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Herniated Disc

StephWeeks's picture
Last seen:
12 years 6 months ago
10/25/2011 - 10:53am
Herniated Disc

I have an L5 S1 disc herniation.  Not sure when it started but felt the electric shock down my left leg at the end of March 2011.  By August 15th it was pretty bad, the radiating down the leg.  It took about 6weeks before an MRI confirmed it but I went to traditional doctors who went the conservative route of which no relief (other than a bottle of ibuprofen) was to be had.  In the beginning of Oct I had a cortisone shot (ouch) because I just started to spiral downward emotionally.  I am slowly climbing back up and found your site recently.  I just bought 8 Steps so I don't have it yet and did sign up for Esther's class in April 2012 (sure hope I am fixed by then).  Anyway, I still feel muscle aches in my butt and sometime down my leg but no electric shock so to speak.  How do I know if this is a sore muscle from limited use versus the result of the nerve?  ANy suggestions on how I should start this re-building?



Ljuba Lemke
Ljuba Lemke's picture
Last seen:
11 years 5 months ago
12/17/2010 - 11:44am

Hello Steph,

the pain that you experience in your buttocks is most likely the 'aftermath' of the acute sciatic episode that you went through. It is very typical - almost predictable - that we develop depression if we are in chronic pain. The cortisone shot helped to reduce the swelling around L5/S1; this took off some of the pressure on the nerve root and thus alleviated your pain. But the nerve is still irritated and will need some time to recover. (A muscle doesn't get sore from limited use - it gets weak; soreness will come about from lactic acid build-up once you start using a weak muscle again, particularly if you overdo it a bit).

For you the most important techniques in the book are those that passively stretch your spine which helps to keep pressure off the discs. Practice stretchsitting and stretchlying on your back and on your side as much as possible (don't forget to set up your car seat for stretchsitting).

Familiarize yourself with all the other techniques in the book and start practicing them, always checking in with your body and pain pattern as to how much you can do. You want to be somewhere in between your old habits and the new 'ideal' ones. This way you will get the most out of the foundation class in April.

Also, you may want to get some nutritional advice: nerve regeneration is greatly helped by vitamine B complex and there are many other supplements that will speed up your recovery. The homeopathic remedy of choice is Hypericum. Try to find somebody local to help you; this could be a herbalist, homeopath, or naturopathic doctor.

Wishing you well!


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