Learn the surprising reason 80% of us experience back-pain in this 1-hour workshop.
A 40-minute Gokhale Consultation is a highly effective way to get a comprehensive evaluation of your current posture, how it relates to your symptoms, and how to transform it.
Gokhale Foundations offers an in-person, hands on, in-depth introduction to our method in a sequence of six lessons.
Comprehensive one day in-person class making use of the PostureTracker wearable.
Improve Employee Health and Your Bottom Line.
Browse our Gokhale products, like cushions, books, and chairs.
The Gokhale Method teaches healthy posture and movement, so you can live your life free from back pain.
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The very latest in posture news.
Learn more about the Gokhale Method’s benefits for your health and posture.
Our success story videos showcase how the Gokhale Method has helped thousands overcome.
Gokhale Moments are short and free instructional videos that give you a taste of Gokhale Method teaching and techniques.
Excerpts of Articles, Blogs, Radio Shows, Podcasts, and TV Contributions.
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