Gokhale Foundations

About this workshop

The Foundations Course is a core offering of the Gokhale Method. In six 90-minute lessons, you can change your habits efficiently and profoundly through a combination of verbal explanation, visual materials, and gentle hands-on guidance from a qualified Gokhale Method teacher. All qualified Gokhale Method teachers are personally trained by Esther Gokhale.

  • Reduce or eliminate many kinds of musculoskeletal pain
  • Prevent joint degeneration
  • Increase energy, stamina, and flexibility
  • Improve your circulation and breathing
  • Reduce stress
  • Look and feel more confident

Effects are often immediate and last a lifetime.

Required text: 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back.

“In six sessions I felt transformed. The approach is stunningly simple and confers immediate results. I wholeheartedly endorse this program.”

        - Deirdre Stegman, M.D. Internal Medicine, Palo Alto Medical Foundation

“Every year tens of thousands of patients undergo major back surgery without any benefit. By using the novel techniques of the Gokhale Method, many of these patients can avoid such needless and expensive medical procedures and quickly return to a pain-free life.”

        - John R. Adler, Neurosurgeon, Stanford University Medical Clinic, Stanford, CA

"Although stunningly simple, the Gokhale Method™ turns much of conventional wisdom about pain and posture on its head. Each session of the course gave immediate results and I now look forward to many years of a healthy neck and back."

        - Joan Baez, folk singer and activist, Woodside, CA
Start Date
Saturday, February 11, 2023
Start Time
09:30 am
Six 90-min lessons
This event will be hosted at a private location. You will receive the address when you register.
Venue Info
Name of Facility:
Facility Details:
This is a hands-on instructional course so it is not possible for social distance to be maintained between teacher and students, but we will observe mask wearing at all times and maintain social distance to the greatest extent possible between all class members (4 students + teacher).
Parking Info:
Please park in gravel driveway on right side.
February 11, 2023
09:30 am
February 11, 2023
11:15 am
February 11, 2023
01:00 pm
February 18, 2023
09:30 am
February 18, 2023
11:15 am
February 18, 2023
01:00 pm
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Private Gokhale Foundations

Quigley Raleigh
Start Date
To be arranged
Six 45-90-min lessons
USD 540 - USD 1080
  • Tailored instruction for individuals experiencing significant pain or with complex medical histories.
  • Flexible scheduling to accommodate your availability.
  • Customized adaptations for specific medical conditions or unique needs.
  • Personalized attention to help you achieve the best results quickly and effectively.