Michelle Ball has always sought ways to maintain her own health and wellbeing through athletic endeavours and movement. Having studied physiology and taught fitness classes, she saw what focused movement could do for her students.
She is a massage therapist and body worker devoted to helping people relieve pain and tension in their bodies. However, in seeing clients lose the ability to move freely and perform the activities they loved, she wanted to help self-empower them more on a daily basis. In her search, Michelle discovered the book "8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back." The Gokhale Method® was a revelation and a solution. It offered a practical, complementary way to help her clients restore their mobility and natural alignment while doing everyday tasks. This is what led Michelle to train with Esther Gokhale in California.
Michelle is a qualified Gokhale Method® Teacher offering regular private and group lessons in North Queensland. She also regularly travel teaches on the Mainland in AUS. If you can put a group of 8 people together, she will come to you. Smaller groups will be considered if you travel to North Qld, where Michelle is located.