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Use the IC all the time?

CarlaJ's picture
Last seen:
5 years 8 months ago
09/04/2018 - 9:57am
Use the IC all the time?

Perhaps I have misunderstood: from the book I get the idea that I should engage my inner corset constantly, but after reading a number of discussion topics here I'm now wondering if that's right.  I found it easy to learn (assuming I'm doing the right thing) and now find myself doing it automatically at some level nearly all the time.  


To be certain I have this right: when I raise my arms as per instructions, keeping the muscles even around the center groove, I feel contraction around my body just under the sternum and downward a bit.  Yet my belly muscles are mostly relaxed and I've definitely stretched upward a little.  Is this what I should feel and how long should I maintain it?

Last seen:
1 week 3 hours ago
07/23/2015 - 6:03am

Hi Carla,

Once you learn to do Inner corset, it becomes easier and abdominal muscles engages automatically when the back is threatened. But you don’t want to do this all the time, as it is lot of work. You want to use it when your spine needs extra support in challenging situations like lifting heavy things, reaching overhead, sports, twisting etc.

Make sure when your arms go up, you are going up and over a imaginary bar at chest height. You can do this with one arm reaching up and other feels the spinal groove with fingertips to make sure you are not swaying. You should be able to feel muscular engagement in your abdomen and muscles through your belly, the very lowest part of abdomen drops down and is relaxed. 

Hope this helps.


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