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Continuing Education - Continuing Ed - Glidewalking

  • Continuing Education

    Continuing Education - Continuing Ed - Glidewalking


Name of Facility: Studio BLUM
Bičevje 16
Ljubljana, LJU 1000

Parking Info: Parkirate lahko v ulici Bičevje ali v sosednjih ulicah. Med tednom je cena 0,5 eur na uro. .

About this workshop

We hope that you have found your Gokhale Method Foundations (GMF) course useful and enjoyable. The experience of our many alumni shows that ongoing practice, as well as learning new and advanced methods, make the experience of the Gokhale Method Foundations (GMF) course even more valuable.

These classes offer refresher training, as well as introduce new and advanced techniques. To ensure the quality of instruction, and to provide personalized attention, they are limited to a maximum of 8 students just like the Foundations Course. Hands-on alumni classes can be taken with any qualified Gokhale Method teacher regardless of who taught your Foundations Course. So if you're traveling to an area with a Gokhale Method qualified teacher, sign up for a class!

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Event Description

Naše izkušnje z alumni študenti kažejo, da stalno izpopolnjevanje in vaja, kot tudi učenje novih in naprednih metod, poudarijo vrednost znanj, ki ste jih prejeli na temeljnem tečaju Gokhale metode. Dvonožna hoja je ena odločilnih lastnost, ki definira človeka. Tisočletja smo lovili, nabirali in prečkali celine na dveh nogah. In vendar nam je v zadnjem stoletju uspelo stopiti v zaplet bolečine in disfunkcije, na katero naša vrsta ni ponosna. Uvodni tečaji Gokhale metode usposabljajo študente za izboljšano hojo, vendar ne morejo zadostiti vsem zapletenostim in množici gibljivih delov, ki sodelujejo pri premikanju naših teles iz enega kraja v drugega. Na tem alumni tečaju se bomo poglobili, ponovno preučili osnove zdrave, naravne hoje, spodbudili zadnjico, da odigra svojo vlogo, spodbudili zadnjo verigo mišic v nogah in stopalih, da nas poganjajo naprej, in fazo nihanja oziroma sproščenosti.

Your Teacher

Sabina Blumauer
[email protected]

Sabina Blumauer lives in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She is a professional biologist, devoted to exploring our connection with nature, its cycles, energy flows and ancient wisdom. She is also a swing and blues dance instructor, choreographer and performer who loves sharing her knowledge about movement.

As a dance teacher, Sabina emphasizes body awareness and movement as a form of communication with one's own body. She believes that listening to the body and discovering what feels good and what does not is a vital step not only in becoming a dancer, but also (and mainly) in connecting with one's body, which has its own profound...Read more

If the posted dates don't work for your schedule, or if you would prefer private instruction, please click below to initiate a request for private instruction with them. Your teacher can help with follow up appointments as well, get in touch with them.

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