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Beginning posture, all help appreciated!

Ste H
Ste H's picture
Last seen:
5 years 10 months ago
11/22/2016 - 2:06pm
Beginning posture, all help appreciated!

Hi everyone.
I have been suffering with pains and aches for over 4 years now, especially in my back.
I get various other pains such as behind and below my knee cap ( left knee especially ) and in my shoulders if I try to work out, along with some terrible clicking! My neck struggles to even hold my head up ( going to the cinema can be really uncomfortable for my neck )
I used to be really into working out and bodybuilding, although you wouldn't know it know as I have lost practically all of my muscle weight. Since getting these pains I haven't been able to enter a gym any more as working out was just making them worse and hurting my joints, My shoulders would burn like mad when I last had a workout.
I have been going to various physios, coaches, osteopaths, chiropractors ..etc and trying lots of different things out from the typical foam rolling, stretching strengthening, to more advanced stuff such as having splints / braces made for my teeth to stop me grinding them as well as trying different glasses and footware ( physio thinks that my patterns are being driven by my bite and eye site some how ) we have been going through things for years but I am still not fixed and don't seem to be getting any results. It's really depressing my and ruining my life as fitness and bodybuilding were everything to me and I wanted to work in the industry. Now I am too embarrassed to even leave the house and see friends because the first thing people who know me say is ' wow you have lost a lot of weight what happened to you? '

I am trying everything I can but just not getting anywhere. I recently came across this website and also got the book delivered today to start working on. Whilst I am doing that though I thought it would be great to post some posture pics for some feedback in case there are any tips anyone has or anything specific I should be working on. My goal is to be pain free but also to be able to train properly in the gym again!
I also had an MRI scan the other day just to rule any problems out. The scan now shows very mild disc herniation in 3 of the lumbar discs and I think one in the thoracic spine showed some 'drying' or loss of height in a disc. They have told me that's it's nothing to worry about though and that they could pull in anyone off the street and find they likely have the same thing...
I will post more details about what my physio has said and things later. But for now I will leave some posture pics of me in a relaxed standing position, so I am letting my posture be bad here but I have to 'force' it if i want it any different.
Also a quick side note. One of the things that hurts my back the most is anything like chopping veg on the kitchen worktop or washing pots over a sink, something about having my arms out in front with any weight in there seems to really aggravate my middle back, almost like I cannot hold myself up. I also wake up with lower back pain most mornings which is really bad but usually goes away once I am up. It's even worse if I rotate at all whilst in bed, Thanks so much in advance to anyone that can help in any way!

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Sheelagh's picture
Last seen:
7 months 1 week ago
11/27/2011 - 10:29am

Hi Ste H,  I'm so glad you've found us!  Your situation is not unlike many of our students who have tried almost everything to help them get their lives back.  The great thing about the Gokhale Method is that posture is something that we 'do' 24 hours a day so little changes really add up.  We want to start little and take it slow and move in the direction of ideal- not jump to it at the first pass.  My recommendations would be to read the book and familiarize yourself with it.  Join a free workshop in your area (or request a class if there isn't anything posted) and also join one of the many free workshops that Esther does online- they are easy to join and are live so you can ask Esther questions and get feedback.  The safest place to start is with gently lengthening your spine (stretch-sitting and stretchlying).  Try a little gentle stretch-lying on your back first thing in the morning and see if that helps relieve some of your discomfort.  Also, start implementing a gentle should roll throughout your day- and don't forget to roll your shoulders one at a time- a little forward, a little up, a lot back and relax and be mindful to keep your shoulders parked back there when working in the kitchen.  Get an apron and bring your tasks in close to your body.  As you go futher along with the Gokhale Method I think learning the inner corset will be very valuable to you and will protect your back and discs when doing potentially damaging activities (like at the gym, lifting, bending, running, jumping, etc.).  Another option to jump start your Gokhale education would be to have an initial consultation with a nearby teacher- it is one on one and as teachers we can delve into your particular situation and tailor a posture plan just for you and most importantly give you the physical correction and feedback so that your body familiarizes iself with new positions. Good posture should be relaxed and not forced.  

The full Foundations Course is the Gold Standard that gives you all the tools you need for Primal Posture in everyday life so until then I hope I have been of some help.  All the Best, Sheelagh

Ste H
Ste H's picture
Last seen:
5 years 10 months ago
11/22/2016 - 2:06pm

Hi Sheelagh
Thank you for the quick response. I have read up on the first 2 steps so will practice these for a little while before trying to progress , although was maybe considering practicing one of those extra exercises in the back of the book - anchoring the ribs down, as I am always told I have rib flare so I am thinking it could be worthwhile practicing that throughout. Or is that just the beginning coaching queue for other exercises and therefore not really an exercise in itself?

some quick questions about the first 2 steps. I don't actually have a chair similar to the one used in the book where the back is relatively low. My computer chair is above my shoulders, I was wondering if that's still fine or if it needs to be shorter to benefit from the exercise. The same with a sofa, I know sofas are not good for posture but I am wondering if I can still do this exercise on one on an evening when watching TV or if I would be wasting my time trying?

I will be trying the step 2 sleeping / lengthening one in a moment, I am hoping my soft memory foam topper will not negatively effect the ability for me to stretch my spine out, I know people seem to prefer firmer ones for back related problems

And thank you for all the suggestions, I have already emailed the closest teacher I could find :)

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