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Advice for a fractured vertebrae

Cindy's picture
Last seen:
14 years 1 week ago
12/07/2009 - 8:19pm
Advice for a fractured vertebrae
My husband had a bike crash and fractured his L3 vertebrae in his lower back. He has to wear a brace while he heals (6-8 weeks was the estimate). He can ride a stationary bike during his recovery and he is going to acupuncture. Is there any other advice for things he can do while he is healing? I'm worried about him having lasting pain from this injury.
Last seen:
4 min 28 sec ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
Have him read 8 Steps and understand the concepts even if he can't practice all of them. He should pay special attention to the inner corset chapter so he can begin using his abdominal muscles even as he is using the brace. At some point the brace will come off and he doesn't want his abdominal muscles to be weak and ineffective at that point. I also like acupuncture for this sort of situation in conjuncture with learning how to use the body.
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