inner corset

Water Workout

Water Workout

Esther Gokhale

One of the many benefits of having excellent posture is the ability to enjoy an active lifestyle without injury. Conversely, an active lifestyle can help cultivate good posture. While you are still honing your posture, water is a perfect medium to train in since your buoyancy will reduce impact on your joints. In this forgiving medium, you can safely increase your muscle strength, stamina and flexibility while exploring the nuances of natural posture. You can reset movement patterns and connect the dots that make up the Gokhale Method while enjoying the soothing effect of the water on your body and mind.

The butterfly stroke provides an intense workout for the
"rib anchor" muscles.

No matter which stroke you choose, you will have occasion to summon up and strengthen your deep abdominal muscles. These muscles are especially important for the health and safety of your spine.

Breaststroke / Butterfly for Rib Anchor

The internal obliques keep the front of the ribcage flush with the contour of your torso. This “rib anchor” is our best defense against swaying the back. The breaststroke (and butterfly, if you are able) are perfect opportunities to strengthen your rib anchor. In these strokes, there is a strong tendency to arch or sway your back every time you come up for air. Next time you attempt the breaststroke or butterfly, try to come up with your entire upper body, just enough to breathe, without a sway. Your lumbosacral juncture will gain flexibility and your internal obliques will get a challenging workout.

The internal and external oblique abdominal muscles
get a substantial workout in backstroke.

Crawl and Backstroke for Obliques

Asymmetric motions are a great way to strengthen both the internal and external oblique abdominal muscles. When you twist or rotate your body to the right, the external oblique muscles on your left side work together with the internal oblique muscle on your left. The left external oblique muscle rotates your left side forward as the right internal oblique rotates your right side back. Conversely, when you twist to the left, the right external obliques and left internal obliques are engaged.

One way to engage the inner
corset muscles is reach
upwards vigorously as in this
victory gesture.

The arm and leg motions involved in both the crawl and backstroke have a tendency to twist or otherwise distort the torso. If you engage the external and internal obliques appropriately during each stroke, you will tone your obliques as they work to dampen this twisting effect. The result is that the entire body twists rather than just a piece of it.

Adding the Inner Corset

Even if you are conscientiously using your obliques for all three of these strokes, vigorous swimming will include some distortion. To really protect your spine, use your Inner Corset to keep your elongated J-Spine intact. This will have a dual action, protecting the spinal element during your workout, as well as strengthening your deeper back and ab muscles.

Walking in water is a gentle way to
augment your glidewalking technique.

Glidewalking in Water

Even if you don’t swim, water is a soothing and therapeutic medium for practicing Gokhale Method techniques. Glidewalking in water is easy on your joints and provides extra resistance for building strong gluteal muscles and lengthening and strengthening the muscles in your legs. Begin with tallstanding:

1. Kidney bean shape your feet; 
2. Put your weight on your heels; 
3. Antevert your pelvis and engage your rib anchor; 
4. Keep the back of your neck long and your chin down. As you begin to move, imagine yourself walking regally with a basket on your head, or using your legs as poles to punt a boat along a canal.

Enjoy the healing weight of the water. It slows you down, giving you time to become aware of nuances in your gait.

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Pregnancy and Lower Back Pain

Pregnancy and Lower Back Pain

Esther Gokhale

I'm reaching out to pregnant women today, because I've been reflecting on a clinical study that captures the scope of the problem of lower back (lumbar) pain in expectant mothers and because I have all too vivid memories of how lower back and sciatic pain affected me when I was nine-months pregnant with my first child. This crippling pain continued for a year, at which point I had back surgery that provided only temporary relief. This painful chapter in my life is what started me on my path to understanding the causes and treatments for back pain.

Lower back pain and pregnancy--it's a problem!


If you're pregnant and have lower back pain, you're not alone. A 2004 study (Low back pain during pregnancy: prevalence, risk factors, and outcomes) published by Yale researchers in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology found that nearly 70% of the 645 pregnant women responding to a 36-question survey reported lower back pain during their current pregnancy. The researchers also found that:

  • Pregnant women who have experienced lower back pain prior to their current pregnancy (e.g., during their periods, during a previous pregnancy, prior to ever becoming pregnant) are particularly susceptible to lower back pain
  • Lower back pain disturbed the sleep of 58% of study respondents
  • Lower back pain negatively impacted the daily lives of 57% of the women surveyed
  • Two-thirds of women surveyed in this study did not share back-pain problems with their pre-natal caregivers and--if and when they did--only one-quarter of  these caregivers recommended any kind of treatment

Because I know that lower back pain in pregnancy is a manageable and in most instances a preventable problem, it's of course best if women who plan to become pregnant prepare their bodies for the dramatic physical, musculoskeletal, and hormonal changes that lie ahead. This, as the study confirms, is especially important for women with a history of back pain. But because so many expectant mothers are--at this very minute!--experiencing lower back pain and, in many instances, not seeking or receiving help, this is the topic I'll focus on for now.

The lumbar spine is the region of the spine between the rib cage and the pelvis

Body stressors during pregnancy

I'll start by stating the obvious: During pregnancy a woman's body undergoes a number of changes, many that are inherently stressful. These of course include:

If, as we consider the lumbar region of the body, we reference the very pregnant Mandy in the photo just below, we can begin to imagine why lower back pain can be a problem for some 70% of expectant mothers.


Mandy at 39 weeks + 4 days

By allowing the weight in her expanded belly to pull her lumbar spine into an exaggerated arch, Mandy is shifting her center of gravity forward, with the result that not only is there too much arch in her spine, there's too much weight on the front of her feet. To counter the arching of her spine and to lengthen and flatten the lumbar region, Mandy would need to use her internal oblique muscles to rotate her ribcage forward. This action, which is vital to proper alignment of the spine and good posture, is what I call "anchoring" the ribs. (Rib anchoring is discussed in greater detail and demonstrated in the video, below.)

What's healthy about Mandy's posture is that she is anteverting, or tilting forward, her pelvis. An anteverted pelvis helps prevent lower back pain because it allows for a natural stacking of the vertebrae, as well as a healthy alignment of the spine over the legs.


Extra weight


Where Does the Extra Weight Go During Pregnancy? (WebMD helpfully breaks this down.)

  • Baby: 8 pounds
  • Placenta: 2-3 pounds
  • Amniotic fluid: 2-3 pounds
  • Breast tissue: 2-3 pounds
  • Blood supply: 4 pounds
  • Larger uterus: 2-5 pounds
  • Stored fat for delivery and breastfeeding: 5-9 pounds

   Total: 25-35 pounds

Extra weight and foot structure. I've know for a long time that weight gain from pregnancy (in concert with the effects of the hormone relaxin) impact the feet and can increase a woman's shoe size by half a size or more, so it was interesting to review results of a study published in the March 2013 issue of the American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. The study, Pregnancy leads to lasting changes in foot structure, reports that for 60% to 70% of the 49 participants, their feet became longer and wider and, on average, the height and rigidity of their arches significantly decreased. Study authors also observed that the loss of arch height seems to be permanent, and that the first pregnancy may have the most significant impact on the feet.


Center of gravity


 Equadorian fertility figure

With pregnancy comes a shift in the center of gravity that can be compensated for with good movement patterns and by engaging the internal oblique muscles, which run along the side of the abdomen at about the level of the waist. These muscles can be used to flex the thorax forward and prevent the lower back from arching.  (The thorax is the part of the body between between the neck and the abdomen.) By rotating the ribcage forward and, once again, lengthening and flattening the lower back to "anchor" the ribs, even women well advanced in their pregnancy can maintain a comfortable center of gravity. Shifting the weight back solidly on the heels is also a good thing, because it counters distortion in alignment, while also offering the advantage of not overspreading the feet, which can result in loss of structure.


Pregnant women need to take especially good care of their ligaments because the hormone relaxin, which is produced by the ovaries and the placenta and which helps prepare the expectant mother's pelvis for delivery, also works to remodel other soft tissues, cartilage, and ligaments in the body. As a result, pregnant women are at risk of losing structure--for example (and as described above), in the feet.

The seated woman has made room for her belly, but by leaning so far back she strains her neck and her back. Visual cueing for poor posture surrounds this woman--as it surrounds us all!

Lower back pain and pregnancy--some solutions!

Authors of the "Low back pain in pregnancy" study, cited above, also make the point that lower back pain can start at any point during pregnancy. This means that whether a woman is one-month pregnant or on the cusp of giving birth, she may be experiencing pain in her lower back pain--pain the Gokhale Method helps address. Healthy spinal curvature can be maintained throughout a pregnancy

Healthy spinal curvature, as shown here, can be maintained throughout a pregnancy.

The good news is that by making adjustments women at every stage of pregnancy can prevent lower back pain from occurring, or--if pain is already an issue--take real steps to manage this pain.

Six tips

  1. Anchor your ribs
  2. Engage your inner corset
  3. Hinge your hips when you bend
  4. Stack your weight over your heels
  5. Engage your gluteus medias muscles when you walk
  6. Stretchlie on your side with supportive pillow

While the suggestions I outline in this post can begin to make a difference, much more can be gained from enrolling in the Gokhale Method Foundations Course, watching the DVD Back Pain: The Primal Posture Solution, and reading (and repeatedly referencing) 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back('Where to learn more' details are provided at the bottom of this post.)

1. Anchor your ribs

With regard to the rib anchor, it's important to know that the ever-growing baby is potentially pulling the mother's back into an arch. An expectant mother who gives in to this pull will be increasingly swaying her back, which can cause lower back pain and other problems. Anchoring the ribs involves keeping the lower border of the rib cage flush with the abdomen. This lengthens the back and helps to frame and lengthen the lumbar spine. By engaging internal oblique muscles as the baby gets bigger, the expectant mother not only reduces the risk for lower back pain, she also gets very valuable abdominal muscle exercise during pregnancy. This not only negates the problem of lower back pain, it makes pregnancy an opportunity to strengthen abdominal muscles, rather than a liability to lose muscle tone.


Keeping abdominal muscles nicely toned before during and after pregnancy perhaps even more ties in with engaging the inner corset, which is at the core of Tip Number 2.


2. Engage your inner corset 

Anchoring the ribs and periodically engaging the inner corset--that is, contracting the deep muscles in the abdomen and back to lengthen and support the spine--is the ticket to well-toned abdominal muscles before, during, and after pregnancy. No matter how pregnant a woman is, these muscles can be entirely engaged, which is especially beneficial, given that the usual abdominal exercises--for example, lying on the back and doing crunches--are not recommended.

Illustration of the inner corset from Lesson 5 of '8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back'

© Gokhale Method: Inner-corset muscles should not be engaged all the time, however. Instead, pregnant women (and everyone else!) will benefit from contracting deep back and abdominal muscles, off and on, over the course of the day.

3. Hinge your hips when you bend

Everybody needs to hip-hinge when they bend, but this is especially important for pregnant women. This is because lowering the body by bending with the knees and curving the back (as is so common in our culture) puts added stress on the spinal discs at a time when the discs are already being challenged by the additional weight of the pregnancy.  Keep in mind that the front of each disc in the curve being formed when the back is bent is compressed, pushing the contents of the discs backward, toward the spinal nerves. All authorities agree that this is a risky direction to distort the spine. The features of hip-hinging especially important for pregnant women are to get the legs externally rotated and set apart in a wide stance, so that when they hinge forward, there's room for the belly to settle between the legs. In other words, the legs have to be out of the way, so that the belly can settle between them. If the the knees are not externally rotated, but facing in, then the thighbones will interfere with the torso settling.Janine, soon-to-be-Gokhale-Method-teacher-in-training, hip-hinges in Chicago

Janine Farzin, soon-to-be Gokhale-Method teacher-in-training, hiphinges in Chicago

Because so much bending is involved in motherhood, a very good time to master hiphinging is before and during pregnancy. Doing so will prepare the expectant mother for all the bending that is to come.

4. Stack your weight over your heels

Positioning the pelvis so that it's slightly tipped forward (anteverted) allows for a natural stacking of vertebrae without muscle strain. Vertebral stacking is important for everyone, but a for a pregnant woman carrying extra weight and with an altered center of gravity, it's really essential. Not only does healthy stacking yield good posture that leaves spinal discs decompressed, it also protects ligamental integrity. Ligaments already loosened by the hormone relaxin are less likely to be taxed when bones are correctly stacked. This will also help protect the feet, which--as noted above--are at risk of losing structure.

5. Engage your gluteus medias muscles when you walk

Engaging the gluteus medius, the muscle located in the upper, outer quadrant of the buttocks, helps prevent lower back pain

Engaging the gluteus medius, the muscle located in the upper, outer quadrant of the buttocks, helps prevent lower back pain[/caption] Our "glutes," or buttocks, are made up of three major muscles: the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. Located in the upper, outer quadrant of the buttocks, the gluteus medius is the "middle" muscle, the one that moves the leg to the side and rotates the thigh. Gluteus medius weakness--a study. Because engagement of the gluteus medius plays such an essential role in a healthy kind of walking I have dubbed 'glidewalking,' and because this muscle also plays an essential role in healthy, pain-free posture, I was very interested to learn that researchers at the University of Iowa Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation conducted a study that found a strong correlation between lower back pain in pregnant women and weakness of the gluteus medius. Specifically their 2009 pilot study, Association between gluteus medias weakness and low back pain during pregnancy, found that "pregnant women with gluteus medius weakness were roughly 6 to 8 times more likely to have low back pain than those without weakness." The findings confirm what I have long known from my own research and practice--that strengthening and regularly engaging the gluteus medius is really key.

6. Stretchlie on your side with supportive pillow

Stretchlying on the side--that is, lying with a lengthened back, anteverted pelvis, and knees slightly bent--represents an opportunity to restore healthy architecture during sleep and reinforce the neural pathways that will help create muscle memory for a healthy J-shaped spine (as opposed to a curved C-shaped spine or an over-arched S-shaped spine). Not only does stretchling on the side decompress discs and improve circulation when the expectant mother is at rest or asleep, it also helps create muscle memory for an anterverted pelvis and lengthened spine when she's up and about. For women unaccustomed to what good posture feels like, healthy muscle memory can be hugely helpful. Because the extra weight in the belly tends to pull the expectant mother's spine out of alignment, tucking a soft pillow in under the belly will help her resist the pull of gravity and maintain a neutral position. During pregnancy, anything that spares pull on the skin, muscles, flesh, ligaments, and spine, is a very good thing.Pregnant-Woman-Anna-Kosali

When pregnant and stretchlying on the side, it's important to tuck a soft pillow in under the belly


Model this!

Pregnant women experiencing lower back pain might help themselves by taking posture cues from these illustrations:

This very pregnant figure models very nearly perfect posture

This very pregnant figure models very nearly perfect posture[/caption] The image above captures very nice pregnant posture. The woman's back is not significantly arched, her spine is more or less J-shaped, and her shoulders are rolled back.

This French anatomical drawing from 1925 depicts a healthy neutral spine

This French anatomical drawing from 1925 depicts a healthy neutral spine

The illustration just above provides another excellent model for how a pregnant woman can stand without arching her back. Plucked from a 1925 French anatomy book, this image lets me know that the French at that time had right idea about healthy curvature of the spine!

Where to learn more?

The six-session Gokhale Method Foundations Course helps people, including pregnant women, improve their structure and function as they engage in everyday activities.  While my book,  8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back, is most helpful when it's read in its entirety, the following pages expand on the tips outlined in this post:

  • Rib Anchor: 39, 84, 140, 198
  • Inner Corset: 110,-127, 144, 153, 162-163, 190
  • Hiphinging: 150-167
  • Stack your weight over your heels:46-47, 138, 142
  • Engage gluteus medius muscles when you walk: 168-194
  • Stretchlie on your side with supportive pillow: 94-109

The DVD Back Pain: The Primal Posture Solution also features relevant training, including segments on:

  • Stretchsitting: Use the back of your chair to decompress your spinal discs and transform sitting into a healthy, therapeutic activity
  • Inner Corset: Learn to engage your deep back and abdominal muscles to protect your spine
  • Hip-hinging: Protect your spine and knees by learning to bend at the hips
  • Stacksitting: Learn how to sit anywhere without slouching, pain or tension
  • Tallstanding: Stack your bones well and prevent wear and tear
  • Stretchlying: Decompress your spinal discs and nerves while you sleep
  • Glidewalking: Learn to walk in a controlled series of forward propulsions that spares the joints

Photo and Video Credits:

The Happy Mother: Johann Anton de Peters, Wikimedia Commons Lumbar Region of the Human Skeleton: Wikimedia Commons Female Back Nude: oil on canvas: Jozsef Rippi-Ronai, Public Domain Mandy at 39 weeks + 4 days: Danielle deLeon, Wikimedia Commons Janine hip hinging: Courtesy of Janine Farzan, Chicago Equadorian figure of a pregnant woman: Walkers Art Museum, Wikimedia Commons Pregnant woman seated on bench: Peter va der Sluijs, Wikimedia Commons Healthy Spinal Curvature Throughout Pregnancy: Public Domain Gokhale Moment, Rib Anchor: © Gokhale Method Gluteus Medius: Creative Commons Model Maria Pesotskaya resting on her side: Anna Kosali,, Wikimedia Commons Pregnant Woman Facing Right: Public Domain French Anatomical Drawing, 1925: Public Domain

Epidural steroid injections for lumbar spinal stenosis?

Epidural steroid injections for lumbar spinal stenosis?


Lumbar_Spinal_Stenosis   A four-year study involving 276 spine patients ages 53 to 75 published in the journal Spine suggests that we should--at the very least--take a deep breath and think twice before choosing epidural steroid injections to relieve the pain of lumbar spinal stenosis, not only because this oft-used treatment may not work, but also because it may cause more harm than good. Better yet and instead it might make sense to simply get in the habit of breathing deeply, which naturally lengthens the spine and helps relieve unhealthy stress on the vertebrae.... But more about Gokhale Method solutions in just a bit!



While the authors of "Epidural steroid injections are associated with less improvement in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis" caution that the unexpected results of this small, retrospective study warrant further investigation, a couple of findings leap out:

  • Using well-established scales for measuring leg and lower back pain, the researchers found significantly less improvement among patients who had the steroid injections than among those who did not; this was true even among those patients who went on to have surgery. 
  • Despite conflicting reports about the efficacy of epidural steroid injections in lumbar spinal stenosis, 69% of spinal surgeons consider ESIs to be the first-line invasive treatment when exercise and physical therapy have failed.

The Spine study—together with recent alarming reports of fungal meningitisparalysis, and other risks associated with epidural injections—prompted me to tackle this topic today.

What is lumbar spinal stenosis?


Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the open spaces in the spine that can compress nerve roots and cause pain and numbness in the neck, limbs and back. Lumbar spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal canal in the lower back--that is, in the five vertebrae that run between the rib cage and the pelvis. If we dig a little deeper and consider the anatomy of the spine, itself, we find that stenosis can happen in a couple of places:

  • The space at the center of the spine (central stenosis)
  • The canals (or vertebral foramina) through which the spinal nerves pass (lateral stenosis)

Visualize it

I believe in the therapeutic value of mental imaging, but in order to visualize solutions to a problem, it helps to see and understand the problem, itself. Take a look at this information video.

No wonder lumbar spinal stenosis hurts! As we just saw, a number of factors can contribute to the narrowing of space in the spinal cord:

Not only do these bulges, spurs and hypertrophied ligaments and joints pinch nerves and cause pain in individual people, they represent a burden on our healthcare system and society at large.

"The growing epidemic"

In 2010, The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons described lumbar spinal stenosis as "the growing epidemic," noting that with the aging of the population this already costly problem will only get worse:

  • 8% to 11% of Americans are thought to be impacted by lumbar spinal stenosis.
  • 2.4 million Americans are likely to be affected by 2021.
  • As "boomers" increasingly qualify for Medicare benefits, government spending on lumbar spinal stenosis will no doubt increase.

Additional evidence was provided by the Chairman of the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians, who, in a 2012 review of Medicare records, found that the number of  spine injections from 2000 to 2010 increased 159%. And the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services reported that in 2011 it paid providers $106.4 million for 252,288 injections, which averages out to $422 each. All of which raises the question: What can we do to prevent or manage lumber spinal stenosis apart from relying on costly epidural steroid injections, which may not work as well as people had hoped and which are now also associated with contamination and infection and other risks?

Gokhale Method solutions

If you'd rather not count yourself among the the 2.4 million Americans (and untold numbers of others outside the US) likely to be afflicted by lumbar spinal stenosis between now and the year 2021—or if you are currently experiencing pain from spinal stenosis and would prefer a non-interventional approach—then I recommend the following Gokhale Method techniques:

All of these techniques involve lengthening the spine, which—by increasing the space between the vertebrae, as well as the open spaces in the spinal canal where the nerves exit—take stress off the places where stenosis occurs. One way to enhance these powerful techniques is to use imagery, a method known to promote all kinds of healing, together with deep breathing, which will improve movement of macro- and micro- elements of the spine. To begin to test this out you might now take a very deep breath and, as you feel your spine naturally lengthen, imagine what it feels like to naturally stand like the beautiful kouros figure, just below.


The benefits of reestablishing good length in the spine cannot be overstated

Stretchsitting and stretchlying on back and sides

As noted above, Gokhale Method stretching techniques involve lengthening the spine (including, of course, the lumbar spine). Reestablishing natural length creates space and helps relieve unnatural stress by decompressing nerve roots as they branch away from the spinal cord via the spinal foramina. Spine-lengthening techniques also take pressure off bulging discs that can cause pain when they press in against spinal nerves. Relieving unnatural stress on the vertebrae via spine-lengthening and reshaping may also confer benefits by slowing or even halting the formation of unhealthy calcium deposits, which, when they form bone spurs, can poke into the spinal column, compress nerves, and cause pain.

Using your inner corset

Bracing the torso is also really important in preventing or managing lumbar spinal stenosis, and this can be accomplished by strengthening the deep abdominal and back muscles and making good use of what I call the "inner corset." We can actually relieve compression on the spine by transfering it to these strong central muscles, which are ideally placed to help carry the weight of the upper body. It follows that engaging the inner corset may also help minimize the pain that occurs when bone spurs intrude on the spinal cord or spinal nerves, as well as when spine instability (spondylolisthesis) narrows the spinal canal by allowing one vertebra to slip forward on another.

Complementary techniques

Breathing and mental imaging

Only when the body is in correct alignment can the natural action of breathing massage the tissues of the spinal area and confer its own therapeutic value in relieving the pain of lumbar spinal stenosis. And because mental imaging is known to help reduce stress and relieve back pain, it may be beneficial to consciously envision what's going on inside your body, every time you take a deep breath:

  • With each inhalation, the spine lengthens and massages tissues in the back while relieving stress on entrapped spinal nerve roots.
  • With the settling back that occurs with each exhalation, the natural massage-like action continues, and this goes on and on, with every breath.
  • With the natural massage that occurs with each inhalation and exhalation, blood is pumped through the tissues around the spine, normalizing circulation in the area.
  • Good circulation presumably normalizes related physiologic processes that might include calcium deposition and calcium reabsorption.
  • Good circulation also promotes the flushing away of waste products.

To sum up, stimulating circulation in the lumbar region—both of which are achieved through the Gokhale Method—are invaluable in the prevention and amelioration of stress on the vertebrae.


Imagery can help relieve stress and minimize pain

Secondary benefits of Gokhale Method techniques

Lengthening your spine and using your inner corset are things you want to be doing anyway, in the course of your usual activities—not only to clear up pain stemming from lumbar spinal stenosis, but to make you look and feel better, overall. Added perks of learning and practicing low-cost, no-hassle Gokhale Method techniques include zero risk of infection and other adverse effects, and—beyond the initial learning—no expenditure of precious time.

Where to learn more?

You will learn to lengthen your spine and use your inner corset in Sessions 1, 2, and 3 of the Gokhale Method Foundations course, and in Lessons 1, 2, 4, and 5 of the book 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back, as well as in Scenes 1, 2, 3, and 6 of the Back Pain: The Primal Posture Solution DVD.

Image and Video Credits: Spinal Stenosis: Wikimedia Commons Journal Cover: Spine Lumbar Spine: Wikimedia Commons Spinal Stenosis YouTube Video: DuPuy Kouros, Archaic Greek Youth: Gerard Mackworth-Young Feather collected in Washington State: Kevmin, Wikimedia Commons

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