Free Online Workshop

About this workshop

In this free 1-hour workshop, you’ll start to learn the why and the how of the Gokhale Method. Many workshops begin by showing you how to stretchsit. This is a way of sitting back in a seat and giving yourself gentle traction, which eases compression in your spine and stretches out tight or spasming back muscles.

In this short amount of time, you will be introduced to techniques which will allow you to:

  • Reduce or eliminate back, neck, muscle and joint pain
  • Prevent muscle and joint degeneration and injury
  • Increase your energy, stamina, and flexibility
  • Reduce stress and improve your appearance

Effects are often immediate and last a lifetime. To participate in the online class, you will need a computer with access to the internet. Also, please have a towel nearby for the stretchsitting practice.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024
07:30 pm - 08:30 pm
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Seats available

Julie Johnson
Phone Number
+49 (0)174 820 2437

Your Teacher

Julie suchte 2016 nach einer Lö­sung für ihre Rücken­schmerzen. Zur Bewältigung ihrer Rücken­schmerzen machte sie ein inten­sives Fitness­training. Das Training verwandelte sich jedoch zur Quelle fürch­ter­licher Rücken­schme­rzen und war Ur­sache von Taub­heit in Armen und Beinen. Julie verstand, dass ihre Haltungs- und Bewe­gungs­muster die Schmer­zen ver­ursachten: Die Ver­än­de­rung ihrer Haltung, ent­sprechend der Gokhale Methode, war der Schlüssel, wieder aktiv zu werden.

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Gokhale Method Testimonials