Jaume Tarrida
Teaches in:
Spanish CatalanLocation:
Barcelona, Spain
Meet Jaume
Jaume pasó muchos años descargando camiones cargados de muebles cada semana y, sin darse cuenta, sobrecargando su cuerpo. Llegó un punto en que no podía girar el cuello ni conducir con facilidad. Iba y venía de citas con el fisioterapeuta y tomaba analgésicos. Sus molestias mejoraban durante unos días, aunque siempre recaía.
Cuando Jaume oyó a alguien hablar de Esther Gokhale, decidió comprar su libro. Ya no le duele el cuello y no ha necesitado volver al fisioterapeuta, aunque sigue descargando camiones de vez en cuando.
Jaume está orgulloso de ser el primer profesor del Método Gokhale en España. Encuentra su labor muy gratificante y se alegra cada vez que un alumno regresa y le cuenta lo mucho que ha mejorado. Ayudar a sus vecinos, amigos y alumnos a sentirse mejor en sus cuerpos es, sin lugar a dudas, su mayor logro.

Jaume’s in-person offerings

Free Workshops
In these workshops, you’ll start to learn the why and how of the Gokhale Method. Many workshops begin by showing you how to stretchsit. This is a way of sitting back in a seat and giving yourself gentle traction, which eases compression in your spine and stretches out tight or spasming back muscles. In this short amount of time, you will be introduced to techniques to:
- Reduce or eliminate back, neck, muscle and joint pain
- Prevent muscle and joint degeneration and injury
- Increase your energy, stamina, and flexibility
- Reduce stress and improve your appearance
- Effects are often immediate and last a lifetime.
Event | DATE/TIME | Location | Language | |
Taller gratuito - Reducir el dolor de espalda con el Método Gokhale | May 9 4 : 30 pm - 5 : 30 pm | Barcelona,Barcelona,Spain | Spanish | Learn more |
Taller gratuito - Reducir el dolor de espalda con el Método Gokhale | Jul 4 4 : 30 pm - 5 : 30 pm | Barcelona,Barcelona,Spain | Spanish | Learn more |

Gokhale® Consultation
Jaume Tarrida
Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona, Spain
Get guidance and a personalized posture and movement analysis from a Gokhale Method expert. Learn how the way you’re positioning your body may contribute to your pain, and how you can transform your posture—permanently.
The journey to healthy posture and pain-free movement begins with a deep understanding of your health history and everyday movement habits so we can help you unravel your unique posture–pain puzzle.
Your teacher will walk you through a comprehensive evaluation of your current posture, identifying how it may relate to any problems you may be experiencing. Together, you will discuss the sequence of techniques you need to learn, receive a projection of what structural changes you can expect, and explore some key ideas to help you improve your posture immediately and long-term.
You can ask any questions you have about our techniques and your specific situation.
Whether you seek relief from pain or wish for better function and vitality, the Gokhale Consultation will give you fresh insights, well-founded optimism, and specific techniques to make the changes you need.
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Gokhale® Foundations
Learn in a small group or one-on-one with personalized hands-on help from an expert in the Gokhale Method.
If you’re looking to learn the Gokhale Method in-person, our 6-lesson Foundations course is designed for beginners and can change your posture habits efficiently and profoundly. Taught by a qualified Gokhale Method teacher, it covers all the techniques described in Esther Gokhale’s book, 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back, and more.
Students receive personalized hands-on instruction, visual cues, and verbal explanations. All our teachers are experts in giving immediate feedback and gentle guidance to ensure you master the techniques correctly.
Learn one-on-one (6x45 minutes) to suit your schedule. Or choose an intensive or weekly small group class (6x90 minutes, capped at 8). Either way, you will receive individualized attention, learn deeply, leading to a life-changing transformation.
Choose a group course or contact your instructor for private options below.
Event | DATE/TIME | Location | Language | |
Curso de Fundamentos - Seis lecciones sobre el Método Gokhale | Mar 14 - Mar 29 | Barcelona,Barcelona,Spain | English | Learn moreOnly 2 spots left! |
Curso de Fundamentos - Seis lecciones sobre el Método Gokhale | May 16 - May 31 | Barcelona,Barcelona,Spain | Spanish | Learn moreOnly 2 spots left! |
Curso de Fundamentos - Seis lecciones sobre el Método Gokhale | Jul 11 - Jul 26 | Barcelona,Barcelona,Spain | English | Learn moreOnly 2 spots left! |

Gokhale Consultation for Alumni
Our Gokhale Method Teachers are here to give you undivided, personalized attention and share their expertise.
Individual coaching will help you fully reclaim your J-spine and the delicious comfort that comes with it.
You can choose to:
- Brush up on techniques learned long ago and half-forgotten
- Advance your posture skills to a new level
- Adapt your posture knowledge to a specific activity
- Troubleshoot a persistent ache or pain
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