
This Valentine’s Day, Walk with Your Heart…

This Valentine’s Day, Walk with Your Heart…

Esther Gokhale

Some years ago I had a student who had difficulty engaging his glutes and leaving his back heel down while walking. I had guided him through my usual toolbox of techniques and principles, but this piece still stubbornly failed to land. All of a sudden something dawned on him, and he exclaimed, “Oh, it’s a jaunty walk!” and proceeded to do exactly what I had been trying to teach him with an additional spring in his step.

Reflecting on this later, I realized that the precise and technical breakdown of gait pattern that I had given him was far superseded by his “aha moment”—not only had he found an abbreviated way of pulling many technical aspects of gait together, but he had also articulated and embodied an important emotional aspect of natural human gait.

Of course, learning breakthroughs don't always happen this way, but it was a profound lesson in how desirable it is to be on the lookout for emotional cues that can evoke, conjure up, and breathe life into technical instruction.

Woman and man in Tudor costume walking in a park.
Roleplay, theater, and imagination can help us to conjure new patterns and feelings in our walking.

In the upcoming second edition of my book, 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back, which is due for publication September 1, there are some changes to the Glidewalking chapter that reflect this discovery. The original walking chapter is not “wrong”; it provides deep and helpful insights into healthy human gait. Its detail is forensic, and the choreography precise. But over the years we have found ways to make the technicalities of glidewalking more accessible and experiential for our students.

Esther Gokhale showing backward walking, from 8 Steps to a Pain-free Back 2nd Edition.
A sneak peek at a new cue for glidewalking, from the new edition of 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back.

Even in the Gokhale®Foundations, the core six-lesson face-to-face offering to learn the Gokhale Method®, where the technical components of healthy walking necessarily occupy much of the lesson time, we like to use imaginative cues from animal gait, walking tall, finding steadiness, and sometimes dancing a simple Samba.

Alumna Deb Claire, who is legally blind, talks about her newfound confidence in walking having learned the Gokhale Method.

In the Advanced Glidewalking course, where all students are alumni and have already somewhat digested the basics of healthy gait, we not only deep dive into the more complex technicalities of walking, but come Session 5, we experiment playfully and more freely with emotional and associational cuing. We explore feelings of strength, balance, relaxation, dignity, openness, interdependence, and more. With each exploration, students deepen their understanding, practice, and access to natural human gait.

We have found that music is a powerful way to augment this immersive experience. Carefully chosen music can help our students tap into positive natural emotional landscapes. As an example, the opening theme music to Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey (from Thus Spake Zarathustra by Richard Strauss) enables students to feel their innate power and strength—we invite them to experience that in a glute-enhanced walk that also uses the inner corset and longus colli deep neck muscles, giving a profound sense of support.

Turn up the volume and take a walk to this magnificent passage of music and cinematography. Who would not be uplifted by it?

Over the next few days, I urge you to tune into, and play with any emotional connections you can feel with your walking. And this Valentine’s Day, consider exploring my very favorite emotion as you take a walk—a sense of connection and love of all that surrounds you—walk with your heart.

Our next Advanced Glidewalking course starts Monday, March 31, at 10 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. If you are an alumnus, consider joining your fellow Gokhale Method alumni on this exciting journey of walking techniques and self-discovery.

I recently took the six-session Advanced Glidewalking course with Esther and Doreen, and it was fabulous, a deep dive into the mechanics and spirit of walking… I’d been introduced to glidewalking about 10 years ago when I took Gokhale Foundations, and have been using what I learned there ever since (I’m a daily walker). Still, there was more to be remembered and more to learn and integrate. Esther and Doreen… inspired us with music and helpful images when we were getting caught up in thinking about too many details at once. My walking has improved greatly since the course; more gliding, softer landings; and I have the tools to keep improving. Definitely a worthwhile experience! A great big thanks to Esther and Doreen!
Julie Reichert, October 2024

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The Year Is Yet Young, And So Are You! Emily Agnew’s continuing Success Story

The Year Is Yet Young, And So Are You! Emily Agnew’s continuing Success Story

Emily Agnew

I’m grateful that my posture journey is still unfolding

My Gokhale Method® journey has unfolded in stages. I attended an in-person weekend Gokhale® Foundations course in 2016, seeking relief for a stiff neck. My neck had been a chronic problem during my long career as a professional oboe player, and it was now much worse after a freak fall down the stairs. As I began to incorporate the Gokhale principles into my daily life, my neck gradually improved. 

In the fall of 2023, I took another step forward: I completed the PostureTracker™ and Advanced Glidewalking online courses for alumni. This time, I immediately noticed a striking sense of groundedness and well-being—so much so that I volunteered to write my first Gokhale Success Story (you can read it here.) I could not have imagined that only a year later, in early 2025, I'd be writing again with even greater excitement, but here I am! In this Success Story I'll describe the surprising (to me) and wonderful changes I'm experiencing as I complete my fourth month of steady attendance at the Dance Party, 1-2-3-Move, and Gokhale Fitness classes

My fitness gathers momentum

I signed up for the three-week Gokhale Fitness challenge in September 2024. I attended all six classes each week, for three weeks. I loved the classes. I also felt fantastic. 

Emily speaks about the momentum of her posture and fitness journey, from a six-lesson course, to taking a daily program…

So after that, I joined Gokhale® Active and I simply kept going. All along, I've used the Dance Party and 1-2-3 Move classes as a sort of mindful warm-up before the Gokhale Fitness class. In this way, in an hour a day, six days a week, I've managed to get dramatically stronger. Even better, I've done it without pain or injury. 

What the process has felt like

My muscles are sometimes a bit sore, especially every six weeks when the Gokhale Fitness instructors change up the exercises (each class features three exercises, always taught with keen mindfulness to Gokhale principles.) However, I appreciate the change because it means I never get bored, and because each class pinpoints specific areas of the body and aspects of fitness (lower body strength, upper body stability and mobility, and so on). I find this gives my muscles and joints ample time to recover each week.

Emily Agnew’s foster cat, on the bed watching 1-2-3 Move on her laptop
Our foster cat Arjuna relaxes while I do my daily 1-2-3 Move class. I aspire to have shoulders as flexible as his! (see below)

Emily Agnew’s foster cat, front legs outstretched on the bed.

In addition, I took advantage of the special lesson rate we were offered during the fitness challenge and signed up for two private lessons online in the weeks after the challenge ended. I found the lessons invaluable to help me "see" (and feel) the ways I was holding and moving my body well, and the ways I still needed to change.


The body worker I see once a month was wowed by the increase in my strength and vitality, and friends have commented on the change. When my partner and I had to (literally) pick up an unwieldy 28 lb. (13 kg) bag of cat litter at the pet store recently for the cat we were fostering, my partner just looked at me and raised an eyebrow. He knew I'd want to be the one to do it. I did, easily. Not surprising as I’m now lifting a 35 lb. (16 kg) kettlebell for squats in class. And everyday life is easier, like bending to put a heavy cast iron pot into the back of a low cupboard. 

Emily shares the secret of her new physique!

My strength is increasing

The 1-2-3 Move posture work and the Gokhale Fitness classes create a powerful synergy. Having done both classes for four months, I understand clearly now that for me, strength had been the key missing piece of the postural puzzle. A year ago, I couldn't keep my shoulders back all day because the muscles in my upper back that perform that action were weak. In fact, in the PostureTracker™ class, my upper back would start to ache after just a few minutes. Now that I have reached the necessary baseline tone in that area in the Gokhale Fitness classes, I have no problem resting my shoulders back.

In the past, I instinctively shied away from work with weights. When I did try it, my neck would get worse. Now I understand that if I do strength work in the right way, with healthy alignment, it makes my neck—and my posture overall—better, not worse. What a joyful discovery! I have two sisters-in-law who are very athletic: one of them does clap pushups. Observing them, I’ve always felt like a cat watching a bird through the window. I admired their strength, but I thought I could never be that strong myself, or that if I could, it would take way more time than I could possibly spend (and, possibly, make my neck worse.) Now I see that getting stronger is a gradual process, one that I can engage in by investing a totally manageable amount of time each day.  

Emily Agnew kneading bread, keeping her shoulders back.
As I knead bread, I'm conscious of keeping a J-spine, engaging my inner corset, and letting my shoulders stay back and down.

Feeling joy and confidence in my body

I’m almost 65: I just finished applying for Medicare. Yet I feel more energetic than ever. While I already had a positive attitude towards aging, I really did not see this coming. I am, in fact, in my body more: it is like a mindfulness practice. I am aware of what my neck and shoulders are doing, for example, and this awareness keeps me in my body. The daily 1-2-3 Move classes I attend are like drip irrigation for my posture: the changes soak in easily and gradually, leaving me with a deep, ongoing sense of well-being and strength. I also feel peace of mind knowing that the strength and postural habits I am building will help reduce my fall risk as I age. Best of all, I’ve noticed that in stressful situations, I’m much better able to stand on my own two (kidney-bean shaped!) feet and say whatever I need to say in a calm way. In other words, improved posture has noticeably changed for the better the way I show up in my relationships.

Emily Agnew standing, earlier in her posture journey.
Thanks to my Gokhale studies since the first picture (above) was taken in our garden in 2021, my posture has shifted from tentative and diffident to sturdy, erect, and confident (below)

Emily Agnew standing, later in her posture journey..

Investing in my health now—and for the future

We all do our best to save money so we can live comfortably as we age. That’s important. However, I’ve come to realize that investing in my body, as I do each time I take a Gokhale class, is equally important. I want my quality of life to be high as I get older. Healthy posture and robust strength are underappreciated but crucial elements of a good quality of life. By cultivating these qualities, I’m making a tangible contribution to my health and happiness not only now, but years down the road.

Now that I understand that good posture is a lifelong journey, attending to my body alignment and strength has become as regular a habit as brushing my teeth—including regular “checkups” with Gokhale teachers through classes and lessons. The physical, emotional, and relational benefits of my newfound regular attention to posture are hard to overstate. I hope that reading about my journey inspires you to dream big about how you’d like to feel as you get older. And I hope I’ve conveyed how much studying the Gokhale Method has helped me live the way I want to live—feeling joyful, energetic, and strong.

Best next action steps

If you would like help finding your potential for healthy posture and exercise, get started by booking a consultation, online or in person, with one of our teachers.

You can sign up below to join any one of our upcoming FREE Online Workshops…

Success Story: Julia Leete Rabin

Success Story: Julia Leete Rabin

Julia Leete Rabin


In December 2020 I received an email from Gokhale Method® offering a five-day trial period of exercise classes and dance parties with posture lessons. Every day for five days! I was thrilled to receive this email and joined on January 1. From day one I knew I had found something very special.  

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, I swam to stave off the pain I felt in my back and hips. But when the virus struck, I wasn’t able to swim. Eventually my back pain returned to being constant. This showed me that being dependent on an external circumstance, swimming in this case, to feel good, could not give me everything that I needed to heal. 

Gokhale Method daily program 210101 photo showing Greek statue.
January 1, 2021, day one of my five-day free trial of the Gokhale Method daily program. It was about the inner corset and how it protects your back.

Those first five days were like a prayer being answered. I thought, “this is the place where I can learn how to care for myself day by day." Three weeks later I decided to take the online Elements course. With each lesson, I learned new ways to relieve pain in my body and gained confidence that I could help myself if pain returned. Fortunately, I could take the lessons at my own pace which allowed me to take my time and savor what I was learning. Some positive results came very quickly for me, and yet there is a lot more depth left for me to appreciate. For both these reasons, it was with deep gratitude that I came to write this article.  

As a very young girl I was confident in my body. Being athletic, I felt I could do anything. I was just me. . .whole. That all changed growing up in a troubled family. Mine was a childhood of great conflict and uncertainty. But I was resilient, so I forged ahead.

Julia Rabin aged 18, checked shirt and jeans.
Here I am, aged 18.

In my late twenties I fell through a porch, leaving one leg on the deck and the other dangling below. Alone, I pulled myself up. It was a terrifying experience and had a strong physical impact. Sitting became possible for only short periods at a time. I was profoundly uncomfortable with no ease or let up. Doctors couldn’t find anything “wrong” with me —no broken bones or serious injuries that X-rays could detect. A chiropractor told me my pelvis was twisted from the fall. This was a helpful diagnosis but he treated me for nine months with no change. So began my search for something that would permanently help me. Yoga, swimming, massage, physical therapy, chiropractic; you name it, I tried it—everything mainstream and more. All were helpful in some ways, but none resulted in lasting improvements.

Julia Rabin aged 40 standing by shallow sea.
Me in 1997, aged 40. I would tend to lock my knees and park my abdomen forward, creating sway and compression in my lower back. 

My search continued for 32 years. My back would give out, I would have to lie down for days, and then slowly over weeks I would loosen up and go on. My chosen profession in the Fine Arts is of a physical nature, allowing me to move around frequently throughout the day. This was my saving grace, because moving kept some of the muscular tightness at bay. 

Julia Rabin hunching painting a book cover.
Leaning in to paint book covers contributed to my hunching. I needed to learn how not to round my back and hunch my shoulders.

Sensing there was an emotional connection to my physical pain, I continued searching and exploring different avenues for a deeper understanding of why I was still “not right.” Talk therapy was enormously helpful. The fall had scared me. So had other experiences in my early life. Even with all this therapy work, the pain persisted. Over time I gained in self-confidence and felt reconciled to what I had to deal with—occasional debilitating bouts of back pain—and I moved on with my life. Things could be worse, I thought to myself. Years later the answers to my predicament became clearer as I took on the role of a caregiver. I imagine as I write this that many readers will understand from personal experience what it is like to care for someone who is ill and relies on you heavily.

Caregiving became a central focus in my daily life as I cared for my mother and later my sister. Caring for them made for conflicted feelings. As my mother’s condition worsened I took on more responsibilities for her care. One day she asked me, “why are you helping me?" It floored me, though I knew why she asked. Why would you care for someone who did not care for you? All I could say to her at the time was “because I love you, and you deserve it." She did not believe it—I was conflicted. But deep in my heart I knew she did deserve my help. This is what family does, right? I had to care for her, love her, show her that she was worthy. I do believe that we are all worthy of love and care. For myself, I wanted to learn what it is to have a positive experience of family.  

Julia Rabin’s artwork Dust Bowl, opened up.
The Dust Bowl book. (Buttons, tin type photos, hand-painted paper, birch bark.) A central focus of my work is to give attention to the unseen in plain sight. From the tiny bits on the forest floor to the unrecognized work that women do daily. Now after many years I understand hiding was my main way to feel safe, unrecognized, and unseen.

But it wore me down. It was almost more than I could bear, and my body caved in on itself. I stiffened with fear and worry. My shoulders slumped forward and my back rounded. It was a relief when my mother quietly passed away in her apartment.

Julia Rabin’s artwork Dust Bowl, closed.
The Dust Bowl, closed. Its insides are hidden.

Several years later I drove to Georgia with my husband and our pup, Ace, to bring my older sister home to Massachusetts so I could care for her. We had seen each other only a few times in 40 years. We were sisters but you wouldn’t know it. She needed help and care desperately. I knew I had to step in.

Julia Rabin’s artwork, black paper on sky photos on tissue frame.
I made this piece when my sister was diagnosed with cancer. Dark and light come together. My photographs are not enhanced—these are printed on tissue paper, then applied to the frame like gold leaf. The black handmade paper is arranged edge-on.

That was nine years ago. Through those years we got to know each other and grew as close as she would allow. Several times she asked me nearly the same question my mother had, “Why are you helping me?" And again I said, “because I love you, you deserve it.” But I was angry with her for the hurt and pain she caused in our childhood. Even though I had grown a deep emotional understanding of myself by that time, I still didn’t recognize what was happening in my body. Again my body stiffened and caved in.

Julia Rabin with her mother and siblings.
My mother and my siblings. I am the worried looking one on her lap.

Caregiving wore me down and filled me up, leaving room for little else. The burden from stress, worry, responsibility, and physical strain, is exhausting. Along with that, the sense of connection and privilege of being trusted and important to the people who needed my help filled me with wonder, love, and self-confidence. I held up and helped out. This is as it should have been in many ways, except one—I could not find effective or adequate ways to care for myself at the same time. 

I have learned for myself how interconnected everything is. I used to think that we were made up of separate parts—a mind, soul, spirit, body. I sought out solutions to my pain as though I was made up of these different parts. It was as if, like jigsaw puzzle pieces put together in the right place, I could become whole. This did not work for me.  

A limited edition of 39 copies, published by 21st Editions. As a bookbinder I co-designed and created many editions. This is one of my favorites. I painted linen papers for these covers. Each set is different. All stages of production are by hand.

Book cover opened. It took me a long time to find the integration within myself that I could create in my artwork.

Now I understand things differently. I believe there is an interrelated dance to the patterns we develop. These patterns play out over and over again. Our own individual ways of moving our bodies are part of the constellation of being who we are and how our life experiences inform our reality.  

While I was still taking the Elements course and attending the daily program, the puzzle pieces started coming together. Sometimes, while dancing in class, I’d be swept away in movement, crying and integrating the grief my body was holding. All while moving with better posture!

Julia Rabin kneeled, hunching, kissing turtle sculpture.
Tucking my pelvis and rounding my back as I am doing here was a self-protective postural habit—almost like a turtle’s shell. 

Julia Rabin hip-hinging.
Now I prefer to hip-hinge and my spine, back muscles, and neck are much happier!

It’s been 13 months since my first Zoom classes. I still show up for the daily classes and dance my heart out. Moving as freely as I can, feeling myself move through space, sensing the physicality inside of me. How does it feel to anchor my ribs? What’s it like to roll my shoulders back and feel their weight as they hang by my sides or float around? I feel alive and connected to me. I feel wonderful sensations of flow as I move around the room. 

Julia Rabin’s artwork, calligraphic black lines under colored tissue paper.
I loved painting these lines, which are covered in tissue paper. This is the flow I had been searching for and have now found for my body/self.

This work with the Gokhale Method teachers and the online community continues to be full of opportunities and I am still learning. My latest adventure with this wonderful work is using the PostureTracker™! This is an amazing tool that gives real-time feedback on my body’s movements and is rapidly deepening my understanding of my posture habits.  

 Julia Rabin’s PostureTracker, Level Head.
PostureTracker used to show how I habitually contracted the back of my neck and lifted my chin up (left). Now it is helping me to learn and maintain a much healthier, tall neck position (right). 

Aligning my body in healthy posture so that I can move with ease is my goal. I am simply engaged in the process of making the unfamiliar familiar. Over time I will be “at home” standing tall with ribs anchored, shoulders back, arms hanging comfortably by my sides, and strong feet beautifully supporting all of me.

Julia Rabin standing with PostureTracker™.
Here I am seeing that my back remains unswayed using the Upright and Relaxed PostureTracker™setting.

If you would like to find out more about how the Gokhale Method can help support you, sign up to join one of our upcoming FREE Online Workshops…

Good Standing and a Positive Stance

Good Standing and a Positive Stance

Esther Gokhale

For some, Summer is a time of rest, relaxation and vacation. Unfortunately, for teens and young adults, these months are often wrought with the anxiety of life ahead: starting college, searching for a job...It is important to address the major role our bodies play in how we weather times of stress and uncertainty.

We’ve always known that there is a connection between the physical and the emotional. We know how hard it is not to get grumpy when we aren’t feeling our best. Being laid up with a cold or fighting a headache can spoil anyone’s mood.

Now there is a mounting body of scientific research suggesting this connection is much stronger than simply reacting to discomfort or pain. It appears that, to some extent, our emotional states are actually determined by the position of our bodies. In her book, Emotional Contagion, researcher Elaine Hatfield compiles evidence that our physical states are interpreted by our brains to create the emotions we feel. In her view, it is our bodies, rather than our minds, that react to situations, and this physical response tells the brain what we feel.


A beautiful girl in a Goan market whose regal affect matches her glowing smile (India)

Amy Cuddy introduced this concept to millions in her extremely popular TED talk on “power posing.” Her research shows that people like you better when you are more confident - and you can make yourself more confident by standing tall and throwing your hands high in the air. This almost instantly increases your feelings of power (testosterone) and lowers your stress levels (cortisol). In other words, just moving your body in a certain way for a few minutes causes measurable differences in your hormone levels.

This teacher in Otovalo, Ecuador does not compromise his form in order to please the children, and they are not the least bit put off by this! 

Another group of researchers found that bipolar patients felt significantly less depressed when they stood erect with their heads up, smiled and breathed deeply. In fact, this position eliminated the need for medication as long as they maintained it.

A recent Gokhale Method Foundations course graduate wrote eloquently about some surprising emotional effects of her posture training in her blog, the Moody Pinata.

Rates of depression are often lower in developing countries than in the west. One has to ponder whether we have more to learn. 

When dealing with the stresses of young adult life, posture probably isn’t the primary source of anxiety and depression. However, upright posture may be a successful coping mechanism for stress, as researchers at the University of Auckland recently demonstrated by subjecting participants to stressful tasks. Those that had been coached to sit up straight were “enthusiastic, excited, and strong,” while those who had been instructed to slump were “more fearful, hostile, nervous, quiet...and sluggish” while completing the same tasks.

Actors use posture to portray a variety of mind states. More than many, they understand the value of the body in establishing character - both mental and physical. 

This field of research deserves the attention it has received in the press lately. While human emotions are complicated and should be approached holistically, posture may be the easiest variable to control, and the fastest step toward a more balanced life—literally! After all, any of life’s hurdles are more easily cleared when our bodies are functioning at their fullest capacity.


Join us in an upcoming Free Workshop (online or in person).  

Find a Foundations Course in your area to get the full training on the Gokhale Method!  

We also offer in person or online Initial Consultations with any of our qualified Gokhale Method teachers.


Secret to Aging Gracefully?

Secret to Aging Gracefully?

Annie Rempel

Gokhale Method Institute staff member Annie Rempel sat down with teacher Kathleen Marie to listen to and document her journey with the Gokhale Method. Below are excerpts from their conversation.


From dancers to physicians, the breadth of skill and experience held by Gokhale Method teachers is nothing short of impressive. As I’ve continued to learn from and about those who make up our teaching community, one name seems to come up again and again: Kathleen Marie. As one of Esther’s early teacher trainees, Kathleen exemplifies the diverse wealth of knowledge held by those drawn to teach our method.

Kathleen Climbing.jpg
To Kathleen, aging gracefully means she is able to remain active and spend time doing the things she loves - like being outdoors, climbing trees, and playing with her grandchildren.

Like so many, Kathleen was first attracted to Esther’s book after experiencing lower back pain. In 2008, Kathleen and her sons had opened a Santa Fe style restaurant. In addition to making delicious carne adovada, calabacitas, and sopaipillas, the physical demand of keeping a restaurant afloat took a toll on her back and sent her in search of answers. 

Before going into the restaurant business or even hearing about the Gokhale Method, Kathleen had an established love for the healing field. As a registered nurse, she fulfilled her desire to help people, but explains that taking vitals, administering medicines, and cleaning wounds didn’t satisfy her aspiration to address deeper issues in health and wellness.

One of the things I became aware of is that western medicine focuses on treating symptoms and not really getting to the core of what people are dealing with. With the Gokhale Method, I can finally be in a profession where I am helping people and not only that, I am helping people at the core to help them get back to a healthy lifestyle.

In addition to her experiences as a nurse and restaurateur, Kathleen is the mother of five. In many ways, she attributes her success as a teacher to her strength and perspective as a single mother.

I think you can more easily see the world through kids’ eyes when they are small. It’s a whole different way of seeing the world. Similarly, when I work with students, I try to see through their eyes and teach the method in a way that helps each person get the technique in their body.

After taking the Foundations course in Portland with Esther, completing teacher training, and becoming a qualified teacher, Kathleen spent two years teaching at the Gokhale Method Institute in Palo Alto, California.

I got so much experience both teaching in Palo Alto and at the center. The first year I travel taught. I was in Chicago, Seattle, L.A., San Diego, Wisconsin. It was great. I really got a sense of being a mobile teacher and that’s what I do in Florida now. It was really an interesting study. Depending on where I was, people had different issues. For example, people in Chicago walk a lot so they had really strong glutes. People tend to hunch over in cold places. In the south where it’s warmer, people tend to have better upper body posture.

Kathleen’s home base is now in Oregon, but she spends half the year in Florida and continues to travel teach in both states. She currently has courses listed throughout Florida and Oregon, as well as in Ottawa, Ontario. But she hasn’t let the restaurant owner in her slip away just yet. She still runs Zia, a food booth in the summer with her sons in Corvallis, Oregon. She also helps her husband with his booth, Ali Baba’s Tribal Treats.

“If I see my son bending over with poor posture when picking up big things at the booth, I will call him out.”

When not cooking at the booth or teaching, Kathleen keeps herself plenty busy spending time with grandkids and working on her own movement and posture.

Being a Gokhale Method teacher has allowed Kathleen the freedom to spend time with her grandchildren by travelling between the coasts for six months at a time. As a teacher, she is not limited to teaching in any one area, so she can work when and where she wishes, while still contributing meaningfully to her family’s earnings, the wellbeing of her students, and the good of society.

One of the things I am most grateful for from the Gokhale Method is the ability, at age 63, to keep up with my grandchildren. In Florida, I climb trees with my grandchildren, play soccer with my grandson, jump on the trampoline with my granddaughter. In Oregon, I take care of my newborn grandson for a few hours a day, and spend the night once a week so my son and his wife can sleep the whole night.

“My granddaughter will often point out poor posture to me at the grocery store ‘Grandma, look look!’”

The Gokhale Method has restored the confidence Kathleen has in her body. She believes if she had not restored her primal posture, she would be timid about joining her grandchildren in all their physical activities.

My body feels very strong. People ask me if I am a dancer. I laugh and say no. Then I explain that’s what happens when you take the Foundations course – you are confident in your body and move with grace. I feel like I will be able to age gracefully because my posture is in place now.

Interested in becoming a Gokhale Method teacher? Email [email protected] or visit for more information.

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