Gokhale® Moment: Concrete Worker (Brazil)


Submitted by PeggyM on Thu, 12/15/2016 - 04:30


Extremely helpful explanation--I've looked at photo before but really couldn't see what it showed. Please do the same with other photos in book. Thank you!

Submitted by TaraB on Thu, 12/14/2017 - 06:55


Esther - super helpful.  I agree with other commenter - you can do this with ALL your wonderful photos!  It helps us develop our eye so we can see.  A year ago I had my husband video me walking because I thought I was looking pretty awesome.  lol.  I thought I had the glide down to perfection.  Well just a few days ago I came across the video and was apalled to see I had a swayed back!  I could see it immeditately!  So it takes time for us to develop our keen eye to see what we need to see.  Your discussion of a photo is just so helpful.  Thanks.


Submitted by EstherG on Thu, 12/14/2017 - 09:00


Yoou're right it takes time and repetition to develop one's eye. Good for you that you went throught the trouble to video-document your gait! Now you can enjoy hopw far you've come. I've begun documenting baseline sitting, standing, and bending posture not only in photographs but also with the PostureSensei™ spine snaps. It's super useful to see clear evidence of change...

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