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20 month old has been walking with duck feet/pigeon toed?

vandu's picture
Last seen:
11 years 5 months ago
09/04/2012 - 6:48am
20 month old has been walking with duck feet/pigeon toed?

Or maybe this is what's called "pigeon toed" ? My son has been walking this way, with feet pointing slightly toward each other, for a few months now..or that's how long i've noticed.  he has mostly been barefoot or wearing soft shoes like robeez.  he was crawling by 6 months and walking before 10 months.

he was born at home, natural birth, still breastfeeding, and in every way seems to be doing great. I dont get why he is walking like this. but otherwise he is very agile, dances beautifully, climbs really well, etc.  but after reading the book i'm a little concerned and mostly just curious. 

h'es always barefoot indoors (lots of hardwood floors with room rugs), and much of the time he was outdoors till it got cold here recently. he was mostly on grass running around barefoot but sometimes on pavement. and was either barefoot or wearing those soft soled shoes (i just felt he could be more agile in them).

both my husband and i have good arches and walk with our feet pointed slightly outward.  So..I am surprised that my son walks with pigeon toes.

Any idea what could have caused it? could it be because he's been barefoot or wearing soft soled shoes so much?  

is this something to be concerned about?  if so, how can we help him?  i may post a pic of his stance if that helps.




Last seen:
14 hours 9 min ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm

The pediatricians will inform you that most childhood quirks like this one work themselves out. I'd like to add to your (wonderful-sounding) lifestyle that you pay attention to how you are carrying him and how he is being seated and sitting. In all cases, you want to cultivate the practice and habit of externally rotating the legs. No fabric or mesh chairs (like umbrella strollers). No carrying him in your arms with his legs turned in, but rather around your body (if carrying on the hip or back) or opened outward if he is sitting on your forearm. 

Also, see that he is involved in a good amount of sport and physical activity. Nice if this can happen organically, but if not, then arrange it. 

Good luck and don't worry too much - some of us didn't come to these corrections for many decades of life and we're not doing disastrously!

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