neck pain

One Year Older, Ten Years Younger

One Year Older, Ten Years Younger

Esther Gokhale

It’s that time of year again—we know we’re about to get one year older and we hope we’re also going to be one year wiser! If you have applied that wisdom to progressing your posture, you may also experience that you look, and even feel, one year younger. Or if you have a long backlog of ignoring your posture, it’s not impossible that you may feel ten years younger!

Aging is not just about the numbers

Aging is not just a number, nor is it just the arrival of graying hair or wrinkles—unfortunately, for many of us, it creeps up with creaking stiffness in the joints, increasing awkwardness in movement, degeneration in the spinal discs, and a jangling of the spinal nerves.

Elderly stooped woman with shoulder bag hobbling with stick, back view.
Poor posture adds years to our appearance, and wear and tear to our joints, perpetuating further problems. Image from Pixabay

Man in his 40s with back pack and phone standing at train station.
Postural distortions usually start long before old age and can go unnoticed to the untrained eye. 

Research has shown that we are tuned to seeing facial symmetry as a way of selecting partners—I suspect a similar instinct is at play for recognizing healthy natural movement and body architecture. Over millenia, we have evolved to be captivated by elegance, strength, and symmetry in the body—because it is associated with good health, function, and longevity. Conversely, when we see severe muscle tension, limping, or marked scoliosis, we recognize it, and it causes us consternation for good reason. Especially so, when we don’t know what to do about it.

Getting older but more capable

Most of the things we do to improve our health help a little at the margins, but every now and then something comes along that has a greater magnitude. Learning to embody healthy posture is one of these pivotal things that can radically change our physical and mental way of being in the world.

The most common transformation that I hear about—a lot—is how much better people feel following an initial training in our method. The Gokhale Method® helps you to Move like you are meant to. You gradually rediscover the natural posture you likely had as an infant, and, because posture is a freeze-frame of your movement, this gives you the right biomechanical baseline for more fluent, coordinated, youthful, and efficient movement. You will learn to hip-hinge, to glidewalk, and if you like, to dance! The first step is to understand that change is possible.

Alumna Laura Goldman Weinberg speaks to fellow back pain sufferers who wonder if they will ever find a resolution of their pain… 

“Coming home” with the Gokhale Method

In our January blog posts we will be featuring alumni, including Laura, who want to share their success stories and their new-found body wisdom. They have followed either our in-person Gokhale® Foundations course, one-day Gokhale® Immersion course, or our online Gokhale® Elements course, plus our Gokhale Active program, and are feeling great and know how to exercise injury free. More times than I can count I’ve heard delighted alumni liken this journey to peeling off the layers of an onion, shedding oppressive stiffness and poor habits, and coming home to their core.

In January we will also offer two special workshops on the topic of getting older and feeling younger, and will announce more details in our next blog post, as well as sending personal invitations by email…keep a look out!

Gokhale Method Teacher Johanna Picker adjusting student’s head position.
Our students often experience a deep and welcome sense of homecoming and youthfulness in their bodies.

One thing we frequently hear from our students is that friends compliment them on their “beaming it out” and looking more vital. One such example came from our online student, Kevin Ott, who recently told his teacher how a friend he met up with said he was the only person he had not seen in many years who actually looked younger!

Kevin’s posture journey

Kevin and his wife took Gokhale Foundations with me in 2017, when Kevin was suffering with neck pain which radiated into his right shoulder and arm. Lying down was so painful that quality sleep was virtually impossible, despite having his career and a two year old daughter to take care of. Kevin has now been pain free for years, and is continuing to fine-tune his posture with a monthly online Gokhale® Consultation with his Gokhale Method teacher. This year he has used many of his sessions to support strength training regularly at home, and uses free weights, a bench, TRX® Suspension Training and pull-ups/dips apparatus. He enjoys this as a counter-balance to his sedentary job. Below you can see the age-reversing effect of the Gokhale Method time machine!

Before and After side standing photos of Gokhale® Elements student Kevin Ott.
Kevin has not only resolved his chronic neck pain but is continuing to hone his posture and improve his athletic ability. We think you will agree that he looks more youthful!

Best next action steps 

If you would like help with finding a more youthful posture, get started by booking a Gokhale® Consultation, online or in person, with one of our teachers.

You can sign up below to join any one of our upcoming FREE Online Workshops…

Helping Hands for Healthy Posture: Tall Neck

Helping Hands for Healthy Posture: Tall Neck

Esther Gokhale

Most of us are familiar with the idea of self-massage. For many it may grow from instinctively rubbing a sore spot. For a few it grows into an essential healing art, and may even incorporate skills such as trigger point work, myofascial release, and acupressure. 

Healing hands 

Many students opt for the in-person Gokhale Method® offerings (Free Workshops, Initial Consultations, Foundations, Pop-up, and Alumni Classes) because they place great value on their teacher’s hands-on work. I have found that hands-on work continues to be a force for good even in online work. For our online Elements students, who don’t get guidance from a teacher’s hands, it’s especially important to learn to do hands-on work with their own hands.

One of the most useful hands-on techniques that we teach you to do for yourself, whether you are an in-person or online student, is the hair pull. It is the subject of one of our free Gokhale® Moments videos, and one that we frequently refer to. In fact, Hair Pull is our most liked Gokhale Moment! See if you like it too…

The hair pull involves gently gliding your head back and up, lengthening the neck, aligning it more vertically, and pivoting the head slightly downward.

Confine your movement to the neck and head

When performing the hair pull, make sure that you are not pulling your torso and swaying your back. You may detect a straightening of the upper thoracic spine and feel stretch in the upper chest when gliding your neck back, which is fine. Other than that, focus on isolating the movement to your head and neck. If you find yourself swaying back with your front ribs lifting, you want to prevent this and protect against compressing your lower back by first learning to use your Rib Anchor—another Gokhale Moment video that we frequently refer to. 

Healthy head carriage

Rather than having forward head carriage, we want to return to healthy head carriage. Carrying not only your head on your spine, but an additional load on the head, is an almost universal practice in traditional societies, and both necessitates and encourages healthy neck alignment. 

Woman headloading in Odisha market, India

A well-positioned neck and head align directly over the torso—not to the front or behind

The Gokhale® Head Cushion has just enough weight to help you find the verticality you are looking for in your neck. By strengthening your deeper neck muscles, it also helps to relax the more peripheral neck musculature that is often tight. (You can use our $5 discount code TallNeck, valid through Sunday October 13, to purchase a head cushion.)

An image of the Gokhale Head Cushion

Letting go

Undoing well-established patterns such as tensing the back of the neck can still be difficult to navigate by yourself. Often the body has “held tight” to a position for decades. This is rather like pulling on a knotted piece of string—the harder we pull, the tighter the knot gets. Take things slowly to allow your nervous system time to find a different response, and your tissues time to relax. If the back of your neck only knows how to draw tighter, you can call on the expertise of a Gokhale Method teacher who has guided other students through this same difficulty and out the other side. Once you have unlocked these patterns together, you can continue to gently coax the elastic release you have discovered using your own hands. 

Esther Gokhale using hair pull technique with a young male student.
Here I am guiding a student to experience more mobility, length, and verticality in his neck.

Pain will not bring gain

If you have any pain when you try this maneuver, stop. Don’t feel obliged to follow general instructions that are not tailored for you. Nature spent millions of years evolving a sophisticated way of telling you not to do something, and you don’t want to disregard that signal. This is an instance where a qualified Gokhale Method teacher can look at your health history, together with the advice of your preferred health professional if appropriate, and work with you to progress comfortably and safely. 

Painting by Manet of woman in black dress and hat with tall neck.

Previous generations rarely exhibited the forward head carriage and curved necks that commonly cause tension, pain, and degenerative conditions today.

Help that’s at hand

Once you have mastered this hands-on maneuver, you can remind your neck and head how to move back home into a healthier alignment as frequently as needed. Practice regularly and mindfully, and you will progress with both your range of motion and your baseline posture. 

Teacher Julie Johnson helps a student lengthen her neck with a head cushion and hands-on.
Gokhale Method teacher Julie Johnson offers a student hands-on help in combination with a Gokhale® Head Cushion to gently lengthen her neck. The weight of the cushion encourages the deep spinal muscles of the neck to work, so that the outer muscles can relax.

Share your progress!

If you have practiced our “hair pull” technique and would like feedback on your neck and head position, please consider uploading a “Before” and an “After” picture in the comment section below. It’s a great way for all of us to share and learn from each other. 

Esther Gokhale demonstrating neck lengthening to teenage class. 
Here I was in 2009, demonstrating the lengthening effect of pulling up the back of the head to a group of teenagers. Hopefully they have continued to enjoy the benefits of space for their cervical discs, nerves, and bones!

Best next action steps 

If you would like help to improve your neck and head posture, get started by booking a consultation, online or in person, with one of our teachers. 

You can sign up below to join any one of our upcoming FREE Online Workshops…

Aha Moments in Healthy Posture

Aha Moments in Healthy Posture

Esther Gokhale

The Gokhale Method® is designed to be, well, methodical. But although the process of learning healthy posture is mostly systematic and progressive, it is also usually punctuated by “aha moments”. These glimpses of intellectual, visual, and kinesthetic understanding of the body can arrive like the warm glow of returning to home ground, or they can be seismic shifts that change your life forever…

Having an aha moment makes most people’s posture journey exciting, and sometimes profound. This blog post shares some student experiences and reflections on their discoveries.

David Samuels got out of constant sciatic pain while taking Gokhale Foundations with teacher Amy Smith. For David, learning to bend well was a revelation. 

Aha! The moment when the mind relaxes…

With aha moments we are often talking about cognition that differs from the slow burn of incremental learning. It’s a flash of insight—somewhat like a lightbulb coming on. In “The Power of Now,” Eckhart Tolle’s bestselling book on meditation, he describes how his mind finally shifted out of a period of intensely stressed and anxious overthinking. His mind finally gave way one day to a state of peace, clarity, and insight.

Stress and anxiety are not intended to be a part of our learning process, but I think a similar mechanism sometimes plays out. Students are often very conscientious and expect to master a lot of  material in a short time—this expectation can overwhelm the mind. The mind loves to learn with firm foundations and linear, logical steps, but it can get overloaded. When it lets go, it can sometimes make connections spontaneously. Aha.

Nancy Sullivan was amazed to learn she could resolve her lifelong headaches herself with Gokhale Method teacher Aurelia Vaicekauskas.

Eminent violinist Kala Ramnath could scarcely believe her back pain had really gone after years of suffering.

Embracing change for the better

Heike Eschbach is a retired midwife and lives in Germany. She had suffered with back pain and sciatica for many years, and, while taking the Foundations course with Julie Johnson, was able to reduce her pain medication by two-thirds. 

Learning about the benefits of a J-spine, a well-positioned pelvis, and external rotation in her hips, have been just some of the posture principles that are bringing healthy changes to Heike’s body. For her, learning how to relax and read in comfort was a breakthrough—the realization that healthy posture holds the key to resolving her pain. Heike wrote to us:

The new movement patterns I’ve learned integrate wonderfully into my everyday life. I am now also noticing improvement in my cervical spine and shoulders. I'm very happy about that.

Gokhale Method student Heika Eschbach stretch-reclining reading on the sofa.
Aha moments can be profoundly relaxed and comfortable—it just takes know-how to get there. Heike is embodying numerous posture principles that arrange her spine and body well as she relaxes on the sofa to read.

Posture breakthroughs are a state of mind, as well as body

It is not surprising that the majority of our students are delighted to find solutions to physical issues, whether that be to address pain, improve appearance, or more generally for self-optimization and future-proofing. But they often find, at some point, that changing their posture also impacts the way they feel about themselves and the world around them.  

Below is a heartfelt account from a British student, Lavinia, from Milton Keynes, who wrote:

My whole life has been blighted by BIG bosoms! To the extent that I have become excessively round shouldered and as soon as I am in a new environment with people all around me, the shoulders come forward and my tortoise shell envelops me in order to hide those which I detest!

Well, I read the book, listened to Esther online, and attended a Foundations class. What bosoms? I’m so busy perfecting a lovely straight back I have forgotten all about them. Who cares anyway? My neighbour has noticed my back is so much straighter, things are changing for the better. I intend to keep up the good work. I feel like a new woman! 

Finding our natural uprightness and height in a relaxed and comfortable way not only gives us the space our spine and other structures crave, it often liberates our personality and self-confidence too. 

Professional cellist Katie Rietman discovered greater freedom through learning the Gokhale Method with Julie Johnson, both in her neck, and her confidence. 

Aha moments can turn students into teachers

Most Gokhale Method teachers can clearly recall their first aha moments too! Clare Chapman, a teacher in the UK, tells how she initially encountered the Gokhale Method through my book: 

One of my yoga students, who knew I was interested in solutions to back pain, lent me 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back. As she handed me the book, to be honest, being a somewhat sceptical Brit, I thought this was probably just another “easy steps” self-help book that would promise the earth and fall far short. But within a few pages I was compelled to read more. 

The next few days and chapters brought repeated aha moments. My understanding of the body, back pain, and posture, shifted into a new paradigm. Within weeks I knew I wanted to learn more and teach these principles. My aha moments may have slowed down a bit, but are still happening 14 years on…

Front cover of the book 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back by Esther Gokhale.
Self-help steps, principles that challenge the conventional wisdom on back pain, and hundreds of compelling illustrations, bring aha moments for many readers.

Best next action steps 

If you would like to discover your aha posture moments, get started by booking a consultation, online or in person, with one of our teachers. 

You can sign up below to join any one of our upcoming FREE Online Workshops

Dentists and Neck Pain

Dentists and Neck Pain

Esther Gokhale

Next time you are in the dentist chair, spare a thought for your dentist’s posture and the postural demands of their job. Doing dental procedures shares many challenges with other surgical procedures, such as having to maintain a steady position for long periods, maintain a clear line of vision, and hold and manipulate tools with precision. Working in the oral cavity of a conscious patient is a pretty significant challenge. 

Dentist treating a patient, using a surgical telescope.
Dental professionals place many physical demands on their structure. They can be regarded as “occupational athletes.” Image from Pexels

Dental personnel and health

Unfortunately, these demands take a toll. Of adults in the U.S. general population, 13.8% experience significant neck pain; among dentists, that figure is a staggering 67%. Dentists and other oral health practitioners (OHPs), including dental nurses and hygienists, also report suffering from above average incidences of lower back pain, headaches, shoulder problems, and work-related tendonitis, bursitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Such problems can make life miserable, both in and out of the dental office. Some OHPs are forced to abandon a career they have spent up to eight years training for. Of dentists taking ill health retirement, 55% cited musculoskeletal disorders as the cause.

The Gokhale Method for Dentists and Oral Health Practitioners

Since 2008, well over 100 dental workers have sought out the Gokhale Method® to help them solve their posture puzzle and get out of pain. They are both welcome and in need of what our courses (in-person Foundations, one-day Pop-up, and online Elements) offer. Given their particular professional needs, we are now working with some of our dentist and hygienist alumni to develop a special Gokhale Method offering for oral health practitioners. 

This will be a tailored training delivered at dental offices, clinics, and teaching hospitals. The goal is  that oral health practitioners learn the posture tools they need to future-proof their careers.

Oral health practitioners grouped at a Gokhale Method workshop.
An introductory workshop for oral health practitioners with Gokhale Method teacher Julie Johnson was recently received with great enthusiasm at a dental practice near Stuttgart, Germany. 

Dental practice team members, Bridget, Amy, and Julie, practice seated hip-hinging with teacher Julie Johnson. The Gokhale PostureTracker™ wearable gives biofeedback—and they’re having fun!

From a dentist’s perspective

One of Julie’s recent Gokhale Foundations students is Warren Blair, an American dentist living and working in Germany who, though counting himself fortunate to have had relatively few serious musculoskeletal aches and pains over his four decades of practice, understands the value of the Gokhale Method. 

Warren Blair, D.D.S., M.S.D., a specialist dentist.
Warren Blair, D.D.S., M.S.D., is a specialist in periodontology, implantology, microsurgery, and endodontics—and a student of posture!

Warren shared many things about the ergonomics of dentistry with us, both from the dentist’s and patient’s perspective:

The physical aspect is a problem—all dentists have problems. Some are in their mid-thirties and they're walking around crooked because they have a charley horse (muscle spasm). I periodically stretch the muscles around my back and shoulders, or pull away from my microscope eyepieces to reset. Doing the Gokhale Foundations I have learned that posture is key to the solution; having healthy posture early on in the profession will prevent future problems, but if problems with your musculoskeletal system do crop up then you can do something about it by changing your habits and adopting the principles of healthy posture.

Warren confirmed that dentists are taught not to round over their patients, and to work with their knees wide, but admitted that these positions are not always easy to maintain on the job. Learning and preserving healthy postural habits is especially difficult given that many dental workers, like most people in our culture, will, unfortunately, be approaching their training from a poor posture baseline. 

Healthy posture is an ecosystem

The basic instruction that trainees receive is not nearly as nuanced or integrated as the movement patterns taught in the Gokhale Method. In typical modern western fashion, we are all given stand-alone instructions, e.g., “don’t round when you bend.” The hip-hinging bend taught as part of the Gokhale Method is part of a whole movement pattern, involving nestling an anteverted pelvis, getting the femurs out of the way of the pelvis, anchoring the rib cage, engaging the inner corset, keeping the shoulders posterior, and maintaining a healthy neck position. Altogether, these elements give dentists the resilience needed for sustained bending, even with some variety of twist.

Dentist treating a patient, sitting upright with a relaxed J-spine.
This practitioner is maintaining her J-spine, with her behind behind and her back tall and relaxed. This is a healthy baseline for sitting and forward bending. Image from Pexels

Posture instructions given in isolation don't translate very effectively into practice. However, as part of a holistic education that pays attention to the way we do everyday life activities, posture training becomes transformative. For example, walking well, both in and out of the office, is a natural reset for a tight psoas muscle. Learning to stacksit allows your breath to mobilize your back. Sleeping positions, done well, can enable you to heal damage and inflammation. 

Learning the Gokhale Method at work means you immediately put posture into practice in your profession, and sets up many opportunities for colleagues to support one another. If you are a dental or medical professional and would like to know more about how the Gokhale Method can help you and your team, please email: [email protected].

If you would like to support your dentist, send them this invitation to one of our free online workshops

Best next action steps 

If you would like to improve your posture, for work or leisure, get started by booking a consultation, online or in person, with one of our teachers. 

You can sign up below to join any one of our upcoming FREE Online Workshops


How Do I Fix My Neck Pain?

How Do I Fix My Neck Pain?

Esther Gokhale

Do you suffer from neck tension, muscle knots, or tingling in your fingers? Do you get frequent headaches?

Or maybe your neck is fine most of the time, but seizes up periodically, leaving you unable to function normally in your job, family life, and recreational activities.

Drawing of woman wearing cervical collar
A soft cervical collar is a common prescription to alleviate neck pain. It can give welcome support in the short term, but doesn’t help to strengthen your neck or get to the source of the problem. Wikimedia Commons

Most neck pain involves compression. 

In modern cultures, the head often drifts forward as we slouch and crane our necks towards our computer screens. The weight of the head, (typically 11 lb. or 5 kg—think bowling ball), then requires the muscles at the back of the neck to contract strongly to keep the head up. This contraction compresses the relatively delicate tissues in the area. Not a recipe for a healthy, happy neck. If you have forward head carriage but are symptom-free so far, keep reading for tips that will prevent future problems with the discs, nerves, blood vessels, and bones in your neck.

Man using desk computer, slumped, with forward head carriage
In our culture slumped desk work posture and a degree of forward head carriage is common. Pexels

Restoring the natural length and position of your neck

Young children, ancestral populations, and people living in traditional societies around the world preserve a natural head carriage that stacks the neck well as part of a healthy J-spine. This allows the head to be balanced with only appropriate muscular effort, and the neck to be tall and free from compression. 

Young child with well-aligned neck
As young children we instinctively align our neck well over our body. Pexels

Restoring mobility in your neck

Perhaps you have experienced increased stiffness and reduced mobility in your neck over the years? Or unpleasant gritty sounds when you turn your head? Beware of exercises that include extreme flexion, extension, or head circles. These movements, taken to the end of your range of motion, can damage your discs and pinch your cervical nerves. If they are a part of your exercise regimen, consider reducing their range. 

Diagram showing the bones, discs, nerves, and major blood vessels of the neck.
There are many delicate and vital structures within the neck, so we first want to align it well. (front view). Wikipedia

In our experience it is best to focus on restoring the neck to a healthy baseline length and shape that centers your head well on your spine. The video below shows you how to proceed:

This gentle movement will help you to find a safe, natural trajectory to get started on gliding your head up and back.

If you have areas of long-standing rigidity or curvature in your neck, it is likely linked to your postural distortions elsewhere in your body, for example thoracic rigidity or a tucked pelvis. 

Expect this to take more time and training to change, for which you will be rewarded with additional benefits including comfort, improved circulation, and increased energy.

Finding your neck strength 

While many of the neck’s structures are delicate, they can also be strong. The deep muscles that are intended to support the neck and keep it tall tend not to get used very much in modern industrial culture and are often weak. Besides doing strengthening exercises, as is common in conventional approaches to neck problems, learning to carry weight on the head is extremely valuable. 

Woman in Odisha, India with a tall, straight neck and functional head posture.
People in traditional societies preserve a taller, straighter neck, and more functional head posture. (Odisha, India)

Cultures that headload suffer much less neck pain than we do and can teach us much about how, where, and why to headload. Not only do these people have excellent neck health, but they also have excellent posture throughout their bodies, and move with elegance and efficiency. Students in our classes begin with light weights to sense the axis along which they need to stack their bones. Over time, the weight can be increased to further strengthen the longus colli, inner corset, and other muscles. 

Student learning to head-load in glidewalking, guided by Esther Gokhale.
The small extra weight of the Gokhale™Head Cushion enables students not only to strengthen the deep neck muscles and lengthen the neck, but also to better orient their entire skeleton. 

My book 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back has many images of people throughout the world headloading. Healthy head carriage, as opposed to forward head carriage, is an important starting point for this activity. It is not possible to carry significant weight without both the healthy neck alignment and strength to avoid compressive forces.

Woman showing an elegant, well-aligned head and neck (Thailand)
A well-aligned head and neck is both highly functional—and elegant

Because about one in three adults are affected by neck pain every year¹, we introduce techniques for the neck early on in our in-person Foundations course (Lesson 1 of 6), in our one-day Pop-up course, and our online Elements course (Lesson 4 of 18). Here students learn in detail the gentle techniques that gradually return the neck towards the length and pain-free position we all enjoyed as infants. Whatever your age, your neck is something you can learn to once again stack in your favor.


  1. Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG), “Neck Pain: Overview,”, last modified February 14, 2019,

Best next action steps for newcomers

If you would like insight on your posture, consider scheduling an Initial Consultation, online, or in person.

You can sign up below to join one of our upcoming FREE Online Workshops. . .

How the Gokhale Method Solved my Neck Pain and Transformed my Life

How the Gokhale Method Solved my Neck Pain and Transformed my Life

Felicia Grimke

I am an acupuncturist and massage therapist who specializes in assisting individuals with chronic pain. Over my 30 years in the profession I had been exposed to hundreds of continuing education classes but had never heard of the Gokhale Method®

I suffered with cervical stenosis, multiple herniations, and bone spurs

My battle with cervical stenosis (a narrowing of the neural canal in the neck, causing compression of the nerves), multiple cervical herniations, and osteophytes (bone spurs) began 40 years ago, all of which progressively worsened over time. 

Felicia Grimke looks through telescope, hunching, side view.
As you can see in this photograph, I had become used to hunching and compressing my neck. I believe this was the cause of my neck problems.

My life had become restricted due to the increasing pain in my head, neck, tingling in my arms and hands, and the severe migraines which I suffered if I moved my neck too much or tried to look down or carry packages. I took migraine medications in order to function, which I was grateful for even though I didn’t want to take them. It’s no exaggeration to say that pain had closed my life down.

It had been years since I worked a normal patient load; one or two patients every other day allowed me to do what I loved while I did my best to manage my symptoms. I consulted two neurosurgeons five years ago and after serious consideration I chose against a recommended fusion of three cervical vertebrae. This was because I had seen many patients after a fusion and observed firsthand the difficulties they endured. According to my observations usually one or more discs above or below the fusion would end up herniating due to the rigidity of the fusion. Neck mobility was often severely decreased, and headaches, tingling, and numbness were common. Certain patients were referred to me if they got nauseous with physical therapy. It was often a long haul for them to get better.

Many of the therapies I tried for my neck problems made my pain worse; few helped me at all. I have spent the last 40 years learning to support myself and advising those sent to me on how to live in a body that experiences various levels of pain on a constant basis.

Felicia Grimke as a baby, stacksitting, dressed in pink.
Me as a baby in 1955. As an adult I could barely remember what it was like to be free of neck pain. How had it crept up on me? Where did the problem begin? I wanted to wind the clock back to the beginning!

Felicia Grimke playing baseball with nanny, back view.
As a 10-year-old I enjoyed physical games and happily let my behind behind me and kept my shoulders back, though perhaps I was beginning to sway my back. . .

Felicia Grimke standing beside Aunt, legs internally rotated, angled view.
Me with my Aunt Tilde (left) when I graduated from massage school. It was 1990 and I was 36 years old. I can see that my head is forward and that my legs internally rotate. In my twenties I had learned tai chi in a style that taught me to tuck my pelvis. I now realize this encouraged a poor biomechanical position for bending over my massage clients.

Treating pain as a massage therapist

My focus in treating patients in severe, acute, and chronic pain evolved when I realized massage treatments were a somewhat temporary fix—people experienced relief for a while, but the same aches returned. After a year of practice, I branched out to include craniosacral therapy and was blessed to study with Dr. John E. Upledger, the developer of CST. Over ten years I took a half dozen seminars and began incorporating the techniques into my treatments with much greater success. I also began doing the techniques on myself, getting some relief from the migraine episodes I suffered. Many times I was able to alleviate the nausea and severe pain through the gentle guiding and “unwinding” of my cranial bones and the sacral joint.  

In 1993 I was excited to begin acupuncture school. Acupuncture gave additional assistance to my patients on their healing journey. One of the great benefits of acupuncture is the opening of stagnant energy pathways which have become blocked due to physical and emotional trauma. The release of neurotransmitters (endorphins) from the insertion of needles begins the process of pain reduction and allows the fascia to begin to “unwind.” I always thought the major advantage of acupuncture over acupressure was its ability to affect many points at the same time, allowing the body to unwind in ways that do not occur using just our two hands. While the needles are doing their work, I begin the CST work as well as manual traction.

During the first session with a patient I would advise, “We accept all miracles, but healing is usually a process—sometimes a longer and more multidimensional process than we initially anticipate.” Of course, patients referred to me were very relieved that they could become pain-free for periods of time; but I was still frustrated that their treatment was more of a Band-Aid—a better Band-Aid, but still not a solution to the cause of their problem. At that time my patients and I did not realize that they had work to do in this healing process too. I now believe that healthy posture is the “missing piece” that not only enables the benefits of therapeutic treatments to be preserved, but also allows the body to heal itself. I wish I had known of the Gokhale Method all those years ago.

Finding the Gokhale Method

Thankfully, my local paper printed an interview a couple of years ago with Joan Baez (longtime peace activist and folk song writer/singer). Joan was asked the secret of her ability to continue performing concerts around the world at 77 years of age. She responded that she studies with Esther Gokhale and consistently uses the principles of good posture taught in the Gokhale Method

Joan Baez hip-hinging in Esther Gokhale’s garden, side view.
Joan Baez in Esther Gokhale’s garden, preparing to pick some calendula with a deep, healthy hip-hinge and her behind well behind. You can read more about Joan Baez learning the Gokhale Method here.

I immediately searched “Gokhale Method” and became very encouraged and excited. I ordered Esther’s book, 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back, the DVD, and subscribed to the newsletter, Positive Stance

The pandemic prevented me from attending a Gokhale Method Foundations Course scheduled for March 2020, but later that year, I revisited all the instructional materials I had and began active self-directed study. Once again I felt a sense of hope.  

Beginning my journey home

During the pandemic I was thrilled to see Esther was offering numerous Online Free Workshops. You could improve your posture by working on your stance, ribcage position, neck strength, and glutes. (Who doesn’t want a tighter bum, right?). I quickly signed up and began my journey home. I say home because you learn to return to a place of comfort in your body that was there naturally for you as a child.

Felicia Grimke standing aged 7, feet facing outward, front view.
At about seven years old, I still had a nice open chest and outward facing feet. Both these things changed as I became an adult.

Each workshop built upon the last with wonderful, simple insights. In November 2020 I also joined the 123 Move Gokhale Exercise Program which remains incredibly healing. Awakening each day I look forward to improving how I move through simple, healthy dance moves (I even learned the Samba). I saw improvement in my posture—I could look in a mirror and see noticeable changes to the hunching in my shoulders and the forward protrusion of my neck. 

Felicia Grimke aged 32, hunching at the office, angled view, upper body.
As a 32-year-old office worker, look how forward my head and shoulders are as I hunch my back!

I continue to learn from the questions students ask as well as the clear explanations and demonstrations by the teacher. If I can’t watch live, no problem—there is always a catch-up available until the next class. And I just love when I get an added bonus—learning new dance moves is apparently as beneficial for the brain as learning a new language, and there is music to enjoy from all around the world. There is also Esther’s generous sharing of her vast knowledge of diverse cultures and their artifacts. 

My neck pain reduced within months of starting the Gokhale Method

Within a month or so of practicing the Gokhale Method, I began having less pain. I immediately felt a difference when sitting and using a wedge to antevert my pelvis, so no more tucking my tail under. This is called stacksitting. I now could sit for prolonged periods of time with NO neck pain. I could physically do more and psychologically was significantly less depressed. I saw a future with fewer restrictions and life seemed filled with endless possibilities.

My 2020 Christmas list consisted of an Online Initial Consultation with Gokhale Method teacher Kathleen O’Donohue. I prepared with photos of myself in a few positions so Kathleen could evaluate how best to help me before our meeting. We worked on a couple of key points and I was astonished and very excited to see how simple tasks could be done with no pain.

Taking the online Elements course

During the pandemic I was initially skeptical about navigating my way online through the Gokhale Method Elements course. Could I set the camera up well enough for the teacher to be able to see and correct the details of each technique? Would I be able to make the postural corrections without the touch of a teacher’s hand guiding me through the experience? I had so many questions before I felt able to make this significant commitment. I had several more online consultations with Kathleen and was amazed as she picked up the smallest detail and guided me to healthy posture. 

Felicia Grimke in healthy massaging stance, side view.
Here I am in my current massaging stance, which is healthier for my feet, glutes, hips, back, shoulders and neck. Applying the Gokhale Method techniques, I can continue to tease out residual sway and rounding in my spine as I massage my clients!

The online experience had several advantages for me. It allowed me flexibility scheduling and pacing my lessons and individualized attention. Another feature is that Elements allows you to learn over 18 lessons of bite-sized information, rather than a weekend immersion. I can see advantages to both, but for me, learning one move at a time, or even a part of an activity, such as walking, registers in my brain significantly more easily. I worked hard to learn each step before I moved forward. Luckily, absolute mastery is not required! 

My nerve pain and hyperreflexia are all but gone

I have come to a point where if I am not in healthy posture, I notice the discomfort and immediately want to pause and reset. The nausea I lived with every day is a rare occurrence only experienced momentarily these days if I am doing some very taxing activity. As soon as I correct my stance, I am relieved of any pain or nerve sensation. Life has become a dance with increased strength and grace, rather than a challenge.

One of my neurological problems had been hyperreflexia, which meant that my reflexes were overactive. I was looking forward to seeing how my reflexes checked out when I saw my neurologist a few months ago. (I had seen her six months previously, when they tested significantly better, but still hyper). To our amazement they were normal.

Felicia Grimke tallstanding recently, side view.
Here I am working on tallstanding. In daily life I can take a more relaxed stance but checking in with points to attend to boosts my progress. You can learn about tallstanding in Esther Gokhale’s book, 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back, Lesson 6.

As an Alumna of the Elements course, I am a member of the Gokhale Online University (and will be forever!), where I get ongoing support and continue my progress. I am thoroughly amazed at how much Esther shares with us. I just LOVE it all. It is such a rich resource. Even though I practiced tai chi and qigong for almost forty years, Kathleen and Roberta’s Moving Meditation has enhanced my understanding significantly. The forms they teach incorporate the Gokhale principles beautifully and I am enthused to be doing it once again. A wonderful way to begin and end each day; energizing, or relaxing and meditative.

Eric's Gokhale Fitness class is challenging and insightful. His calm nature sets the stage as he provides several ways to perform each exercise depending on one’s aptitude. Gentle breathing techniques have provided a new focus for me and are very effective in reducing stress in our structure. The Gokhale principles are always emphasized, so it is a great review. I notice increased strength and vitality as the weeks go by.

Felicia Grimke hip-hinging at the start of learning the Gokhale Method.
When I first came to the Gokhale Method I had a very rounded upper back when bending. 

Felicia Grimke hip-hinging recently, side view.
Over time I have improved my form in bending. Here I am practicing the cues I have learned to make bending health-promoting rather than harmful. 

I am forever grateful to Esther and all the teachers for my continued progress and for proving we are never too old to learn new tricks and grow in our understanding of moving in healthy ways. I am looking forward to continuing my posture journey—standing taller as I age gracefully. Hope lights the way.


Felicia Grimke

Home Exercises Part 4: Head Rotations/Circling 

Home Exercises Part 4: Head Rotations/Circling 

Esther Gokhale

This is our fourth blog post in the series where we put popular home exercises under scrutiny to examine how they stack up—or not—against the principles of healthy posture. In this post we are looking at head rotations/circling, an exercise that is often suggested to ease stiffness and mobilize the neck.

Neck pain—causes and solutions

Although not often considered in physical fitness and exercise regimens, the neck frequently becomes a problematic area for people in our culture. At that point, we look to mobilizing, stretching, and strengthening exercises to alleviate pain and stiffness.   

In traditional cultures the neck remains upright and long. It is capable of carrying the weight of the head and additional loads without injury.

The Gokhale Method point of view is that most of our neck problems arise from poor posture. The head and neck tend to drift forward and downward, causing the muscles at the back of the neck to tighten. We then lift our chins up so we can look out ahead of us. The resulting compression becomes a pain in the neck—or a headache—that we can do without. So how can we best avoid or remedy this?

Shortened, tight muscles at the back of the neck (left) are a common cause of neck pain and tension headaches. Positioning the head and neck correctly eases this compression (right).

Remedies to avoid

Tight, short muscles may well have compressed your cervical (neck) vertebrae, and perhaps caused bone spurs or bulging discs. Be especially careful to avoid exercises which take your head into circling movements. These call for extreme flexion (forward), extension (backward) and lateral bends (side), any of which could pinch your nerves and discs. By circling through these movements in rapid succession, the risk is heightened. Performing head rotations (twists) is also commonly advocated, but if done with poor alignment, head twists can also compress tissues in the neck. 

The cervical spine has seven vertebrae which support the skull. Wikipedia

There are many delicate and vital structures within the neck, including nerves, discs, and arteries (front view). Wikipedia

The right approach

You want the principles of Primal Posture™ to guide your head back where it belongs. Appropriate support from the longus colli and other deep muscles of the neck will give the cervical spine the support it needs to align well. This will encourage your outer neck muscles to relax their grip and be gently stretched. Circulation in the area will also get a boost. 

The longus colli muscles attach to the front of the cervical spine. When they contract (shown in red), they cause the neck to straighten and, therefore, lengthen.

If your neck is inflamed, it will benefit from steady, well-aligned exercise that can help to calm things down. The video clip below shows you a healthy way to lengthen tight muscles on either side of your neck. These movements do not overload your cervical discs, crunch your vertebrae, or impinge your nerves. Note that the exercise includes working at various angles to address different fibers within the same muscle.

A healthy exercise for the neck

This healthy neck stretch is from a recent 1-2-3 Move class for our Alumni.

Your checklist for this exercise is:

  • Perch on the front of your chair as shown.
  • Elongate your neck. Learn how to do this here.
  • Reach one arm across to your opposite ear and pull upward.
  • Roll open the opposite shoulder and pull that downward, leaning over sideways as you hold the rim of the chair seat. Learn how to roll your shoulders open here.
  • Don’t sway. Use your rib anchor. Learn how to use your rib anchor here.
  • Listen to some good music! It takes 20–30 seconds for muscles to relax.
  • Stretch different muscle fibers—slowly turn your head toward your armpit.

Healthy musculature allows the neck to stack in a tall, more vertical position with the head over the body, not forward.

Address the root cause of your neck pain

People usually think of their neck and any pain there as a separate issue from what is going on in their backs. From the point of view of a posture teacher, a distortion in any part of the spine will have an effect on all other parts of the spine. 

For example, people sitting or standing at a computer with their heads stuck forward may try to address neck pain locally. But the root of the problem is often in the pelvis. If the pelvis is tucked (i.e., with an imaginary tail between the legs), the spine will be curved over into a C shape. You can read more about spine shape here. In this situation, any local effort to draw the neck back is going to be hard to sustain, tense, and ultimately counterproductive. But by positioning the pelvis well, the neck will have the opportunity to stack well. At this point, local work on the neck is able to provide not only symptomatic relief but can also return your cervical spine closer to its primal, healthy structure.

A C-shaped back stresses the lumbar (lower back) discs and is also bad news for the neck.

Join me for a special new one-hour FREE Online Workshop, Posture Remedies for Text Neck,  November 12, 11 a.m. (Pacific Time), and learn helpful suggestions on how to improve the architecture and health of your neck. 

If you would like an expert one-on-one assessment of your posture, including  your neck alignment, you can arrange an Online Initial Consultation or take an in-person Initial Consultation if you have a Gokhale Method Teacher near you.

How to Beat Neck and Shoulder Pain While Cycling (Cycling for Everyone, Part 2)

How to Beat Neck and Shoulder Pain While Cycling (Cycling for Everyone, Part 2)

Tiffany Mann

This is Part 2 of a 3-post series on cycling with healthy posture by Gokhale Method teacher and longtime cyclist Tiffany Mann. Read Part 1 here!

Little Tiffany (circa 5 yrs old), a new bike rider, having such fun!

Neck and/or shoulder pain is a common ailment even experienced cyclists regularly encounter. It takes awareness and muscular engagement while cycling to not allow gravity to further pull the head forward and down and round or hunch the shoulders, a posture problem that is already prevalent in our modern culture.

This cyclist in Berlin is on a bike that is too small for him, leading to the pronounced rounding visible in his upper spine. A supportive fit helps prevent rounding. Original image courtesy Raquel García on Unsplash.

While it does take some effort, via muscular engagement and kinesthetic awareness, to maintain a healthy shoulder and head placement while bicycling, the payoff is worth it. You will be able to ride pain-free for longer, and you will also be patterning a healthy upper body position regardless of your activities and movements. You will also strengthen and develop baseline tone in stabilizing muscles, and they will become more accustomed to doing the job of maintaining shoulders back, back of the neck tall and straight, and head lined up over the body, as we teach for all posture stances — sitting, standing, hip-hinging (all of which cycling incorporates!).

Opening the shoulders and chest
Rolling open the shoulders and drawing the scapulae down and back onto your back where they belong allows your chest to stay open. This gives you a better breathing pattern and better circulation to and from your arms, both of which are especially important as you are using your arms to support yourself and guide the bicycle, and using your lungs to provide oxygen to your muscles and cells that are working hard during this exercise.

This cyclist in Lisbon, Portugal rides a well-fitting, front-suspension mountain bike. Her leg is externally rotated, with a slight bend in the knee. She demonstrates a J-spine with her torso and head stacked, and hinges at the hips. Finally, her shoulders are back and her grip on the handlebars is relaxed. Original image courtesy Justine Camacho on Unsplash.

Activating the inner corset as a shock absorber
Using the set of muscles deep in your abdomen and back that we call the “inner corset” helps protect the neck along with the lower back (that other pesky trouble spot for cyclists!). Inner corset engagement gives length to the whole spine, including the cervical discs, and creates more space between the vertebrae. You will better withstand any jarring sensation from uneven road surfaces, potholes, or gravel, with this brace of deep muscles engaged. This brace of muscles includes the longus colli — deep muscles in the neck, which, when engaged, keep the neck tall and straight, and as a bonus, allow your trapezius muscles, those “hunchy” shoulder muscles, to relax.

This cyclist in Manhattan uses his well-fitting bike skillfully. His pelvis is anteverted, his shoulders remain back, and he uses his eyes to lead his gaze, rather than compensating with an arched neck — even with a baseball hat on underneath his helmet. Original image courtesy Javier de la Maza on Unsplash.

Hands, arms, and handlebars
With your inner corset in place and holding your torso steady, your arms can be relaxed when they need to be and not doing more of the work than they need to. Your hands and arms want to be relaxed and not be squeezing or holding on too tightly to the grips and handlebars — that creates unnecessary tension and fatigue.

My family on a banana seat custom tandem: Skip, Willa (4 years old), and Coco (7 years old). Original image courtesy Ken Richardson.

Lengthening the neck and employing the gaze
Craning your neck is another unhealthy posture pattern that can both fatigue the superficial muscles in the neck and damage the delicate cervical discs. Instead of craning your neck to look around you, keep the back of your neck long and tilt the head on its axis, and use your eyes — they can see plenty well and will actually benefit from the exercise of looking out into the horizon and to the periphery. 

This cyclist in Vietnam demonstrates an open chest, relaxed shoulders, and healthy leg rotation while riding. Original image courtesy Minh Pham on Unsplash.

Putting it all together
All of these pieces work together to help keep your ride sustainable and pain-free. Our founder Esther Gokhale, in her two-part series on cycling posture and choosing the right bike seat for good posture, goes into great detail about ways to prevent more types of cycling-related pain through the application of Gokhale Method techniques. As Esther explains, stacksitting and hip-hinging are both crucial for sustainable cycling posture. If you need an introduction to these or other Gokhale Method techniques, keep in mind that you can get familiar with them in Esther’s book, or even work online with several of our teachers, one-on-one! Some teachers are even available for one-on-one teaching in person, where permitted. Don’t hesitate to reach out!

For more information on Tiffany’s teaching in the Boston area, contact her here.

Neck Pain Tips

Neck Pain Tips

Esther Gokhale

A pain in the neck really can be a pain in the neck! Here are some tips on how to address this annoying problem:

1. Stretch it out.

  • When you lie on your back, stretch the back of your neck out as you lay your head on the pillow. This way the pillow can help lengthen any tense muscles in your neck.
  • When you drive, use the headrest to stretch the back of your neck out.


2. Know which way is up.

  • Grasp a good-sized clump of hair at the base of your skull and gently pull back and up allowing your chin to angle downward in a relaxed way.
  • Place a small pillow on the top of the head (on the slightly sensitive spot where your fontanel used to be) - this marks the axis along which to align your neck and back.

Notice the alignment of this girl's head with
her torso as she hip-hinges to pound her millet

3. Keep the spine aligned

  • When sleeping on your side at night, use one large or two small pillows so your head does not flop too far out of alignment with the rest of the spine.
  • When bending, do not lead with the head as this encourages a head-forward baseline position.

4. Check your base.

The root of many neck problems is in the pelvis, the foundation for your entire spine.

  • Sit with your tail out behind you instead of under you.
  • Stand with your tail behind you instead of between your legs. 

5. Roll your shoulders back.

Periodically throughout the day, and as preparation for driving and keyboarding, roll your shoulders back into a healthy position. Having your shoulders back and down helps your trapezius muscle keep a healthy baseline, which helps your neck. (Click here for a free download on how to do a shoulder roll from my book 8 Steps to a Pain Free Back)

6. Use your muscles, spare your joints.

  • When walking, engage your buttock (gluteus) muscles to soften your landing. You don’t want your neck (or any of your weight-bearing structures) to experience an earthquake with every step you take. Bonus: making every step a rep will give you a well-toned behind and will make your walk more graceful.
  • If you are jogging or riding in a bumpy bus, imagine you are carrying a significant weight on your head and push up against it. You will be engaging your longus colli muscle and sparing your neck discs and nerves unnecessary wear and tear.

Here's to a healthy neck!


Join us in an upcoming Free Workshop (online or in person).  

Find a Foundations Course in your area to get the full training on the Gokhale Method!  

We also offer in person or online Initial Consultations with any of our qualified Gokhale Method teachers.

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