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Dev Takle's Testimonial About Kathleen O'Donohue

I’ll get straight to it, posture-wise it has been an exciting past few months for me.
I attended the Gokhale Method Foundations Course, with Kathleen as my teacher, in December 2019, Palo Alto, CA. 
The course helped me in many ways - most importantly it helped me help myself by becoming more in tune with my body and increasing muscle awareness. Many times I have forgotten the original lessons by becoming too lost in the details (focusing too much on a small movement or a particular muscle), but now I come back to them more often. Glide-walking has been great for me. It sounds overly simple, but remembering to simply ‘glide’ does the trick for me. I am more athletic, I can run better from being more light-footed, I look slimmer to people even though I haven’t lost weight. I also think my face has changed, with my jawline and cheekbones becoming more defined. Even if I do put on weight, I feel like now I can carry it better. The course gave me a blueprint of how I want my posture to look, and I ran with it.  My suggestion to other students - be patient and remind yourself of the overall lesson when you get lost in details. You will definitely see results! Thank you for a great course Kathleen.

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Dev Takle, Software Engineer, Sunnyvale, CA

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