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I T Band pain

Angie Lawrence
Angie Lawrence's picture
Last seen:
7 months 1 week ago
01/26/2010 - 3:59pm
I T Band pain

Can you help me with IT Band Pain?  This has caused my knees to hurt and I have lower back and hip pain.  I try to walk 30 to 40 minutes a day and stretch.  I am a 55 year old female.  I have had 2 unsuccesfull surgeries for plantar faschitis.  I bought your book last year and tried a few things.  I purchase the cushion to use on your back.  I am waiting for your cushion to sit on to come out.  I had trouble understanding and doing some of the things in the book.  I am in so much pain. Can't sleep for the pain on the sides of my legs and hips.  When I can afford a massage they tell me they have never seen anyone with tight muscles like I have. Can't get a massage very often as they are extremely costly.



Last seen:
28 min 28 sec ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm

your IT band pain and history of plantar fasciitis suggest that you probably park your pelvis too far forward. Once you have plantar fasciitis, if you have inflamed heels, it becomes difficult to settle weight on the heels. Wear cushioned heel supports and find a location on your heel that can take most of your weight. That will allow a healthier alignment of your muscles and tissues around you hip joint, which will allow your IT band to calm down. Otherwise, you will be stuck forever doing palliative measures. If you have the Streshsit cushion, you can fold it over to form a very decent wedge. You can also just use a folded blanket. The important thing is to normalize your hip / pelvic area.

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