Gokhale® Head Cushion FAQs


Submitted by PaulaK on Fri, 04/20/2018 - 06:15

Thanks for making these 3 videos that clarify some of the specifics of your method.  I found some good reminders that had shipped out of my mind  after my class.  


Ps. Your hair looks great in the head cushion video! 

Submitted by AstridB on Fri, 06/21/2019 - 04:48

This cushion looks really marvellous. Is there an adress in Europe where I can buy this cushion; I have a lordose and kyfose and if I keep my head straight and bring it to the back than I can keep myself straighter. But when I am doing things I tend to forget and my head goes forward and upperback collapse. I think I should really be helped by a cushion Thank you for more information where to buy I live near Antwerp in Belgium Exact adress : Astrid Bodart, De Kluis 7, 2970 Schilde, Belgium

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