Julie Johnson

Julie Johnson


Email: [email protected] Phone: +49 (0)174 820 2437

Teaches in:

English German


Oehringen, Germany

Meet Julie

Seit 1995 lebt die gebürtige Britin Julie Johnson in Deutschland. In Großbritannien hat sie zunächst Germanistik studiert und ihr Studium dann mit einen Master in Japanese Studies abgeschlossen. 2016 suchte sie nach einer Lösung für ihre Rückenschmerzen. Das intensive Fitnesstraining, das sie als Bewältigungsstrategie machte, verwandelte sich aber nach und nach zur Quelle fürchterlicher Rückenschmerzen und war Ursache von Taubheit in Armen und Beinen. Schlussendlich musste sie die Sportstunden, die sie so liebte, aufgeben. 

Ihre Yogalehrerin brachte sie auf eine andere Spur, als sie eines Tages sagte: „Wenn ihr die im Yoga geübte Achtsamkeit in Haltung und Bewegung nicht in den Alltag übertragt, erwartet Ihr sehr viel von Eurer Yoga-Stunde, wenn Ihr denkt, sie heile alle Schmerzen.“ Weitergehende Recherchen zum Thema Körperhaltung brachte Julie auf Esther Gokhales Buch Nie wieder Rückenschmerzen. Kurz nachdem sie begonnen hatte, die Gokhale Methode aus dem Buch zu lernen, machten sich erste Verbesserungen bemerkbar. Julie verstand, dass ihre Haltungs- und Bewegungsmuster die Schmerzen verursachten. Die Veränderung ihrer Haltung war also der Schlüssel, wieder aktiv zu werden. Nach dem Grundlagenkurs verschwanden Julies Rückenschmerzen vollständig. Im Sommer 2019 flog Julie nach Palo Alto, um sich bei Esther Gokhale als Lehrerin ausbilden zu lassen.

Sie liebt es zu unterrichten und hat große Freude daran, das Wissen über die Gokhale-Methode zu teilen und andere auf dem Weg zu begleiten, sich in ihrem Körper wieder wohlzufühlen. Julie unterrichtet auf Deutsch und Englisch und ist nach Absprache gerne bereit, Kurse in anderen Städten zu geben.

Julie genießt eine erfolgreiche, internationale Karriere bei einem mittelständischen Unternehmen. Sie  ist glücklich verheiratet und Mutter von erwachsenen Zwillingen. In ihrer Freizeit macht sie QiGong, wandert gerne und macht im Fitnessstudio wieder intensiv Sport - die Übungen weiß sie inzwischen anzupassen. Außerdem spielt sie Klavier und singt in einem Chor.


Born and educated in the UK, Julie holds a Bachelor’s degree in German Studies and a Master’s degree in Japanese Studies. She has lived in Germany since 1995. 

Julie came across the Gokhale Method in 2016 when looking for a solution to her long-standing back pain. The intense fitness routine she had developed to cope with her history of back problems gradually changed from being helpful to causing excruciating pain accompanied by numbness in her arms and legs. Thus she was forced to give up the classes she had loved.

Her yoga teacher led her to look in a different direction when she commented one day: “You expect a lot from yoga class if you think it will cure all your aches and pains without integrating mindfulness into your everyday movement and posture.” 

Subsequent research on posture led Julie to Esther Gokhale‘s 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back book with which first improvements set in. Julie understood that her past posture and movement patterns were causing her pain; changing her posture became the key to becoming active again. After taking the Foundations Course Julie's back pain disappeared. 

Julie then flew to Palo Alto for teacher training with Esther. She loves teaching and finds it incredibly rewarding to share the Gokhale Method knowledge and help students on their path to feeling comfortable in their own bodies. Julie teaches classes in English or German and is happy to travel to teach.

Julie also enjoys a successful career working in international business. She is mother to now-adult twins and happily married. Apart from QiGong classes and hiking, she is now able to train again at the gym because she knows how to adapt exercises to keep pain-free. She relaxes by playing piano and choral singing.

Julie’s in-person offerings


Gokhale® Consultation

Julie Johnson

Oehringen, Germany

Get guidance and a personalized posture and movement analysis from a Gokhale Method expert. Learn how the way you’re positioning your body may contribute to your pain, and how you can transform your posture—permanently.

The journey to healthy posture and pain-free movement begins with a deep understanding of your health history and everyday movement habits so we can help you unravel your unique posture–pain puzzle.

Your teacher will walk you through a comprehensive evaluation of your current posture, identifying how it may relate to any problems you may be experiencing. Together, you will discuss the sequence of techniques you need to learn, receive a projection of what structural changes you can expect, and explore some key ideas to help you improve your posture immediately and long-term.

You can ask any questions you have about our techniques and your specific situation.

Whether you seek relief from pain or wish for better function and vitality, the Gokhale Consultation will give you fresh insights, well-founded optimism, and specific techniques to make the changes you need.

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Gokhale® Foundations

Learn in a small group or one-on-one with personalized hands-on help from an expert in the Gokhale Method.

If you’re looking to learn the Gokhale Method in-person, our 6-lesson Foundations course is designed for beginners and can change your posture habits efficiently and profoundly. Taught by a qualified Gokhale Method teacher, it covers all the techniques described in Esther Gokhale’s book, 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back, and more.

Students receive personalized hands-on instruction, visual cues, and verbal explanations. All our teachers are experts in giving immediate feedback and gentle guidance to ensure you master the techniques correctly.

Learn one-on-one (6x45 minutes) to suit your schedule. Or choose an intensive or weekly small group class (6x90 minutes, capped at 8). Either way, you will receive individualized attention, learn deeply, leading to a life-changing transformation.

Choose a group course  or contact your instructor for private options below.

Event DATE/TIME Location Language
Foundations course - öhringen - Apr 04 - Apr 06, 2025, 5:00 PM Apr 4 - Apr 6 öhringen,Germany German Learn moreOnly 3 spots left!



Continuing Education Courses

Spend time with your fellow Gokhale Method graduates refining, honing, and advancing your J-spine.

Our small group in-person alumni classes provide individualized hands-on instruction and access to your teachers’ store of expert postural knowledge. The small class sizes allow your teacher to entertain special requests.

Practicing in groups of no more than 8 students also allows you to share your experience and learn from others. You will find our teachers offering classes on a wide variety of topics, ranging from general refresher, glide-walking and exercise.

Group classes can be one, two or four hours. Private classes are also available.

Event DATE/TIME Location Language
Continuing Ed - Refresher - Burgbernheim - BY - Jul 19, 2025, 9:00 AM Jul 19 | 9 : 00 am - 1 : 00 pm Burgbernheim,Bayern,Germany German Learn more
Continuing Ed - Refresher - Burgbernheim - BY - Jul 20, 2025, 9:00 AM Jul 20 | 9 : 00 am - 1 : 00 pm Burgbernheim,Bayern,Germany German Learn more

Gokhale Consultation for Alumni

Our Gokhale Method Teachers are here to give you undivided, personalized attention and share their expertise.

Individual coaching will help you fully reclaim your J-spine and the delicious comfort that comes with it.

You can choose to:

  • Brush up on techniques learned long ago and half-forgotten
  • Advance your posture skills to a new level
  • Adapt your posture knowledge to a specific activity
  • Troubleshoot a persistent ache or pain
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Julie’s online offerings


Free Workshops

Join us for a free, online workshop to learn to live pain-free.


Learn how the Gokhale Method® has helped thousands transform their posture and reclaim their lives—and how you could join them.

Curious about the Gokhale Method, but not sure what it is or if it’s right for you?

This FREE 1-hour introductory workshop is your first step to discover how the Gokhale Method can help you solve the root cause of back, neck, joint, and muscle pain. All our workshops, both in-person and online, are live, interactive, and practical.

We’ll explain the scientific and anthropological principles on which the Gokhale Method is based. We will teach you your first baby step towards moving like you are meant to and alleviating your pain. We always take time to answer individual questions.

Take this opportunity to be one of the thousands for whom the Gokhale Method has been life-changing.

Event DATE/TIME Language
Move like you are meant to Mar 17 | 4 : 00 pm - 5 : 00 pm English Learn more
Move like you are meant to Mar 18 | 7 : 30 pm - 8 : 30 pm German Learn more
Move like you are meant to May 7 | 3 : 00 pm - 4 : 00 pm English Learn more
Move like you are meant to Jun 23 | 2 : 00 pm - 3 : 00 pm English Learn more
Move like you are meant to Jun 25 | 7 : 30 pm - 8 : 30 pm German Learn more
Move like you are meant to Sep 17 | 7 : 30 pm - 8 : 30 pm German Learn more
Move like you are meant to Dec 10 | 7 : 30 pm - 8 : 30 pm German Learn more

Gokhale® Consultation

A 40 minute online initial consultation is a good place to begin your posture journey, especially if you have a complex history of musculoskeletal or health problems. You will receive a comprehensive evaluation of your current posture and how it relates to problems you may be having, a projection of what structural changes are possible, and some key ideas and practices to help you improve your structure immediately and long-term.

Using modern technology allows a two-way online video/audio communication. Our students have found this to be a surprisingly effective way of getting started or refining their understanding of the Gokhale Method techniques.

Our Online Initial Consultation is the best place to start. You'll work one-on-one with a qualified Gokhale Method teacher to pinpoint your specific posture concerns and begin with personalized coaching. Select a teacher from the menu below to view availability and book your Online Initial Consultation today!

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Gokhale® Elements

Learn and integrate the Gokhale Method into your everyday movements through 18 short, live, interactive, one-on-one online lessons with one of our qualified Gokhale Method Teachers.

Gokhale Elements offers live, private, online lessons, where you work one-on-one with a Gokhale Method teacher in real time. The course consists of 18 face-to-face 13 minute lessons, scheduled at your convenience.

Start your journey to pain-free movement with Gokhale Elements today and learn the basics of healthy movement to alleviate pain while sitting, standing, lying, bending, walking, and more.

Key Features:

  • Tailored Instruction: Personalized coaching in one-on-one online lessons foster improved, lasting posture habits, while learning the basics of healthy movement.
  • One Element at a Time: Each of the short lessons focuses on a specific Element, progressively building on previous lessons. This is a proven effective method for behavior change.
  • Convenience: Learn in the comfort of your own space, incorporating your own chairs, bed, and other furniture into your lessons and practice.
  • Flexible Scheduling: With online teachers worldwide, we offer highly flexible scheduling, and your lessons can begin immediately.




Alumni PostureTracker Course

If you finished Gokhale Elements or a Foundations Class more than a month ago, this offering will revisit the techniques you learned and more. In addition, you will have our friendly PostureTracker to help you integrate your learning effortlessly.

It is one thing to have good posture while you are paying attention - it is beyond useful to have the PostureTracker catching those moments when you are unaware. Initial findings show this approach to be not only hugely beneficial, but really enjoyable as well.

This special Alumni package represents the culmination of the Gokhale Method's desire to use modern technology to bring ancient wisdom alive in your body.

Event DATE/TIME Location Language
Alumni PostureTracker™ Course Tue, Mar 11 10:00 am - 11:00 am Online English Learn more

Gokhale Consultation for Alumni

Our Gokhale Method Teachers are here to give you undivided, personalized attention and share their expertise.

Individual coaching will help you fully reclaim your J-spine and the delicious comfort that comes with it.

You can choose to:

  • Brush up on techniques learned long ago and half-forgotten
  • Advance your posture skills to a new level
  • Adapt your posture knowledge to a specific activity
  • Troubleshoot a persistent ache or pain
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