Gokhale® Moment: Stacksitting with your behind behind you!


Submitted by DorothyW on Fri, 06/17/2016 - 20:46


I saw the video and liked it because it gave me options that show me how you use your entire body, including your feet. I have had trouble sitting with my butt back and not spacing my feet to hold my upper body straight. I shall now place my feet as you have done.

When I walk, I sometimes feel like my back is broken and I cannot hold my body upright. With my 97th birthday next week, can you recomend any exercises, or whatever? 

Thank you,


Submitted by EstherG on Thu, 02/09/2017 - 06:45


Congratulations on reaching the ripe old age of 97! And congratulations that you continue working on the underpninnings of good health. For tips on walking more upright, I recommend using your glutes vigorously. This presentation - Walk This Way - that I gave a few years ago should be helpful. Good luck! 

Submitted by GulM on Thu, 02/09/2017 - 04:38


Loved the clarity in the video! Do you have a video of 'How to stand'? If so, may I request you to send it to me.


Gul Malani

Submitted by EstherG on Thu, 02/09/2017 - 06:41


Standing is challenging to teach, even hands on. In Lesson 3 of our Gokhale Method Foundations course, when we first introduce standing, people feel ape-like and we have to show them their reflection in a mirror, or a quick snapshot of their stance, to convince them that they look perfectly normal - and actually better than usual. 

Begin by following the step by step directions in the book and the DVD while standing in front of a mirror. I recommend gong to one of our teacher's free workshops, and best of all, signing up for an intial consultation or our Gokhale Method Foundations course.  

Submitted by RalphK on Sun, 10/07/2018 - 22:55


Thank you this helps me verify that i have figured out your book correctly! Some seats are easier to do this in then others, for a seat that has no back my piano bench works nicely for this.

I do have a question about this related to my shouler rolls, personally when i role my shoulders a line around my toroso hurts (my waste), i wondered if i would be best to put my hand in my back pockets because then my shoulders are lower. Would this be the correct postion for my arms and shoulders after the roll? 

Thanks ahead of time, 

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