Curso de Fundamentos - Seis lecciones sobre el Método Gokhale

About this workshop

El Curso de Fundamentos es una oferta básica del Método Gokhale. En seis lecciones de 90 minutos, puedes cambiar tus hábitos de forma eficaz y profunda a través de una combinación de explicaciones verbales, materiales visuales y la suave guía práctica de un profesor cualificado del Método Gokhale. Todos los profesores cualificados del Método Gokhale son formados personalmente por Esther Gokhale.

  •  Reducir o eliminar muchos tipos de dolor musculoesquelético
  • Prevenir la degeneración articular
  • Aumentar la energía, la resistencia y la flexibilidad
  • Mejorar la circulación y la respiración
  • Reducir el estrés
  • Lucir mejor aspecto y sentirse más seguro de uno mismo

Los efectos suelen ser inmediatos y duran toda la vida.

Texto obligatorio: 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back.

"En seis sesiones me sentí transformado. El enfoque es asombrosamente sencillo y confiere resultados inmediatos. Recomiendo de todo corazón este programa.”

        - Deirdre Stegman, M.D. Medicina Interna, Fundación Médica de Palo Alto

"Cada año, decenas de miles de pacientes se someten a una cirugía mayor de espalda sin obtener ningún beneficio. Utilizando las novedosas técnicas del Método Gokhale, muchos de esos pacientes pueden evitar los innecesarios y costosos procedimientos médicos y volver rápidamente a una vida sin dolor."

        - John R. Adler, neurocirujano, Clínica Médica de la Universidad de Stanford, Stanford, CA

“Aunque es asombrosamente sencillo, el Método Gokhale™ pone patas arriba gran parte de la sabiduría convencional sobre el dolor y la postura. Cada sesión del curso dio resultados inmediatos y ahora espero disfrutar durante muchos años de un cuello y una espalda sanos.”

      - Joan Baez, cantante folk y activista, Woodside, CA
Start Date
Friday, July 11, 2025
Start Time
04:30 pm
Six 90-min lessons
EUR (€) 490.00
calle Santander 42, nave 18
Barcelona, B 08020
Venue Info
Name of Facility:
Facility Details:
Metro La Pau / Autobuses 33, B24
Parking Info:
Es fácil aparcar enfrente en tardes de viernes o mañanas de sábados.
July 11, 2025
04:30 pm
July 12, 2025
10:00 am
July 18, 2025
04:30 pm
July 19, 2025
10:00 am
July 25, 2025
04:30 pm
July 26, 2025
10:00 am
Show large map
Jaume Tarrida
Phone Number
+34 600 451 236

Your Teacher

Jaume pasó años descargando camiones de muebles y sobrecargando su cuerpo. Un día descubrió el Método Gokhale y lo aplicó. Le alivió y mejoró tanto que decidió hacerse profesor. Hoy, Jaume es el primer profesor del Método Gokhale en España. Encuentra su labor muy gratificante y se alegra cada vez que un alumno regresa y le cuenta lo mucho que ha mejorado.

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Gokhale Method Testimonials

  • Five-plus! Just completed Foundations Course with Kerri Robinson. I am so thankful that the Gokhale method exists! It is the only thing that has made any sense after 15 years of trying everything for back and hip pain. I feel as if I am finally learning how to use my body effectively--and without pain. The results are a bit miraculous while at the same time being grounded in everyday movements. I wish this class could be taught in schools so that young people could build these lifelong habits of movement early in their lives. The beauty of this method is how it becomes a part of your daily

  • Of all the self-care things I have tried these past years, this was the most impactful.  Aches and pains were increasingly hindering my quality of life -  something I thought was inevitable at worst and a big hurdle to overcome at best.  I came across the Gokhale method, purchased the book, about a year later attended a free workshop, and then signed up for the Foundations Course taught by Aurelia Vaicekauskas. The course was eye opening, doable, and so impactful.  Aurelia taught the course with clear explanations, illustrations and visualizations that not only showed what to do, but why

  • Having had bad posture and some back pain for most of my life and having tried many modalities, I was initially skeptical. Lisa's introduction in the first class was clear, simple and made absolute sense to me and I realized that profound change was possible if I applied myself to this method. The class is a mixture of explanation, demonstration and hands-on application with tools and techniques to explore one's individual needs. It was inspiring to hear of Lisa's journey with her own posture. She taught our group in a relaxed yet confident way, with opportunity for differing bodies and

  • I have the Gokhale Method book but wanted help from someone who could see what I couldn't see, who could help me learn the concepts correctly, and who could do it in person.  Christine provided exactly what I wanted.  She pointed out what I was already doing right and showed me how to correct the misalignments that were contributing to my discomfort.  I am now much more mindful of how I sit, stand, bend, sleep, and walk, and am making daily progress toward becoming pain-free.

    Christine pointed out what I was already doing right and showed me how to correct the misalignments that were

  • The Gokhale Method, developed by Esther Gokhale, is deceptively simple. It’s physical and is straightforward and, for most, requires repetition and practice to replace old with new. I had the good fortune to meet Esther just after I began to experience nerve pain. Exercises learned in the Foundations Course were immediately beneficial, reducing nerve pain to the vanishing point and improving my balance and confidence. The Gokhale Method rewards its practitioners. I highly recommend it.

  • I can't remember the last time I've had any discomfort at all.

Private Foundations Consultations

Jaume Tarrida
Start Date
To be arranged
Six 45-90-min lessons
$450 - $855
Details & Benefits Of a Private Course
Jaume Tarrida
  • Reduce or eliminate back, neck, muscle and joint pain
  • Prevent muscle and joint degeneration and injury
  • Increase your energy, stamina, and flexibility
  • Reduce stress and improve your appearance
  • Effects are often immediate and last a lifetime.