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car sitting

Dr E
Dr E's picture
Last seen:
6 years 8 months ago
12/10/2012 - 3:10pm
car sitting

Eshter---hello  I have a unique situation--I think!

I am a mobile veterinarian and travel alot in my ford expedition  (2005)

a year and 1/2 ago I had an accident and sustained 9 fractures

the problem ones that persist are T5,T6 and T7

I ordered the stretshsit cushion but can't use it because it puts too much pressure on those areas that I still have trigger points near them and it hurts

so now what I need help with is the car seat is terrible to get my seat in the right position--it curves too far back by my

hips  what I have done is put a pillow at my lower back and that helps immensely

my legs are --almost--in a 90 degee position--but if I sit on a pillow then my head hits the roof

so how do I handle my shoulders??

the headrest is part of the seat and I can't put a towel lengthwise under it  another small pillow crosswise?

thanks for your help



Sophie Rubin
Sophie Rubin's picture
Last seen:
7 years 3 months ago
05/03/2016 - 11:39am

Hi Emily!

It's not possible to determine what's going on exactly from your post, but this is exactly the kind of situation that our Gokhale Method teachers are trained to address through personal consultations. 

Contact your local teacher or get in touch with us at [email protected] 

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