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Soreness when tallstanding

viviano.aguilar's picture
Last seen:
10 years 8 months ago
01/30/2011 - 7:34am
Soreness when tallstanding

I have been focusing more on my tallstanding.  After a day which involved a lot of standing, I felt rather sore on either side of my sacrum.  It feels more like muscle soreness than stiffness or pain which I used to experience.  I was wondering if this is common or indicative of something? I feel the soreness immediately after doing my mini squat.  I found it kind of suprising since it is not my first effort in tipping my pelvis as I have had a lot of success with stack sitting and hip hinging.





Jay Bell
Jay Bell's picture
Last seen:
12 years 8 months ago
05/06/2010 - 2:54pm

Hi Vivano,

This could be from loading the posterior chain of your body (the backside all of the way down).  When Tall Standing, the weight is towards the rear of the body.  If this is new to you, those structures will not be used to the load.  At both lateral sides of the sacrum are the SI Joints.  A lot of transitional force goes through the SI joint while in gait.  I'm pretty certain the soreness should relieve itself if you are consistant.

Ljuba Lemke
Ljuba Lemke's picture
Last seen:
11 years 5 months ago
12/17/2010 - 11:44am

Hello Viviano,

It is great to hear that you already have had a lot of success with stack sitting and hip hinging. Congratulations!

Here are my thoughts on your issues with standing:

One of the biggest challenges as we learn new techniques/habits is to differentiate which muscles to engage and which ones to relax: it's about isolating specific muscles. Since you feel the soreness immediately after doing the mini squat it points to you tensing muscles in your lower abdomen and back instead of relaxing them and letting gravity do the work of anteverting your pelvis. As you tense some muscles - that actually should relax during the mini squat and tall standing - you put pressure on the area around your sacrum which includes the sacro-iliac joint space on either side.

These spaces are filled with an intricate set of ligaments and are supported by a network of muscles; the innervation comes from L3 to S3.

We teach a bolster exercise in the Foundations Course that helps to get a good sense of what a passively anteverted pelvis feels like. (This exercise is not in the book). If you took the Foundations Course you may want to revisit the bolster exercise; if you did not take the classes you may want to consider doing so.

It is very common that the book by itself can give many pointers towards achieving good new postural habits but it also tends to leave some open questions that can best be answered in a Foundations Course or Refresher Class.

I wish you all the best with your further progress,



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