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Getting started

The best way to experience the Gokhale Method is to get hands-on instruction. The Gokhale Method Foundations course is the core offering of the Gokhale Method. It can be taken in a variety of formats: one-on-one, group (max. 8 students) either as an intensive weekend course, or spread out over six weeks, or create-a-group. If you are not sure about how this method applies to you, or have a complex medical history, or simply want to get started right away, an Initial Consultation is an excellent place to start.

You can get a feel for the Gokhale Method in one of our Free Workshops, available in locations worldwide and online.

Everyone is encouraged to get a copy of 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back, available on Amazon, our website and wherever books are sold. It is a step-by-step guide to the basic techniques that constitute the Gokhale Method, illustrated with over 1100 photos and illustrations.

For visual learners, the DVD, Back Pain: A Primal PostureTM Solution, brings the techniques described in 8 Steps to life. The DVD is available on our website or through Amazon.

The StretchsitTM cushion and Gokhale Method chair benefit everyone, whether or not they have done any formal training. They facilitate stretchsitting and stacksitting, thus making sitting not only comfortable, but also therapeutic.