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PT exercise question

mrbkonline's picture
Last seen:
6 years 6 months ago
07/12/2010 - 7:44pm
PT exercise question

I'm doing some PT to build core strength.

One of these exercises involves lying on your back, knees bent. Then to raise your back so that your thighs line up with your back in a straight line, so your body basically forms a diagonal line from the knees to the shoulders, and then to hold this pose for 3 seconds.

I think this is called the bridge but I'm not sure.

What are your comments about this exercise,

Last seen:
10 hours 46 min ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
The bridge is useful for building gluteus and hamstring strength and can be good for challenging the rib anchor muscles (internal obliques) if you do it skillfully. Most people are taught to tuck while doing this exercise, which I discourage. You also need to guard against swaying while doing a bridge. Pressing the ground with your heels helps you find good form.
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