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Recurrence pain after starting working with book

nzjo999's picture
Last seen:
11 years 5 months ago
11/26/2012 - 5:06pm
Recurrence pain after starting working with book


I came across this method recently and was excited to try it to heal neck pain which I suspect now may be postural.  I have been working with the lessons in the book for the last three weeks.  I've started getting a recurrence of sciatic pain that I haven't had for over two years, that was suspected to be a result of a disc injury during an accident.  I don't have the luxury of working with an instructor as I live in NZ.  I would appreciate any advice on whether it's safe for me to work with this from the book or whether it's possible that misunderstanding instructions or moving to improved posture could result in a recurrence of sciatic pain.  I'm a big fan of this method in theory and need to find a way to move there in practice, as I want to recommend it to lots of people!  Many thanks for any insight anyone can offer.

Thanks for your time,


gianox's picture
Last seen:
9 years 10 months ago
11/27/2012 - 3:00am


my situation is very very similar, despite I don't have neck pain.

As per NMR scan I learned have a L4-L5 compression without herniatation; I started recently and I avoided those lessons that are not recommended (chapetrs 3, 4, 7 if I recall correctly) if you have a disk injury.

I am experiencing, more tha in the past, sciatica/gluteus/pirformis and knee pain after I started to follow exercise. I am focusing on strengthening the muscles of my "inner corset"

I live in Italy, and as nzjo999 I don't have the luxury of working with an instructor. 

I really like the method and the book, I look forward to achieve my objective of a pain free back so any comments on this regard would help me too.



Last seen:
1 day 16 hours ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm

If you experience increased pain with anything you are doing, it's important to stop. This approach is not about working through pain. 

Both of you sound like you could use hands on help from a qualified teacher. We have a teacher coming to Adelaide in March (will be posted on the website soon) - that's the closest we come to you, Jo. The closest hands on help we have for Italians is in Bristol in the UK. If you have a friend there you can visit, I recommend spending a few days getting hands on guidance. The work is nuanced and if you have a serious issue, it behooves you to get good help. 

The DVD helps visual learners - I recommend you get that. A Skype / Webex appointment can be surprisingly effective. We have you send us your health information and photos in particular poses ahead of time, and then have a face to face session over the internet.

Good luck with your journey!

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