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Neck, shoulder and upper back tension & pain

MostBlessed1's picture
Last seen:
3 years 9 months ago
03/23/2020 - 3:11pm
Neck, shoulder and upper back tension & pain

Hello and good afternoon. Thankful for the chance to sit in on another Gokhale workshop earlier today. Unfortunately, we ran out of time and my qurestion was never addressed.

My wife and have partaken of past presentations, she owns has thoroughly reviewed Esther's book and we each have a Stretchsit cushion we frequently use.  My concerns lie with consistent tension about my upper back & shoulders (where they intersect the neck) I have long had.  My left shoulder, in particular, is constantly tightening up and becoming a source of pain, regardless of how minimal the activity (whether mowing the lawn or simply doing the dishes at home). Even with chiropractic visits and relative stretching exercises, the assistance/effects/relief is short-lived. What recommendations might you make (relative to posture, exercises, products and/or resources) that may aid in providing more long-standing relief to my upper back, shoulders and neck?

Last seen:
3 days 16 hours ago
10/18/2017 - 10:36am

Hello, MostBlessed1.

I think you might be curling your shoulders inward towards your front centerline. You mentioned washing dishes, and cutting grass. Try doing a shoulder roll before engaging in these activities, and keep your shoulders back while performing them. The temptation is to bring them forward whenever we bring our arms forward, but that is not necessary. Do this especially while leaning forward, like in the activities you mentioned.

Also what about your neck. Is it tilting or jutting forward during these actions?

I am glad to hear you are attending the online presentations. Type your question into the chat. I notice that Esther sometimes read them from there. Also there are many teachers present in every online presentation, if you address your question to them as well, they would be happy to answer. 


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