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Chi Walknig and Glide Walking

GKaya's picture
Last seen:
14 years 1 month ago
04/13/2010 - 3:58pm
Chi Walknig and Glide Walking
Hi Esther, I recently bought your book and it immediately and emphatically spoke to me...it definitely woke up some part of my being. I especially enjoyed the pics of people in Africa living what Americans would call "hard lives" and doing it gracefully and with excellent posture. I've only glossed over the section on Glide Walking--soon I plan to read it carefully--and this comes at the same time that the "healer person in my life" (counselor/teacher/therapist) has recommended checking out Chi Walking. From what I understand from reading some reviews of each book, the approaches are quite different from each other. I know ultimately I need to intuit what is best for me at any given time in terms of choosing healing modalities...and that's ultimately what I will do. But I have to say that this is a classic case of coming across two powerful and effective healing interventions that seem to contradict each other. So I'm writing this to ask if you're familiar with Chi Walking and, if so, do you have any suggestions about what to keep in mind when exploring both Chi Walking and Glide Walking. Thanks for your time and your work!!!
Maya's picture
Last seen:
5 years 11 months ago
09/16/2008 - 4:29pm
Hi GKaya, I answered a similar question about Chi Running here: http://gokhalewellness.com/forum The same things that I mentioned for running there are true of walking as well. The principle of landing softly, thus sparing the joints, seems to be emphasized in Chi Walking/Running, which is good and a huge improvement on how most people walk (thump thump thump), but the pelvis being tucked and the glutes/hamstrings not working much is not the most efficient or practical way of walking.
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