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stretchlying and inner corset

atorres's picture
Last seen:
13 years 6 months ago
05/12/2010 - 12:16pm
stretchlying and inner corset
Hi Esther,   I've been working on stretchlying and stretchsitting for a little over a month now, but I've started having some difficulties. Sometimes I feel discomfort in my neck and upper thoratic spine when stretchlying even though I have tried two different pillows and adjusting the pillow higher or lower under my shoulders. I also have sore back muscles all the way from my shoulder blades to my lower back and itchy skin all around my spine; could I be over stretching too much too soon. Other symptoms include sensation of  pins and needles in different parts of my body but not at the same time. I got diagnosed with a protruding L5 disk and scoliosis about a month ago but the disk injury happened recently in february; is it safe to practice using my inner corset with my recent disk injury? Thank you for your time.
Maya's picture
Last seen:
5 years 10 months ago
09/16/2008 - 4:29pm
One of the common problems with Stretchlying is stretching too much too soon. That doesn't usually cause problems in the upper back and neck though. Maybe both of your pilows weren't ideal. I think a firm pillow that's just high enough so your head feels supported (and not like it's tipping back), but no higher, is ideal.  A bit of soreness from the low to mid-back could be caused by overstretching; try backing off a bit. Inner corset is safe, and usually very helpful, for people with bulging and/or herniated discs, because you use your muscles to take pressure off the discs and nerves.
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