Move like you are meant to

About this workshop

Redefine your Posture and Reclaim your Life.

In this live online workshop with Sabina Blumauer you'll discover:

  • The simple reason why 80% of us experience back pain
  • How our founder Esther Gokhale healed her herniated disc, despite a failed surgery
  • The empirical foundation of the Gokhale Method and anthropological principles driving its effectiveness
  • How you, too, can transform your body and join the thousands of people who now enjoy a pain-free life

At the end of the workshop, we’ll also share a special offer to start you on your way to a pain-free back. Seize the opportunity today to take charge of your well-being and banish back pain for good!

Thank you for providing the introductory online workshop. You covered a significant amount of territory in a short period of time. You answered each question with gentleness and often employed humor at just the right moment. For those of us who have suffered back pain for a considerable period, you offered hope based on experience. Thanks for reaching out to help us learn to heal ourselves. Much continued success until you reach your goal of "making back pain a relic of the past".
Rod Margolis

Tuesday, October 01, 2024
02:00 pm - 03:00 pm
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Seats available

Sabina Blumauer
Phone Number
+386 31 880 220

Your Teacher

Sabina Blumauer lives in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She is a professional biologist, swing and blues dance instructor, choreographer and performer who loves sharing her knowledge about movement. After attending the Gokhale Method Foundations course she knew that she wanted to share this profound knowledge with the world.

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