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Discouraged in Pa.

Gojab298's picture
Last seen:
3 years 7 months ago
08/24/2020 - 11:52am
Discouraged in Pa.

I was so excited to start Gokhale, and read the book, and started lesson 1 yesterday. Very discouraging...woke up at night with twinges of pain in lumbar spine and continuing today. I have slight herniations in L3-L4 and L5-SI with only trace amounts hitting nerves. I'm not sure why the sit stretching was so difficult on my body. I only did it for about 5 minutes first day (I have a habit of overdoing things). Also doing PT (McKenzie method). I'm two years into my back issue. I wish I could attend a class but nearest one is halfway across the state. Picture attached. Any advice is welcomed.

Harrison Conerly's picture
Last seen:
20 hours 40 min ago
01/28/2017 - 3:06pm

You finding the Method is great news! Thank you for reaching out for advice. If you think you are overdoing it, you probably are correct. The initial stretchsitting and lying are meant to decompress and relax the spine. A potential remedy for the night twinges- add in the recommended bolster pillows while lying down. You can find instructions for use of pillows while lying at the back of the stretchlying chapter.

As for the sitting pictures, shoulder rolls and gentle neck lengthening can be improved through regular practice. Place your bum back in the chair without introducing a sway. Following the rib anchor, be wary of overreaching on the upward length to lower the intensity.

In the standing picture there appears to be a sway. Your hips are parked in a thrust forward, which stresses the area in and around your injuries. Newer students often shove the hips back with the muscles strained in a sway. Instead, strive to relax the lumbar region with the rib anchor. Attend to the hips with softening of the knees and more external leg rotation.

I hope some of these suggestions help you in your practice. Reach out to me for any other questions, and consider one on one virtual coaching if still not experiencing success. Also, keep in mind we are offering some new virtual group education in addition to the classic group class. 

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