Bachata for Trunk Mobilization and Stability

Bachata for Trunk Mobilization and Stability

Esther Gokhale

Regular readers and our students will know that I am a great fan of dance—it is a fun, social, and mood-elevating way to get fitter and master healthy posture. 

Dance and the importance of length in the spine

The Gokhale Method® focuses on restoring the spine to its natural length, strength, and shape in all positions and activities. In vigorous activities like dance, with higher impact and distortions like twists, side bends, flexions, and extensions, the inner corset technique becomes especially important.

Dancing bronze figure of Sambandar showing a strong inner corset and lengthened spine
Vigorous dance requires and maintains a strong inner corset of muscle that keeps the spine lengthened and the trunk stable. The creators of this Indian figurine knew this well.

About Bachata 

Bachata is a sensual Latin American-style dance that is generally a little slower than Salsa. It originated in the Dominican Republic, continuing to evolve as it spread across the globe. The style is characterized by fluid and playful movements which require a great deal of coordination. 

Woman and man dancing Bachata
These Bachata dancers embody many of the healthy postural elements that we teach in our in-person Foundations course, one-day Pop-up course, our online Elements course, and our Gokhale Exercise program. Wikipedia

One characteristic ingredient of Bachata that is worthy of closer examination is the sideways “shear” of the ribcage. For those who seek an expanded palette of healthy movement, a shear opens up a whole new realm of possibility. Shearing happens naturally in the neck when balancing a load on the head, and in reaching out sideways or off-center. The shear appears in numerous traditional dance forms including African, Arabic, Indian, and Latin American.

The shearing movement is accessed safely by first lengthening and then adding the inner corset action. The shear is not held, it is a series of positions you visit in transit. The rib mobility involved benefits the thoracic spine and upper lumbar spine, mobilizing an area that can become tense, stuck, and achy. It is also visually compelling!


Here is Gokhale Fitness teacher Eric Fernandez incorporating the rib shear movement in Bachata dance.

Enjoying the positives that Bachata offers

With this modern concoction of traditional ingredients, Bachata dancers can develop a unique view of self. Bachata dance allows for a wholesome expression of sensuality that leads to an increase in empowerment and confidence—as well as a beneficial foray into one’s natural architecture. 

In medical terms shear may be used to refer to a sideways displacement, injury, or degeneration of a spinal vertebra. However, we are talking about a healthy, distributed shear through the lumbar and thoracic spine using well-controlled muscular contraction. This is a tried and tested workout for all the trunk movers and stabilizers, including the deepest intrinsic spinal muscles, the obliques, and quadratus lumborum. 

Two anatomical drawings showing quadratus lumborum and the internal obliques
Quadratus lumborum (left, in red) and the internal obliques (right, in red) are just two of the important muscles that both move and stabilize the trunk. When this is done well, the spine is mobilized—and protected. Wikimedia, Wikimedia

Our new alumni-exclusive course, “Gokhale Dance: Bachata”

If you already enjoy our daily 1-2-3 Move dance parties, you’ll love our upcoming Bachata course that can take your dancing to a new level. Or if dancing has been off the menu since COVID started, and you want to channel your inner dancer, read on. . .

Our new alumni-exclusive, six-lesson course “Gokhale Dance: Bachata” starts Monday, June 12, at 10 a.m. PST. Over the course you will develop the movement skills you need for the basics of Bachata dancing. The course is for a maximum of 20 participants, which allows for plenty of individual feedback.

Every Bachata lesson is followed by a home practice video so that participants can drill down into the moves between classes. Here is a taster of the rib shear movement from the Lesson 2 home practice, taught by Gokhale Fitness teacher Eric Fernandez.

Who can learn Bachata

You don’t have to be an accomplished dancer to learn Bachata. There are no dance prerequisites* for this Alumni course—we expect this to be of value for complete beginners and professional dancers alike since the emphasis is on healthy postural form while learning the basics. You don’t need a partner, or even a sense of rhythm. This class is for any alumnus who wants to enhance their coordination and posture awareness, learn to dance, or just for “shear fun”! We look forward to seeing you there. . .

*Bachata moves do include some controlled swaying, tucking and rounding of the spine. If you have acute back pain, disc herniation, significant degeneration in your spine, or are not yet out of the woods from recent injury or surgery, an in-person Follow-Up or  online Follow-up is recommended.

Best next action steps for newcomers

If you would like insight on your posture, consider scheduling an Initial Consultation, online, or in person.

You can sign up below to join one of our upcoming FREE Online Workshops. . .


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