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Gokhale Method Teachers

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McCormick, SC
Amy combines her nursing skills with the Gokhale Method allows her to touch people and improve health. As a nurse, Amy appreciates the accuracy of the anatomy, physiology, and multi-modal approach to posture, pain relief, and fitness. Her background includes a BSN in nursing and a JD in law. She is licensed in California as a registered nurse and an attorney.

[email protected]
McCormick, SC

Westchester, IL
Aurelia Vaicekauskas is a practicing massage therapist and Ortho-Bionomy® Associate in Chicago and Westchester, IL. Her search for ways to help clients maintain health and retain the benefits of therapeutic bodywork led her to the Gokhale Method. Logical, simple, and effective, the Gokhale Method deeply resonates with Aurelia’s belief in the importance of creating and supporting a harmonious and safe environment in one’s body so that new injuries are avoided and the old injuries can heal.

[email protected]
Chicago, IL

Westchester, IL

Atlanta, GA
Christine credits her ongoing Gokhale study and practice with significant improvements in her strength, flexibility, and general well-being. Wanting to share this incredibly valuable method with others, she decided to become a Gokhale Method Teacher.

[email protected]
Atlanta, GA

Bristol, United Kingdom
Teaching therapeutic yoga and bodywork for over two decades, Clare recognized the wisdom, logic and economy of the Gokhale Method® immediately. Clare has taught and celebrated this transformative approach for over 7 years at her Bristol studio. She loves seeing her students' increased confidence and the benefits they experience from this approach.

[email protected]
Bristol, United Kingdom
+44 07982 231317


New York, NY
As an acupuncturist and a Bowen Therapist, Cynthia has been committed to offering her patients a pain free, efficient path to wellness. She herself has scoliosis and has had pain issues on and off for most of her adult life. After learning The Gokhale Method, becoming a teacher was the logical next step so that she could pass on this wonderful work that had helped her so much.

[email protected]
New York, NY


Greeley, CO
After finding the Gokhale Method while looking for ways to relieve pain from a desk job and injuries, David was impressed with the results of relearning how to move without pain using the gentle and natural approach found in the Gokhale Method and is excited to share it with his students.

[email protected]
Greeley, CO

Atlanta, GA
Deepa is a dance teacher and performer, focused on Middle Eastern dance and Kathak, a North Indian classical form. As someone intrigued by the intricate movement patterns involved in dance, she is grateful to have found the simplicity and comfort that The Gokhale Method allows for her body.

[email protected]
Atlanta, GA

Madison, WI
Since 1996, Doreen has been an acupuncturist and NeuroModulation practitioner, helping people improve their health and quality of life. The Gokhale Method immediately captivated her. "It's such a simple, practical way to help us feel at home again in our bodies.

[email protected]
Madison, WI

San Jose, CA
Eric Fernandez was drawn to the Gokhale Method by the principles he learned from the Russian martial art of systema, of which he is a certified instructor, and has practiced for more than a decade.
Palo Alto, CA
Esther Gokhale (GO-clay) studied biochemistry at Harvard and Princeton and acupuncture at the San Francisco School of Oriental Medicine. After experiencing crippling back pain during her first pregnancy and unsuccessful back surgery, Gokhale began her lifelong crusade to vanquish back pain.

Palo Alto, CA

San Rafael, CA
Faye Alexandrakis has always been fascinated and inspired by the complexity of the human body. Faye feels privileged to empower her students to transform their lives and take charge of their own health in the unique and innovative, yet simple, manner of the Gokhale Method.

[email protected]
Santa Rosa, CA
San Rafael, CA

Chattanooga, TN
Harrison turned to Esther Gokhale's method when persistent back pain plagued him despite all his other efforts. Finding great success, he decided to share the knowledge with others by becoming a qualified Gokhale Method teacher.

[email protected]
Chattanooga, TN

Erfurt, Germany
Ein Bandscheibenvorfall brachte mich zur Gokhale Methode. Durch diese Methode kann ich unbeschwert sportliche Aktivitäten wie Wandern, Yoga oder Radfahren geniessen und ebenso meinen Beruf, der viele Stunden am Computer bedeutet, ohne Probleme ausüben. Nun möchte ich anderen Betroffenen dabei helfen, ihr Leben wieder so zu leben, wie sie wollen und nicht, wie ihre Schmerzen es vorgeben.

[email protected]
Erfurt, Germany

Barcelona, Spain
Jaume pasó años descargando camiones de muebles y sobrecargando su cuerpo. Un día descubrió el Método Gokhale y lo aplicó. Le alivió y mejoró tanto que decidió hacerse profesor. Hoy, Jaume es el primer profesor del Método Gokhale en España. Encuentra su labor muy gratificante y se alegra cada vez que un alumno regresa y le cuenta lo mucho que ha mejorado.

[email protected]
Barcelona, Spain

Braunschweig, Germany

Johanna hatte über zehn Jahre lang starke chronische Rückenschmerzen. Über ihr Interesse an einem „artgerechtem” Lebensstil, stieß sie auf die Gokhale Method, mit der sie innerhalb weniger Monate schmerzfrei wurde. Beeindruckt von der Effektivität der Methode, beschloss Johanna, sich als Lehrerin ausbilden zu lassen, um das wertvolle und uralte Wissen um gesunde Körperhaltung an andere weiterzugeben.

[email protected]
Braunschweig, Germany




Bristol, United Kingdom
John is an experienced yoga teacher, with a scientific background in psychology and IT. After 20 years of chronic, seemingly intractable back pain, he discovered the Gokhale Method and travelled to India and observed the pain-free, natural posture and movement of local, working people – the founding principle of the method.

[email protected]
Bristol, United Kingdom
Within the UK: 
0772 40 96 247
+44 772 40 96 247

Öhringen, Germany
Julie suchte 2016 nach einer Lö­sung für ihre Rücken­schmerzen. Zur Bewältigung ihrer Rücken­schmerzen machte sie ein inten­sives Fitness­training. Das Training verwandelte sich jedoch zur Quelle fürch­ter­licher Rücken­schme­rzen und war Ur­sache von Taub­heit in Armen und Beinen. Julie verstand, dass ihre Haltungs- und Bewe­gungs­muster die Schmer­zen ver­ursachten: Die Ver­än­de­rung ihrer Haltung, ent­sprechend der Gokhale Methode, war der Schlüssel, wieder aktiv zu werden.

[email protected]
Oehringen, Germany
Phone +49 (0)174 820 2437 

Elmwood, IL
Kate Potter’s passion for traditional ways led her to the Gokhale Method. She was drawn to the photos of people around the world, contemporary and historical, working and living with good posture -- our human birthright! Kate rarely experiences the back and neck pain she used to have. In addition, she finds people respond to her differently since she has improved her posture. Kate is a caring teacher, who loves helping people figure out their bodies.

[email protected]
Elmwood, Illinois

Sandy, UT
Kathleen has been a passionate fitness and health practitioner for more than 20 years. Learning from Esther Gokhale, Kathleen found the Gokhale Method to be personally life-changing, and a logical offering that truly works. Professional, caring and authentic, Kathleen strives to continuously build her knowledge in order to best help people take control of their destiny with regard to health and longevity.
Huntsville, AL
Kathleen was inspired to teach the Gokhale Method after learning how to glidewalk and experiencing welcome relief from chronic hip pain while walking. Trained as a primary care Physician Assistant (PA), Kathleen has studied and practiced health and wellness for decades. Kathleen teaches both Tai Chi and Qigong and is a certified instructor of multiple Tai Chi specialties.

[email protected]
Huntsville, AL
Sewanee, TN

Everett, WA
Kerri practices massage therapy with a focus on healing injuries and alleviating chronic pain. Although her clients experience relief, she has always felt that postural improvement was key to addressing the root of their problems. It wasn't until she found the Gokhale Method that she truly understood primal posture. After applying it in her own life, Kerri feels better than she did in her 20's and expects to significantly prolong her massage career.

[email protected]
Everett, WA


Ottawa, Canada
Lang Maria Liu is a martial artist, dancer, teacher and healer. She has taught Afro-Brazilian Capoeira for over twenty years, a passionate advocate of community-based art forms. She also teaches yoga and the Gokhale Method, part of a holistic approach to health and wellness. Lang is currently completing a masters in Counseling Psychology

[email protected]
Richmond & Ottawa area, ON, Canada

Hawi, HI
Lisa has a zest for life with many varied interests, loves teaching the Gokhale Method and finds it a great joy to support others in getting the most out of life through learning healthy posture and movement. In teaching, Lisa always strives to create an engaging, playful atmosphere in which everyone can learn from and encourage one another.

[email protected]
Rohnert Park/Cotati, CA
Hawi, HI

Singapore, Singapore
Meenakshi, based out of Singapore, has a background in IT and software development, but she developed a passion for exploring everyday human movements and the workings of the musculoskeletal system because of her own experience with back pain.

[email protected]


San Diego, CA
After discovering the gentle and effective Gokhale Method techniques, Michael immediately saw their potential for helping persons of all ages and activities to become and remain pain-free. Dr. Spatuzzi is the author of The Acupuncture Energy Chart and currently works as a practitioner or Clinical Supervisor in 5 clinics while maintaining a private practice in Del Mar, California.

[email protected]
San Diego, CA

Warsaw, Poland
Po odkryciu Metody Gokhale podczas poszukiwania sposobów na złagodzenie bólu pleców i stawów, Michał był pod wrażeniem wyników ponownej nauki poruszania się bez bólu przy użyciu delikatnego i naturalnego podejścia, znalezionego w Metodzie Gokhale i jest podekscytowany możliwością podzielenia się tym z innymi kursantami.

[email protected]
Warsaw, Poland

Besançon, France
Michal’s passion for the powerful tools an evolutionary approach offers to solving common health challenges grew from her search for solutions to overcome an autoimmune disease. When back pain rendered activities like cooking and going on walks intolerable, the Gokhale Method, with its focus on ancestrally informed posture, was the obvious solution. Michal is thrilled to help others experience the benefits of the Gokhale Method in France, Switzerland, and Israel.

[email protected]
Besançon, France
+33 (0)



Sunshine Beach, Australia
Michelle Ball has always sought ways to maintain her own health and wellbeing through athletic endeavours and movement. The Gokhale Method offers a practical way to help people restore their mobility and natural alignment while doing everyday tasks. This is what led Michelle to train with Esther Gokhale in California.

[email protected]
Sydney, Australia
Melbourne, Australia

Newport Beach, CA
Nam Lee earned her Masters of Science degree in Oriental Medicine at South Baylo University in Anaheim, CA. Since then, she has continually furthered her knowledge of Oriental Medicine and related studies through post-graduate work at prestigious higher-learning institutions and health care seminars throughout the country. She finished her Ph.D in Oriental Medicine at American Liberty University in Fullerton, CA.

[email protected]
Newport Beach, CA

Wallingford, PA
Roberta trained as a physician at New York University School of Medicine. She came to the Gokhale Method through her love of dancing Argentine Tango and her desire to find answers for the musculoskeletal pain sufferers in her own family. Roberta was struck by the sound anatomical principles behind the method, and the empowerment of teaching students to heal their own bodies.

[email protected]
Philadelphia, PA

Ljubljana, Slovenia
Sabina Blumauer lives in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She is a professional biologist, swing and blues dance instructor, choreographer and performer who loves sharing her knowledge about movement. After attending the Gokhale Method Foundations course she knew that she wanted to share this profound knowledge with the world.

[email protected]

Madison, WI
Sigrun is excited to help people access a life not defined by pain. She has explored many forms of bodywork, and fell in love with the Gokhale Method for its simplicity, depth, and staying power. She now enjoys biking, running, and swimming without pain.

[email protected]
Madison, WI

Canberra, Australia

Tegan Kahn's mother was in a serious car crash in the 1980s. She was in a coma for three days, and expected to be in pain for the rest of her life. One hour into the Gokhale Method Foundations course, she said "this is the longest I've sat without pain in 30 years." That’s when Tegan decided to train with Esther Gokhale to become a Gokhale Method teacher and share these life-changing techniques with others.

[email protected]
Canberra, Australia
Within Australia:
   0438 489 648

Somerville, MA
Tiffany Mann is a licensed massage therapist, with additional training in CranioSacral Therapy.  She specializes in working with cancer patients. She is a life-long athlete and former elite-level mountain bike racer who competed in endurance events.  During her racing career, she developed lumbar strain due to a tucked pelvis.

[email protected]
Cambridge and Boston, MA

Edmonton, Canada
Vera is a Western Canadian Gokhale Method Teacher with many years of experience as a chiropractor. Her hands-on guidance through Gokhale Method techniques will help you feel freedom from your aches and pains and confidence in your ability to get back to living a pain-free life.

[email protected]
Edmonton, AB