to be feeling stronger and more energetic so I haven't really been walking slowly as much or to wind down these past two weeks.  Also, not slump sitting at work all day means I have more energy to be more active.  I guess it is a matter of finding a new balance between rest and activity and getting use to more vital living.  Thank you so much. Nathan
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