Freedom from Pain This July 4

Freedom from Pain This July 4

Esther Gokhale

Today, those of us in the U.S. celebrate our nationhood. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence announced colonial freedom from Great Britain; our history has included the winning of many more freedoms since. In various and sometimes contradictory ways, our society continues to defend much cherished freedoms, and also to aspire to new levels of freedom.

Photo of Abraham Lincoln reading with his son.
Abraham Lincoln is remembered for preserving the union of the U.S.. This 1864 photograph of Lincoln with his son, Tad, shows the upright posture characteristic of our ancestors. You can find it alongside many such examples in my book, 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back.

One freedom that everyone wishes for is to live and move free from aches and pains. I feel privileged that all day, every day, I get to support people in this basic endeavor. Our team of teachers is delighted to pass on to others how best to be in our bodies. We all want our bodies to be a source of true support, good health, and enjoyment for us, rather than a source of misery and a hindrance.

For too many of us, freedom in our body and delight in our physicality was left behind in childhood. We want to regain that pleasure! Image from Pexels

Your body is your primary instrument for existing in the world; it either supports or undermines each of your endeavors. Our intellectual, emotional, and physical selves can be severely challenged by musculoskeletal pain. A body that works well for us is more useful, more productive, gives us more scope to interact positively with others, and brings us more joy.

Young man breakdancing
Enjoyable physical activity should be with us through all stages of life. Image from Pexels

Yet sadly there continue to be many ways in which our natural joyful physicality is undermined by our thinking, and the dominant paradigms around it. We are almost always born into this world highly functional, yet we get molded by misguided conventions and ill-conceived furniture into structures that systematically wear us down. A second whammy comes from not recognizing the red flags, and instead, normalizing them and lowering our expectations. Examples include “It’s normal to have disc degeneration by middle age”, or “We haven’t yet fully evolved to be upright”. The interventions we are offered to relieve pain symptoms, such as anti-inflammatory shots, while having a role to play, do not tackle the underlying causes of musculoskeletal pain, or offer solutions. We need freedom from this complex and catastrophic construction.

Four chairs of poor design for spinal health.
Poorly designed chairs such as these are a root cause of unhealthy posture and “ordinary” mechanical back pain. Learning to position our pelvis and spines well, in chairs that encourage healthy sitting, is an important part of the solution.

Could we use this Independence Day to awaken to the fact that we are actually very well designed? To realize that what is actually normal for us is to move and live mostly pain-free, and that our pain signals are an understandably unwelcome yet helpful nudge to move us in the right direction. To whatever extent you may need help in interpreting discomfort and understanding your particular posture puzzle, we are here to support you.

While the
Gokhale Method®
 is sometimes thought to be about static posture, our method is equally about how to move well. Healthy posture is one frame in a motion picture. Collectively, these frames give you better balance, coordination, and flow. Everyday movements like bending and walking are a pleasure and are liberating, instead of being painful and restrictive..

Alumna Anissa Morgan tells the story of freeing herself from her “decade of darkness”. Anissa continues to enjoy improvement and to recommend the Gokhale Method.

The techniques and principles that restore our bodies’ freedom are taught in logical sequence and detail in our in-person Foundations course, one-day Pop-up course, our online Elements course, plus our Gokhale Exercise program. These offerings enable you to “move like you are meant to.”

Join us for a special online free workshop, Move Like You are Meant To, on Sunday July 7, 11 a.m. PST, where you can ask questions about how the Gokhale Method can help you to find and enjoy greater body freedom.

Best next action steps 

If you would like to find greater freedom in your posture and movement, get started by booking a consultation, online or in person, with one of our teachers. 

You can sign up below to join any one of our upcoming FREE Online Workshops


Submitted by LucasNathann on Sun, 12/15/2024 - 23:21

I work in an office, I often feel pain in my neck and shoulders, when I rest for a month it goes away but when I return to work I have it again, I think it's because I don't sit in the right posture. Is there any way to stop this condition?

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