Jenner Feroah’s testimonial for Kathleen King

I attended the Gokhale Method Foundations Course with Kathleen King. As an educator, Kathleen is extremely committed. She provides passionate attention and a thorough education for her students. Her teaching space is warm with a lot of natural light and allows for a relaxed mind to absorb the new information.

I decided to attend the training due to continual postpartum back pain. I discovered that during pregnancy I had lost the connection with my core. It was quickly gained within the first class when we learned stretchsitting and stretchlying. From that point, the sequence of the course builds upon itself so naturally, my progress was quick and quite dramatic. The shoulder roll immediately helped with migraines I had rather frequently and my core has been regained. Glidewalking has been the most tricky for me, however I am motivated to master it!

I found the SpineTracker so valuable in allowing me to connect visually with what my body was experiencing. What impressive technology the Gokhale Method has created and developed. The Gokhale Method is so thorough with establishing a posture community and staying connected and I look forward to utilizing the alumni portion of the website.

The Gokhale Method certainly takes practice and consistency, yet a pain-free life is worth every moment!!

Jenner Feroah; Owner/Hairstylist-Lunatic Fringe Salons; Salt Lake City, Utah