Hello dear community!
I visited the foundation course in Berlin last weekend and started to introduce the learnt techniques into my everyday life since then. Something I already knew but got even clearer after learning the techniques during the foundation course is that my head is positioned too far forward. I was the classical example of "but now I look to the ground and cannot look up" after engaging the rib anchor during standing for example. I also learnt that I can get a good range of vision by using my eyes more, but still: I definitely have to work on repositioning my neck and head back and up with chin angled down. Whenever I try to do this I can feel the motion of letting my head float up opposing the rib anchor; in order to keep my ribcage anchored my abdominal muscles have to work more - which I totally get - but additionally and for me hard to explain is that I start to feel a soreness in my masseter jaw muscles during the movement.
I guess that I cannot be possibly the first one experiencing this soreness. Does anyone else reading this post have had this experience? If so, how did it evolve? Did it just pass after some time? Or is there something I am doing wrong possibly? Also: Is there any known connection between neck position and jaw muscle soreness or any explanation of why this could be happening?
I would be glad if someone could take some time answering my questions. Thank you so much in advance!
Kind regards,
3 years 8 months ago
09/07/2020 - 12:33am
Interesting question, I hope someone might answer this one!
4 months 3 weeks ago
08/26/2018 - 4:08am
Hi Ramil,
I am wondering if you are clenching your jaw slightly as you floating your head up and back? I have not experienced sore jaw muscles related to this, but I suggest to really focus on relaxing your jaw. And has it improved since you wrote this?
Due to your upper back still being a bit curved forward, something that might help you is to use Esther's roller on your upper back. Here is a blog post on how to do this.
It sounds like you have a good understanding from your Foundation Course, and it's great that you are continuing to practice what you have learned in your everyday life.
Rachel Margaret, Gokhale Method Teacher
1 year 3 days ago
08/13/2020 - 9:13am
Hi Rachel!
Thank you so much for your reply! I bought myself a roller and will try to straighten out my upper back a bit! I really hope it is going to lead to results. So far I can only tell that it really feels amazingly relaxing rolling.
Regarding the jaw muscles: I was also wondering whether I am clenching my jaw, but I could not find any way to relax. I still experience some soreness in my jaw from time to time, but actually most of it just faded on its own.
Kind regards,
4 months 3 weeks ago
08/26/2018 - 4:08am
Hi Ramil,
Good to hear your jaw soreness is improving. This little video I just came across might also be helpful.
10 months 6 days ago
11/03/2023 - 5:25am
Soreness in the jaw muscles during postural adjustments is not uncommon. It may be due to the interconnected nature of muscles. Ensure gradual changes in your neck position, and if soreness persists. Keep up the good work on improving your posture!