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Which Shape is Your Spine?
Written by: Esther Gokhale
 The curves in our spines precisely reflect our everyday posture habits.
SCIJ isn’t a very memorable acronym, but the shapes of the letters do accurately represent the four most common spinal shapes. In this blog post you will discover which SCIJ category you belong in, what changes you might want to make, and the first baby steps to improve your spinal shape.
To get an idea of the current shape of your spine, view yourself side-on. You can use a mirror, but it is best to photograph or video yourself, or use several mirrors, so that you can observe your shape without turning your head. Take a while to study yourself both sitting and standing. Notice that your spine changes if you alternate between swaying and slumping.
Click here to continue reading about how to analyze your spinal shape—and change it for the better.
In case you missed our last blog post:
Dancing Through the Dark
Apr 7 is World Health Day! Take care of yourself and sign up for a 7-day free trial of our Gokhale Exercise program.
Themed Free Online Workshops with Esther
Join Esther for these exciting new Free Online Workshops in April!
Upper Back Pain Relief with the Gokhale Method
Fri, Apr 2, 12 PM (Pacific Time)
Register (convert to your time zone)
Wake up Your Glutes: They Snooze, You Lose
Mon, Apr 5, 1 PM (Pacific Time)
Register (convert to your time zone)
Using Posture to Reverse the Effects of Aging
Thu, Apr 8, 1 PM (Pacific Time)
Register (convert to your time zone)
How You Use Posture to Relieve Stress
Mon, Apr 12, 11 AM (Pacific Time)
Register (convert to your time zone)
To learn more about our Themed Free Online Workshops with Esther, click here!
In the News
Don't miss Esther's exciting new interview on Podsong with Jack Stafford! This in-depth discussion inspired Jack to write a song about Esther, played at the end of the podcast.
Still working from home? Take a moment to read our tips for how to protect your back while sitting, standing, and sleeping featured in TED's Ideas blog!
Read our article on how eyes affect neck health in the summer issue of Well Being Journal, available in print and digital editions!
Enjoy a Gokhale Moment®
Seated Back Stretch
Here is a short video to help you follow along.

Click here to watch.
Success Story
“You look 10 years younger”

Click here to watch.
Have a story to tell? We would love to hear it!
Quote we're thinking about
“Remember, the choices we make today shape the people we become tomorrow.”
~Victoria Osteen