Michal Leczycki

Michal Leczycki


Email: [email protected] Phone: +48 515 177 359

Teaches in:



Warsaw, Poland

Meet Michal

Michał came across Esther Gokhale's lectures on YouTube when he was looking for a method for chronic back and joint pain. His next step was to purchase Esther's book (published in Polish) 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back and hence the first attempts to correct his posture. This brought him enormous relief and gave him the impetus to explore the remaining elements of the Gokhale Method. The Gokhale Method turned out to be an ideal basis on which Michał could build subsequent levels of physical activity.

It was hard for him to believe that something so universal was so little known in Poland; hence he is proud to be Poland's first Gokhale Method Teacher and loves sharing the method with others.

Szukając sposobu na przewlekłe bóle pleców i stawów, Michał natrafił na wykłady Esther Gokhale na YouTube Kolejnym krokiem był zakup wydanej po polsku książki Esther pod tytułem "8 kroków do pozbycia się bólu pleców" i co za tym idzie pierwsze próby samodzielnej korekcji postawy. Przyniosło mu to ogromną ulgę i dało impuls do zgłębienia pozostałych elementów Metody Gokhale. Metoda Gokhale okazała się idealną bazą, na której Michał mógł budować kolejne poziomy aktywności fizycznej. Trudno mu było uwierzyć, że coś tak uniwersalnego jest w Polsce tak mało znane; dlatego jest dumny z tego, że jest pierwszym w Polsce Nauczycielem Metody Gokhale i uwielbia dzielić się tą metodą z innymi.

  • "Gokhale Method® zainteresowałam się w 2020 r., gdy ból znacznie ograniczał moje codzienne funkcjonowanie. W tym czasie kontakt z nauczycielem możliwy był jedynie on-line. Korzystałam więc z dostępnych w sieci materiałów, kupiłam książkę Esther Gokhale „8 kroków do pozbycia się bólu pleców” i zapisałam się na program codziennych ćwiczeń Gokhale® Exercise 1-2-3 Move, który bardzo pomógł mi w budowaniu świadomości prawidłowej i wolnej od bólu postawy ciała. Odbyłam też wstępną konsultację on-line (Online Initial Consultation) z Julie – nauczycielką z Niemiec, gdy nie było jeszcze nauczyciela w

Michal’s in-person offerings


Gokhale® Consultation

Michal Leczycki

Warsaw, Poland

Get guidance and a personalized posture and movement analysis from a Gokhale Method expert. Learn how the way you’re positioning your body may contribute to your pain, and how you can transform your posture—permanently.

The journey to healthy posture and pain-free movement begins with a deep understanding of your health history and everyday movement habits so we can help you unravel your unique posture–pain puzzle.

Your teacher will walk you through a comprehensive evaluation of your current posture, identifying how it may relate to any problems you may be experiencing. Together, you will discuss the sequence of techniques you need to learn, receive a projection of what structural changes you can expect, and explore some key ideas to help you improve your posture immediately and long-term.

You can ask any questions you have about our techniques and your specific situation.

Whether you seek relief from pain or wish for better function and vitality, the Gokhale Consultation will give you fresh insights, well-founded optimism, and specific techniques to make the changes you need.

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Gokhale® Foundations

Learn in a small group or one-on-one with personalized hands-on help from an expert in the Gokhale Method.

If you’re looking to learn the Gokhale Method in-person, our 6-lesson Foundations course is designed for beginners and can change your posture habits efficiently and profoundly. Taught by a qualified Gokhale Method teacher, it covers all the techniques described in Esther Gokhale’s book, 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back, and more.

Students receive personalized hands-on instruction, visual cues, and verbal explanations. All our teachers are experts in giving immediate feedback and gentle guidance to ensure you master the techniques correctly.

Learn one-on-one (6x45 minutes) to suit your schedule. Or choose an intensive or weekly small group class (6x90 minutes, capped at 8). Either way, you will receive individualized attention, learn deeply, leading to a life-changing transformation.

Choose a group course  or contact your instructor for private options below.



Gokhale Consultation for Alumni

Our Gokhale Method Teachers are here to give you undivided, personalized attention and share their expertise.

Individual coaching will help you fully reclaim your J-spine and the delicious comfort that comes with it.

You can choose to:

  • Brush up on techniques learned long ago and half-forgotten
  • Advance your posture skills to a new level
  • Adapt your posture knowledge to a specific activity
  • Troubleshoot a persistent ache or pain
Propose a date, time, or location

Michal’s online offerings


Free Workshops

Join us for a free, online workshop to learn to live pain-free.


Learn how the Gokhale Method® has helped thousands transform their posture and reclaim their lives—and how you could join them.

Curious about the Gokhale Method, but not sure what it is or if it’s right for you?

This FREE 1-hour introductory workshop is your first step to discover how the Gokhale Method can help you solve the root cause of back, neck, joint, and muscle pain. All our workshops, both in-person and online, are live, interactive, and practical.

We’ll explain the scientific and anthropological principles on which the Gokhale Method is based. We will teach you your first baby step towards moving like you are meant to and alleviating your pain. We always take time to answer individual questions.

Take this opportunity to be one of the thousands for whom the Gokhale Method has been life-changing.

Event DATE/TIME Language
Move like you are meant to Feb 16 | 6 : 00 pm - 7 : 00 pm Polish Learn more
Move like you are meant to Mar 16 | 6 : 00 pm - 7 : 00 pm Polish Learn more

Gokhale® Consultation

A 40 minute online initial consultation is a good place to begin your posture journey, especially if you have a complex history of musculoskeletal or health problems. You will receive a comprehensive evaluation of your current posture and how it relates to problems you may be having, a projection of what structural changes are possible, and some key ideas and practices to help you improve your structure immediately and long-term.

Using modern technology allows a two-way online video/audio communication. Our students have found this to be a surprisingly effective way of getting started or refining their understanding of the Gokhale Method techniques.

Our Online Initial Consultation is the best place to start. You'll work one-on-one with a qualified Gokhale Method teacher to pinpoint your specific posture concerns and begin with personalized coaching. Select a teacher from the menu below to view availability and book your Online Initial Consultation today!

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Gokhale® Elements

Learn and integrate the Gokhale Method into your everyday movements through 18 short, live, interactive, one-on-one online lessons with one of our qualified Gokhale Method Teachers.

Gokhale Elements offers live, private, online lessons, where you work one-on-one with a Gokhale Method teacher in real time. The course consists of 18 face-to-face 13 minute lessons, scheduled at your convenience.

Start your journey to pain-free movement with Gokhale Elements today and learn the basics of healthy movement to alleviate pain while sitting, standing, lying, bending, walking, and more.

Key Features:

  • Tailored Instruction: Personalized coaching in one-on-one online lessons foster improved, lasting posture habits, while learning the basics of healthy movement.
  • One Element at a Time: Each of the short lessons focuses on a specific Element, progressively building on previous lessons. This is a proven effective method for behavior change.
  • Convenience: Learn in the comfort of your own space, incorporating your own chairs, bed, and other furniture into your lessons and practice.
  • Flexible Scheduling: With online teachers worldwide, we offer highly flexible scheduling, and your lessons can begin immediately.




Gokhale Consultation for Alumni

Our Gokhale Method Teachers are here to give you undivided, personalized attention and share their expertise.

Individual coaching will help you fully reclaim your J-spine and the delicious comfort that comes with it.

You can choose to:

  • Brush up on techniques learned long ago and half-forgotten
  • Advance your posture skills to a new level
  • Adapt your posture knowledge to a specific activity
  • Troubleshoot a persistent ache or pain
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