Gokhale Foundations

About this workshop

The Foundations Course is a core offering of the Gokhale Method. In six 90-minute lessons, you can change your habits efficiently and profoundly through a combination of verbal explanation, visual materials, and gentle hands-on guidance from a qualified Gokhale Method teacher. All qualified Gokhale Method teachers are personally trained by Esther Gokhale.

  • Reduce or eliminate many kinds of musculoskeletal pain
  • Prevent joint degeneration
  • Increase energy, stamina, and flexibility
  • Improve your circulation and breathing
  • Reduce stress
  • Look and feel more confident

Effects are often immediate and last a lifetime.

Required text: 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back.

“In six sessions I felt transformed. The approach is stunningly simple and confers immediate results. I wholeheartedly endorse this program.”

        - Deirdre Stegman, M.D. Internal Medicine, Palo Alto Medical Foundation

“Every year tens of thousands of patients undergo major back surgery without any benefit. By using the novel techniques of the Gokhale Method, many of these patients can avoid such needless and expensive medical procedures and quickly return to a pain-free life.”

        - John R. Adler, Neurosurgeon, Stanford University Medical Clinic, Stanford, CA

"Although stunningly simple, the Gokhale Method™ turns much of conventional wisdom about pain and posture on its head. Each session of the course gave immediate results and I now look forward to many years of a healthy neck and back."

        - Joan Baez, folk singer and activist, Woodside, CA
Start Date
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Start Time
11:00 am
Six 90-min lessons
EUR (€) 490.00
This event will be hosted at a private location. You will receive the address when you register.
Venue Info
Name of Facility:
Jana Olbrachta
Parking Info:
parking na ulicy
January 11, 2025
11:00 am
January 12, 2025
11:00 am
January 18, 2025
11:00 am
January 19, 2025
11:00 am
January 25, 2025
11:00 am
January 26, 2025
11:00 am
Show large map
Michal Leczycki
Phone Number
+48 515 177 359

Your Teacher

Po odkryciu Metody Gokhale podczas poszukiwania sposobów na złagodzenie bólu pleców i stawów, Michał był pod wrażeniem wyników ponownej nauki poruszania się bez bólu przy użyciu delikatnego i naturalnego podejścia, znalezionego w Metodzie Gokhale i jest podekscytowany możliwością podzielenia się tym z innymi kursantami.

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Gokhale Method Testimonials

  • "Gokhale Method® zainteresowałam się w 2020 r., gdy ból znacznie ograniczał moje codzienne funkcjonowanie. W tym czasie kontakt z nauczycielem możliwy był jedynie on-line. Korzystałam więc z dostępnych w sieci materiałów, kupiłam książkę Esther Gokhale „8 kroków do pozbycia się bólu pleców” i zapisałam się na program codziennych ćwiczeń Gokhale® Exercise 1-2-3 Move, który bardzo pomógł mi w budowaniu świadomości prawidłowej i wolnej od bólu postawy ciała. Odbyłam też wstępną konsultację on-line (Online Initial Consultation) z Julie – nauczycielką z Niemiec, gdy nie było jeszcze nauczyciela w

Private Foundations Consultations

Michal Leczycki
Start Date
To be arranged
Six 45-90-min lessons
$450 - $855
Details & Benefits Of a Private Course
Michal Leczycki
  • Reduce or eliminate back, neck, muscle and joint pain
  • Prevent muscle and joint degeneration and injury
  • Increase your energy, stamina, and flexibility
  • Reduce stress and improve your appearance
  • Effects are often immediate and last a lifetime.