Function over Appearance: MommaStrong, the Gokhale Method, and Posture for Moms

Function over Appearance: MommaStrong, the Gokhale Method, and Posture for Moms

Esther Gokhale

Posture and pregnancy have always been closely linked for me. As you may know, my own journey to create the Gokhale Method and a life free of back pain began with my development of crippling back pain during pregnancy. So it’s always a special gift to get to connect with other mothers who understand the deep relationship between posture and health, and to help other women learn to navigate the many changes that come with pregnancy and childbirth.

That’s why I’ve teamed up with MommaStrong to bring you this discussion between me and Courtney Wyckoff, the founder of MommaStrong. She’s a Certified Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist, with 16 years experience in the field of fitness, nutrition, and injury prevention/treatment. She has been working exclusively with pre- and postnatal women for the last 9 years, which has allowed her the opportunity to see how seldom women in this country get the sort of support and information they need to truly re-integrate their core, nervous system, and biomechanical performance after childbirth. Her programs for core rehabilitation are vetted by leading physical therapists in this field. I love working with Courtney as our approaches have so much in common: we both want to help people live without pain, in which they stay functional and active throughout the many changes life brings.

Join us for our discussion of the concept “Function over Appearance,” and discover how moms and moms-to-be alike can reclaim a sense of empowerment and poise in their own bodies.

Learn more about MommaStrong here — and consider sharing with the moms (and other parents!) in your lives!


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