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Analyze this

karens2020's picture
Last seen:
4 years 5 months ago
03/02/2015 - 9:25am
Analyze this

I'm trying to determine if my backbone is anteverted or retroverted. This is an MRI so I'm on my back. Also it looks like my spine is curved. In real life, I've been following the Gokhale method for a year and am almost pain free if I maintain good posture. What is your analysis?

Last seen:
18 hours 29 min ago
08/13/2014 - 3:12pm

The fact that you are pain free means you are doing positive corrections! I congratulate you on this. The pelvis is definitely anteverted based on the MRI image. However, there is a curve or sway in the lumbar spine so I would be careful to keep the rib anchor engaged in order to reduce this curve. You didn't say whether you have worked with a teacher or have been working on your own. Rib anchor is a difficult concept to understand as are the exercises to strengthen the internal oblique muscles which support this, without some instruction. It would be of great benefit to meet with a teacher in your area to learn how to use the rib anchor and inner corset. If one is not nearby, Skype sessions are also possible. 

Cynthia Rose

Gokhale Method Teacher, NYC

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